Are you still mad?
5 years and a new mass effect later
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The rage does not abate, it only grows deeper.
>The last two words of mass effect 3 were "Downloadable Content"
I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.
It's slightly more anger infusing than the Tali picture
mostly forgotten. just a lingering desire to avoid.
nah fuck off lol
>Default option in ME:A is femshep
Yup. My last EA purchase was ME:2
I would have given Andromeda a chance if it was well made, but they blew it.
I stopped playing video games for 2 years because ME3 was so fucking bad.
That anger still remains.
Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.
So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.
A lot of people started the series with 2 and never went back to 1 because "the combat is shit" or "exploring planets is boring".
Only way to have Wrex in 2 onwards is to save him in an ME1 save.
Not anymore ever since Andromeda came out.
Most people who played ME3 didn't play ME1/ME2. The default option is to have Wrex dead.
There's also those few retards who couldn't figure out how to reason with him and blame Ash for shooting him.
because i knew ME3 was going to be shit and only rented it on PS3 instead of buying it for PC where my save was
>Javik pre-order bonus
>Poor ending
>Good DLC that should have been in the game before shipping
Not mad, but I never forgave Bioware for bending over to EA standards. Can't say I'm disappointed to see them slowly die.
Was Steve the gay pilot?
Yes. Although I was already angry at ME2 so whatever
what the ending of the new game anyway?
>LIFT MCBIGHUGE that popular
No, because I did not buy ME3, because ME2 was a fucking 3rd person regenerating health cover-based corridor shooter, whose sole purpose was to deliver interactive cutscenes
Recently I was thinking about this, it isn't just you got three endings thrown at you it is that they are just such bad choices that almost seem random.
Destruction - Destroys all technology, like everything down to toasters. If it doesn't destroy 100% then there is a huge chance a few reapers remain, if it does then you send literally everyone back to the stone age. But more than that every planet and especially earth with shit floating around it? Prepare to be bombarded to death. Live on an inhabitable planet? Time to die. Are in space right now? You better believe that is a ding dong bannu. Not a valid choice.
Synthesis - What? What you become circuitboard men? What does that mean? Will I suddenly grow into technology like that scene in Akira? Do I merge with the tech around me? Doesn't make sense, literally makes no sense, even in the extended version it is just err technology people everything is great now cause I guess green lines look that shit dlc character's dead boyfriend internet ghost (that happens). They had no idea what to do with this ending and it shows
Control - This is the only somewhat valid choice, you get to control the bad guys. But how well are you able to? Will you still be you or will you get corrupted by their thought. Given unless you kill them all now you live forever who knows how you will end up. A gigantic risk at best.
None of these are good choices, it isn't about happy endings it is that none of these choices are logically sound. Not in a moral grey way, these are not good options and barely make sense.
This is a mad that transcends space, time and colored endings.
Yeah the endings are simple but holy shit,are you illiterate?
I never played 3, but I've done multiple playthroughs of the first 2, and to me the Control ending should be canon, along with a Paragon Shepard boning Liara, so his genes get past on to a new generation. The next game in the series really should have been set 200 years after the end of 3, and should have been about Shepard's Asari daughter.
Atleast Steve wasn't bad at all, compared to the shit Andromeda has
I was never mad, I saw the writing on the wall at ME2
Destroy only destroys all synthetic "life" and damages the relays. Using emergency FTL methods, starships can get around and repair the relays. Major casualties are loss of the Citadel's central location, the Geth, and EDI. That's it. It's only if you really, really, really fuck up and get the bad destroy ending that almost all technology (and life) is wiped out.
Hell, I barely remember Steve the character other than him opening up about his dead husband awkwardly quickly. It's just that one, weird, forced scream Shepherd did when Steve crashes that felt like they were trying to push this uninteresting character when they put no effort into making him likeable.
Nah, I am able to value the rest of the game even if the ending was shit
Or a lot of people killed Wrex in 1. Most normies don't savescum if they lose a team mate.
