So, which one is the real open-world GOTY? Nier or Zelda?
So, which one is the real open-world GOTY? Nier or Zelda?
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Even on art western female looks like comlete bitch
>real open-world
user please.
Nier isn't even open world though.
At least not in the same way BOTW and Horizon is. It's more a bunch of interconnected hub areas and levels stringed together.
Open world - zelda. GOTY - nier.
Horizon wins by default sense it doesn't pander to sjw weeb autists.
who cares
they're all pretty good games
All 3 are very poor open world games that don't really understand what makes open world good.
Bethesda and Rockstar are pretty much the only companies that know how to make open world games.
>It's not open world
>It's more like an open world
>sjw weeb autists
I'm sorry, who?
>Nier is open world
It's not really. It's a great game but if every game with a hub is open world, then Dark Souls is open world.
>2B will never sit on your face
>2B weighs about 350 lbs anyway and would crush you regardless
why must we suffer
Get yourself a cozy artificial body and you'll be fine.
You, that's who.
Horizon is the only one of all these 3 games with a fully realized open world though.
>open world
Gonna stop you right there.
Only one of them is out on PC, so.
So that one should be disregarded entirely.
Tell me how BotW isn't a fully realized open world
>2B weighs about 350 lbs anyway and would crush you regardless
That's her combat body.
You don't need something that can withstand a canon fire for snu snu.
The game is flat and dead and doesn't have any semblance of life to it. What do I mean by that? Well, does the game scale to your level of power or progression? Do bosses become stronger, so you can face them in any order without them being extremely pathetic pushovers? Does Ganon become more powerful the more health or equipment you have?
Sandboxes and Open World games are no longer the same thing.
For what its worth as more than likely one of the few people here to own all three I would say that each is really fucking good. Strengths in some parts weaknesses in others.
Witcher 3 didn't have level scaling either and it's the greatest open world game ever made.
>the game scale to your level of power or progression
You think this is a good thing? user, that's a terrible, horrible game mechanic that should die in a fire.
Yeah, nah. The game has tons of flaws, like also being way too casual.
Yes, I think it's a good thing. Why do you want to be able to curbstomp every boss in the game? They should be there as challenges, the final boss especially. The fact that they're complete and utter pushovers even when you purposely gimp yourself to the most basic equipment just says how terrible the AI and combat mechanics are.
Zelda > nier >> HZD
wish Nier was better but I prefer the first game more so I can't put it above zelda
Like Witcher 3 then?
So you have played Horizon eh?
Implying users have valid opinions when they're all just fags who give games straight 10s or 0s
>critic scores only matter when I say so!
Nice hypocrisy, Mr. 98 poster.
I borrowed my room mates copy and played for 5-6 hours or so
Was gonna buy it cause it's not bad, just not as good as other games out right now
meant to reply to
>be user
>grind for 1000 hours
>get best equipment
>save a few fucking kingdoms
>feel like a badass
>gets killed by lvl 200 mouse
fuck level scaling
Game gets better once you start fighting the bigger bosses.
But Zelda doesn't have levels. That's why I consider it a good idea.
>be Link
>fight Ganon
>he's piss easy
>be Link
>get 10 heart containers
>defeat half the game's bosses
>Ganon now has more health, new attacks, new forms, and minions that are essentially smaller versions of the bosses you killed
>get everything in the game
>go fight Ganon
>has all of the above, but in addition a final form that requires you to use all of your skills and abilities
>his attacks are now all faster and do more damage, has additional attacks
>more environmental hazards, doesn't hold back in the slightest
>fighting him is now actually fun
This is my problem with all RPGs. They stop being fun unless you intentionally run away from every single fight, and that seems counter-intuitive to the game's design when fights are often forced on you. Zelda should've subverted that since you can skip fights, but ganon is so easy that it feels like you grinded for 1000 hours anyway.
I've heard both sides
that it gets better and that it gets more monotonous
I'd probably just plow through the main story and skip the boring side stuff so it'd be an okay game.
Still stands that there's stuff I'd rather be playing right now.
then that's the game designer's problem of making bosses too easy. If I get an advantage that I grinded for, I expect the full use of it that is not nullified by artificial difficulty.
>If I get an advantage that I grinded for
you shouldn't get to grind for an advantage. That's something that only serves to make the game casual.
>I expect the full use of it that is not nullified by artificial difficulty.
Where the hell did I mention using artificial difficulty? Adding new forms, making the boss smarter, giving him a more varied arsenal of attacks? That's not artificial, it's just fixing the lazy game design that those nincompoops at Nintendo messed up.
>pander to sjw
You have clearly not played the game, it's shoving diversity in your face constantly.
Why is Horizon chick there?
>any scores mattering
How does it feel to need other people to validate your opinions? The only opinion that matters is your own. Critics, whether they be other users or "professionals" are worthless.
Because the Sony fanboys can't admit that their exclusives are bland mediocrity with development cycles focused almost exclusively on visual fidelity. At least there's Death Stranding to look forward to.
See, I can get behind that.
>user scores
Mainstream reviewers may be out of touch.
I mean you only like reviews when it supports your opinion.
wait does Ganon seriously level scale? I've only been playing in spurts because Nier was so much more engaging but I'm gonna be pissed if he actually level scales like this when I get around to finishing it.
He doesn't. That was just a hypothetical. But since the kids who play Zelda don't like a challenge, like in the slightest, then I guess it makes the target audience happy.
this is objectively the greatest regular boss theme of all time
Level scaling has never once been done well.
