Confession: I've said bad things about Nioh alpha because I didn't own a PS4


Other urls found in this thread:

I love System Shock 2, but I've never played System Shock 1.

I enjoyed MN9 even with the ms paint effects

I defend piracy for games that I pirate and purchasing for games that I purchase.

I pirate good DRM-free games and purchase bad Denuvo games.

I don't actually play games

>purchase bad Denuvo games.

I really want to play Zelda BotW and I think the Switch is going to be great for Nintendo, but I'm too poor and to invested in
Sup Forums to buy a Switch.

I shit on classic DOOM but really enjoy DOOM 4, mostly because they do the same

haven't played the classic

I've never beaten the DaS 2 dlc, but I still call it the worst in the series


It's your own fault for not buying a Wii U last year for 129 dollars

I think Looney Toons Acme Aresnel, despite all its overwhelming flaws is still a fun game.

I think I killed a nigger last november when he tried to rob me

I own every console and a gaming PC and unironically like the PS4 the most

I wish it was legal to murder transgenders
As someone being watched by the CIA I wanted you to know this is a joke comment and I wish the best to all trans people and all the happiness in the world to the LGBT community

Almost the same for me but I like the vita more. The switch genuinely disappoints me because it's not going to be a better vita it's going to be a better 3ds.


I like my Vita okay but truth be told I've never really been that big on handhelds. I owned the PSP and DS and while they were neat I don't find them very comfortable to play. That's why I have more hope for the Switch, although currently I think the PS4 is better.

I always praise blood borne as a great game but I've never actually beaten it

I actually liked MGSV

>haven't played the classic

Why? It's literally free and takes up like a KB of storage space.

I have several wojak expoiltables saved on my computer wearing hats with various console logos on them

Handhelds click with me better and I'm disappointed sony hasn't tried another one. It doesn't help that they've killed all support for it.

My saddest confession: I bought a 3DS in the winter because I thought it was a good idea to stay inside playing 3DS games but that handheld gave me terrible headaches even with the 3D off. I also felt very disappointing about display quality. Then I went to a nintendo forum to complain about it and everyone thought I was lying.
I sold the 3DS and with some savings I bought a PS4. Since I'm too poor I'll probably only buy another handheld in the next 4 or 5 years.

MGSV is a masterpiece. Sup Forums can go fuck themselves

trannies are mentally ill and should be institutionalized

PC died so I'm down to a shitty laptop and PS3/4

I really enjoyed Horizon

I can't even bring myself to beat deus ex but I still call it a mediocre game
Doom 4 is also shit, I beat it but it's still shit.

I've never beaten any games. Ever.

I use joobjoobs on panpingo to start a chain reaction of everybody using their joobjoobs at once to make a round completely unplayable

>not even the best in the series

your shitty laptop can easily run it. they got doom to run on a digital camera from 1998

>shitty laptop

Doesn't matter. Doom runs of anything.

I false flag hating on DS3 even though I consider it the best game in the entire soulsborne series.

>I always praise blood borne as a great game but I've never actually beaten it
Are you me

I genuinely believe 99% of what I type on Sup Forums and really do think open world games are cancer.

i don't actually know what a video game is and no one on this board has ever told me

>Looney Toons

Go back to your dimension, traveler.

First of all a video game is not (((Fun)))

It's okay, user. I've said bad things about switch and Zelda BotW because I'm jealous of all the attention it's getting. I keep shilling for Horizon out of spite for Zelda even though Horizon isn't very good

I shitposted about dumb theories in the ZTD pre-release hype threads despite only playing 999. Im sure I wasnt alone.

I unironically dislike the 3ds. This isn't console wars. It's just a bad device.

I don't really like Dark Souls as much as all of you, I bought it on a whim and enjoyed, but I don't think its this masterpiece that you all think it is. I liked Bloodborne a lot more.

I watched MGS 1 the movie on youtube because my legacy collection didn't come with the code for it.

I bought Dead Rising 2 despite my dislike of zombies. I traded it in once I hit super zombies because I thought they run around and shit and that freaked me out

I routinely recommend terrible people to niche games like ss13 in hope of ruining the community further

I haven't played it, but the sound design sounds God Tier. Could you say the same?

Not even Super Mario World?

I haven't actually finished a book since elementary school. I would either never read the book or I'd get .25 to .50 of the way through and never finish. Still got an A on every single book project even in college.

>I don't think its this masterpiece that you all think it is

That's a meme. Dark Souls is the worst part of the Souls franchise. 1 and 2 aren't even fully developed gamed. DeS and BB are both better.

The only good Metal Gear Solid game is Twin Snakes.

I think 30fps is acceptable.

I'm going to confess one thing
I still dream with one day playing an open world Mega Man game

There is not a lot fundamentally different between Bloodborne and DaS. To imply there is really just demonstrates missing what makes any of them good. I can understand a preference for one and not the other but they really are just the same games with slightly different combat systems.

>being this retarded

did i mention it being the best in the serious?

DaS does a lot of things better than BB. BBs environments are all the fucking same the entire way through, it was way too easy and short. It shouldn't have taken me 8 hours to beat it my first time playing casually only ever dying a handful of times.

Same. New Mega Man Legends when?

Except I don't want that because modern Capcom would just fuck it up.

I haven't played MGS 1-3 and I sold my PS3 before I really cared and now I really want to play them and don't know how

bloodborne+Onimusha+Ninja Gaiden = Nioh
The perfect game was created and released in our lifetime.

That's because it is. People on Sup Forums over-exaggerate everything.