I don't exactly remember the dilemma, but I believe if you gave/did certain mr. nice guy answers/action before, you can't stop wrex from fighting you to the death
So let's continue the discussion from yesterday. We left talking about blackholes. Instead, let's shift the topic over to another aspect of astronomy.
What would you guys like to learn today?
How would it be able to tell the difference? It is all just technology, it has the magic ability to tell when something is "alive"? Is it all synthetic life or just the ones that are smart enough, like EDI dies but are those random AIs that are basically exposition stations alive enough? What if these more simple AIs also help run their ships and other stuff
Plus the reapers alone just falling out of orbit would be enough for a catastrophe.
I'm more mad about the "do 2 get it its real deep" kid symbolism that went nowhere
>The player has 2 options out of 3 to save him
>Pick the one that makes you sound like a retard
The fuck? What was so hard about talking him down?
Still better than half Andromeda cast
Yes I'm mad. I'm mad that they Pinocchioed the Geth. I'm mad that they made EDI a sexbot. I'm mad that they made every side quest, including evacuating Dekunna, a fetch quest. I'm mad that Grunt didn't come back as a Squadmate. I'm mad that the best squadmate was day one DLC. I'm mad about Tali's face. I'm mad that we don't get to see Palaven. I'm mad that we only get to see Female Turians in a DLC.
But yes, the ending makes me the maddest of all.
Me1 exploring planets are fucking boring they are just repasted to hell and back and you find useless matieral that doesnt get used until ME2.
I'm only playing it since I'm replaying the trilogy because Andromeda was obviously going to be shit
t.autist who finished ME1 3 times this week and started a fourth because I fucked up a choice on my first paragon playthrough
You had to have either paragon or renegade maxed when you got to Virmire. Of not, I think if you got his family armor there was a chance not to get him killed. If you don't have max p/r you either have to shoot him or one of your other party members does
Yeah, and since the good/bad boy meter wasn't the norm before ME1, almost no one tried to actively max it
>implying I bought or even pirated ME3
I don't hate myself enough
I'm reading Seveneves, what is thexpected feasibility of the parts or the moon pulverizing itself like it does in the book? I mean let's take the idea that something split it into 7 pieces and be OK with it; but how would those pieces crush each other into much smaller pieces that eventually fall to earth?
It was in other games, plus it was obvious that you should cause you would have seen those types of choices before hand.
There also wasn't like there was much choice in constantly changing it up in ME, you would just get a character who flung in a hugely different direction every conversation. One minute he would be the nicest guy ever and the next you'd point a gun at a fan.
Only 5 years?
Holy shit, the older I get the slower time seems to pass.
But what if I wanted to roleplay a bipolar Shepard?
Yes, there was no apology for how Bioware and their media cronies treated their fans. No love letter, no "forgive us" game, just a condescending DLC.
I made peace with it. I choose Destroy and just pretend that the Catalyst was lying about it killing EDI and the geth because he wanted me to pick Synthesis.
I will never stop being mad.
When the last particle of life in the universe etc. etc.
I'll still be mad
That issue was solved, the only forms of mental illness was in the Ryder family which is why they were shipped off.
>good/bad boy meter
And this is why this shit is fucking stupid for roleplaying. Instead of making choices based on the situation, you're pretty much railroaded into "max red or blue" because it locks out important interactions.
I went paragade on my ME1 playthrough and I had one maxed and the other at 9/10 when I arrived on virmire.
>"Concentrate fire on Sovereign"
>instead of playing it as a pragmatic choice based on the threat level while searching out an opportunity to keep them covered, Joker just hangs up on them like an asshole
If you don't do Wrex's quest or invest in the persuade skills you can't talk him down by any means.
Considering what we know about the originally intended ending, yes. Yes I'm still mad.
At least ME3 didn't turn out as shit as Andromeda in retrospect, but the terrible handling of the Reapers and that dogshit explaination still annoy the hell out of me. The first two games were great, then they throw the intended ending out the window and let a complete hack ruin everything because Bioware wanted to shit the bed apparently.
What WAS the originally intended ending?
Shepard takes a shit in the crucible someone post the comic
Something something dark energy.