Various roguelikes would argue otherwise, like Dwarf Fortress for instance. The game actively adapts to you and becomes harder as time goes on.
I have to ask, and please don't attac me for asking. But.... what makes Horizon: Zero Dawn so great? I feel like hype already died for it compared to Nier and BOTW, and desu all I ever see is "the graphics yo!!!" Like is it good story wise? Or maybe in terms of gameplay?
>doesn't pander to SJW
I'm sorry what?
>muh stonk beautiful female outcast
>look at all these racially diverse "prehistoric" communities I know they give an in- universe explanation but it's still pandering BS
What is Link doing to Toobie in that picture?
>first time fighting this boss
>mfw the lights dropping syncs with the music at 0:50
I like how the artist prioritized 2Bs ass.
All three of them pander to SJWs by that logic. if you want to improve them, get rid of the pretentious STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMYN, like 2B, the gerudo, and aloy. None of them belong in video games because they're worthless additions that make the games worse.
that's a cute aloy
too bad she looks so awful in the game
Nier isn't open world and Zelda finally did open world right.
Both are fantastic games though.
This. Many people on this board always forget that strong female leads have existed since ever.
I mean hes only gonna get stronger if you ignore him and fight other bosses. The time it takes for you to beat all of his minions will just give him to to become stronger
T. Someone who hasnt played nier hzd or botw.
Waiting until xmas
I like how both BotW and HZD realize the same problem with many open world games and deal with it in two completely different ways.
A big world is boring, but not if
>There's a physics engine that lets you fuck around, everything is climbable, no barred off area except the end of the map. Combat is as deep as you make it. (BotW)
>Everything looks very different, many areas with different assets, details. Never get bored of environment. Combat is deep enough + satisfying. (HZD)
No it really doesn't. It's simply the natural progression of a fort that leads to your enemies become stronger. You delve deeper, you find harder things underground, you become more well known and wealthy, more people want to raid you. That's not level scaling that's just DF's simulation at work. Retard.
That's not even bringing up the fact that DF doesn't have "levels". Also most roguelikes don't have level scaling, they just have the dungeon get progressively tougher the deeper you go, like almost any other dungeon crawler. That's not level scaling, that's pacing.
I like how 2b and link are legit that good looking, but that fucking ogre on the left has to be made into something amazing to fit in.
why are you idiots so mad at that game
Nier has the best story, Zelda has the best overall game design. Either is a good choice for GOTY.
Horizon is really mediocre compared to them
i really like how you guys downplay everything in that game
Horizon isn't bad, but it's not even close to the modern classics the other two games are.
I had my fun with it, but couldn't even be bothered to play it to the end
But he didn't say that, you little bitch.
>modern classics
zelda yea the other one na
BotW is more of an open-world game than Automata is, but in my opinion Automata is by far the better game.
>better music
>better story
>better aesthetics
>better characters
>more interesting themes
>better pacing
>better sidequests
>more refined/smoother combat
>better bosses
>better compared to its previous entries (Automata is 99.99% a straight upgrade from NieR whereas BotW lost a lot of what made previous Zeldas great)
>just more engaging and memorable overall
Automata is my GOTY so far, I liked certain things about BotW but I found it disappointing overall. SuperBunnyHop nailed a lot of the problems I had with the game. Automata has flaws here and there but they don't weigh down the overall experience.
this one is better
I totally agree. It's insulting that completing the game properly actually makes the final boss encounter EASIER (50% less health, no Blight Ganons), if anything it should be the exact opposite. Final bosses should be out training the same way the protagonist is. If you 100% the game you should get to fight a stronger final boss with more moves/forms.
Horizon is the only game that does thou
But this one is best
I feel the opposite, Nier Automata felt pretty unimpressive played right after BotW. Even if the combat is smooth, the overall gameplay is very simple compared to Zelda's freedom and physics simulations. Running back and forth between the same few environments got boring really fast too.
The story (including side quests, dialogue and such) in Nier is obviously in completely different league though. I guess your preference depends on how important that is to you. For me it made an otherwise mediocre game something great, but the lack of it in Zelda didn't bother me too much
Game design BotW is terrible, unless you like running around boring lifeless map looking for shrines. Dungeons and bosses are worst in the series by far.
BotW's combat is incredibly simple and there's very little incentive to actually make use of the physics after the first few hours when it's faster to just wack everything to death. Automata's combat is straightforward but at least it feels great, Link moves like molasses in comparison.
And that stupid cliche slomo while jumping with a bow
Buzzwords have gone too far on this site.
To be brief, there are 'pauses' to the combat and puzzle aspect with more open areas for resource gathering, etc.
The game does somewhat scale to your progression, which I think is based on either how many main dungeons you beat or which one you defeat. By that I mean the game will drop very powerful foes in camps thaat hit really hard and have some more health.
The main bosses are all the same and are made to be not overly challenging. The only enemy that can pose a moderate challenge are Silver lynels and MajorToS shrines, but after a couple encounters they become easy enough.
You don't just run around in BotW. Climbing high up, spotting something interesting and gliding there is much more involved than running from map marker to another like in most similar games.
I'm disappointed in the dungeons and bosses too, but how fun exploring the world is makes up for them to me. And even if the story missions aren't the best in the series, they pace the game nicely
It's fun exploring a world set after an apocalypse and working out ways to take down new machines you come across is engaging.
Calling bullshit. Bethesda forgot what made open world games good after Morrowind, that is until Nintendo came along and rediscovered it all.
And that second one?
actually I think they managed to make her pretty cute
No, it's us who are wrong