That being said, I like to play video games no matter the frame rate or resolution because I'm not a faggot that only cares about graphics in video games. This means that I actually like playing video games for them being video games.

I want Sup Forums dead. This board and Sup Forums are officially the two worst boards on the site.

If what you were saying was true, you would have a preference for a 60fps minimum. It's just more responsive in general for gameplay. It's not just a graphics issue, you casual.

>being this retarded

yeah, because none of them are masterpieces (but 2 comes close)

I fucking hate this board but it makes me laugh

30fps with judder and frame pacing issues like DS1 and 2 on PS3/360 is simply not acceptable. It was better if them released only one Dark Souls game with decent performance than 3 with frame drops everywhere

>I watched MGS 1 the movie on youtube because my legacy collection didn't come with the code for it.
Don't worry, you are not alone.

>never buyed nioh because they changed the alpha
feels good lads

I've never played a Souls game; only watched a few LPs and reviews.

I hate bloodborne

I played DS1 on 360 for hundreds of hours and everything was fine. I played DS2 on PC and it was one of the first games I played at 60fps and it was kinda jarring at first but I got used to it. DS1 was perfectly playable. Quit over-exaggerating.

Every game I've played at 30fps has been just fine. I'm used to both 30 and 60 fps but I don't have a preference. I play video games because I like video games.

It honestly feels like they made the game easier after the alpha. The betas seemed to be a lot more forgiving.

I am addicted to getting trophies and achievements and currently have 248 platinum trophies.

>I watched MGS 1 the movie on youtube because my legacy collection didn't come with the code for it.
But PS1 emulators exist.

>muh opinions

I like Andromeda, even if my friends won't stop giving me shit for playing it.

>PC died so I'm down to a shitty laptop and PS3/4
Doom runs on your phone, retard.

Yes you like video games but that doesn't mean you're not retarded and have no qualms over paying money for inferior gameplay. We get it.

>Confession thread
I at the Cyberdemon boss in D44M using the easiest difficulty level, so I never finished it.

>I desire a (you) so much

Seriously most of the time I give (you) to people. Have one here mate. Next time you could just be honest that I will give you a (you) with more passion.

Shadow The Hedgehog is my favorite Sonic character and his game is my 2nd favorite Sonic game.
Yes, I'm sorry.

>not tv

I can't get into MGS, I tried multiple games but the writing just isn't for me although I can see why people enjoy it. I also feel like saboteur is massively underrated

I LOVED Nioh during the beta. But my problem is it doesn't have anything for me past hour 10 or so.

I adore the combat and think it's much better than any of the Souls. Unfortunately, I hate the itemization, and that's from someone who loves ARPGs. No gear feels important at all. When I find a tucked away chest I'm always forced to wonder "Is this specific gear, or randomly generated?" Also, the difficulty of the boss fights is the thing that least excited me about Souls. So, without getting excited about items or boss fights, Nioh falls off pretty hard. The combat is great, but exploration falls flat with locales that aren't very different from each other, and super low enemy variety.

Yeah, I don't like buying games like Skyrim where the gameplay is garbage. I pay more attention to the core gameplay than responsiveness. Maybe I've gotten used to it after playing video games for 20 years. started when I was 4

>I watched MGS 1 the movie on youtube because my legacy collection didn't come with the code for it.

Why not just buy a physical copy of MGS? It's like 15 bucks tops.

Confession: I don't actually play video games.

how is Sup Forums? I've never visited other boards other than Sup Forums. People say there are pedos and CP everywhere on Sup Forums.

What is CP?

Imagine your favorite classic platformer not running at a high frame rate. Imagine it at 30fps instead of 50 or 60. It'd play like shit. It'd look worse. There's no argument to be made here.

You're objectively retarded.

>how is Sup Forums?
Makes Sup Forums look sophisticated and mature

Can someone translate this for me please?

You're retarded if you think I like platformers. Look at where I said I don't like games with shit gameplay.

Sup Forums is pretty bad, it's mainly
I'm there for all the Star Treak threads, though.

cheese pizza

Oh I see. You're just a troll, pretending to he retarded etc.

Ok Sup Forums please tell me Sony will release a better platform game than R&C 2016 in the next 5 years

I've been trying to revise history by posting Dark Souls 2 appreciation threads almost everyday for the past weeks

I'm actually not. I've never enjoyed platformers because they simply are not fun.

>anyone who disagrees with me is a troll
Good one.

Keep up the good fight. I actually really like Dark Souls 2 as someone who's been playing since Demon's Souls.

I love when people always say 60 frames does not matter and that 30 is fine they will always then begin to mention that their home base is a fucking CONSOLE, completely invalidating their opinion.

You saying you have hundreds of hours and "everything is fine" just fucking proves this point, it's something you get used to, if you are used to playing at a smooth 60 you WILL notice any drops and they definitely do not feel like nothing and are actually headache inducing for people who are not accustomed to playing in a sub par environment.

You are not used to 60 fps, you have probably never even seen a solid 60 frames for more than a quarter of a second in your entire time playing games. Face the fact and move on with it any time anyone posts about frames making a difference, because your opinion is irrelevant.

I've pretended to have played the original NieR in several threads here repeatedly to make my praise of NieR:Automata seem like it carries more weight.

This thread is officially dead now


The alpha was really bad though.

They fixed a lot of things come Beta though, but the alpha was horrendous.

I mean you have to be trolling
"I love video games!"
"But I only play hyper casual cinematic 30fps stuff because I like good gameplay."

See? See how stupid you sound? I refuse to believe it was unintentional.