You know, that thing ME2 spent an entire story arc on setting up.
>you can destroy all synthetic life...even you are partly synthetic
So how does that one work?
Why not just target reaper technology? Or just smack the ghost child and say turn off the reapers
>Why not just target reaper technology? Or just smack the ghost child and say turn off the reapers
"Because fuck you" -Casey Hudson
f you didn't sacrifice the Quarians and then pick the destroy ending, then you did it wrong.
Why not just tell all of the Reapers to fly into a star so we wouldn't have to worry about dead/off Reapers indoctrinating people.
Reapers were a desperate attempt to bring together the collective minds of the most promising of every cycle in order to calculate a solution to a problem their creators were terrified of:
Dark Energy accelerating the death of the universe at an alarming rate. The Quarian home sun was only going to be the first anomaly you found, but the retards running ME3 swept the story under the rug and gave us the crap we all know. Originally, we would have had a choice between shutting down the Reapers or allowing the harvest in hopes that Humanity's contribution to the program would help get the answer the Reapers wanted and fix the issue for future generations.
>Entire Mass Effect 3 script leaks
>It's fucking awful
>Bioware promises to fix it
>Does nothing
What exactly caused it to be trash?
I'm not really mad anymore. I wasn't that mad to begin with, since I was expecting some sort of disappointment from bioware becuase of DA2 and ToR.
I try to look at it as parts greater than whole, which makes some games playable for me. I can't apply it to andromeda though, becuase some parts are just that awful.
Right there with you. Plus the whole "it targets all synthetics" thing doesn't make a lick of sense. What specifically is it targeting? What defines synthetic? Are ships synthetic? Are buildings? Is my toaster going to explode?
>Breast implants across the galaxy spontaneously deflate like a balloon.
>2012 was 5 years ago
remember the costanza memes?
So who is the king of the krogans in 2 and 3? Just some dude?
Still mad.
It's implied through out the game that synthetics are basically AI code, no matter how advanced. I don't know how the codecs defines it, but from the bare minimum dialog, the game expects you to come to that conclusion.
Worf replaces him
made me laugh out loud like a retard alone in my room.
Luckily theres fuck all impact from the nameless council members dying in ME1 beyond not having that Asari dreadnought not be a war asset in ME3
A culmination of things
>ME3 was a pretty obvious rush job
>Most of the game was pretty bad outside of Tuchunka, Rannoch, and some stuff involving previous squadmates
>London was a terrible and boring final level.
>Arbitrary points that simply monetize your previous choices to get a less shitty ending
>previously established characters suddenly go full retard, like TIM and Udina
>Kai "Cereal Killer" Leng
>TIM and Cerberus were a terrible antagonist
>Potentially interesting and plot important character is locked behind collector's edition or $10 day 1 dlc, thus removing any potential relevence to the plot he may have had.
>Starchild/Harbinger/Reaper Collective/Whatever has terrible motives that you're never allowed to call it out on, or if you try to, it simply dismisses it
>the apparent main conflict of "Synthetics vs. Organics" was barely ever brought up with either past or current civilizations, and one of the outcomes of one of the main stories of the series can completely conflict with that whole message.
>Presented with 3 arbitrary choice things that really don't make a lot of sense as to why they're even there or how they even work
>A shitty, ambiguous ending to close off the series simply to stir up controversy
Someone else can add onto this, but this is what came to my mind
How the fuck does one target code? And again, pretty much every smart device in the game from VIs to doors must have some code or operating system so again it makes no fucking sense.
>set up at the start of the game that destroying a relay destroys a system
>Two endings have you destroy every relay
everyone would be dead
>that kid that phase shifted his way to school
That sounds far worst then the new ending.
Oh no no the magic beams made all the massive of amounts of energy in a relay just disappear. Its a great ending
Even from the demo there was already red flags
Mass Effect was barely working 3rd person shooter with minor rpg elements
With Space Magic of course. It targets their virtual souls.
I was never mad.
No cause the journey was more fun then the ending.
Oh okay, now it makes sense.