ITT: Disappointing final bosses

Such a waste

Pretty much a QTE.

Ganondorf should have been in the game. He hasnt been in a main Zelda game since TP.

dungeons are garbo too, basically just a quintuple shrine and i've never lost to the 'bosses' that are supposed to be the payoff.

I liked him. The fight itself wasn't hard but the atmosphere was brilliant.

>7 enemy types (not counting 1 hit fodder)
>No Story.
>No Characters.
>No Dungeons.
>Bosses are copy-paste.
>Shrines are copy-paste.
>Weapon durability is pointless.
>Master Sword is mediocre.
>Music is bland.
>Audio barely exists.
>Graphics are low resolution.
>Frame rate drops to 10-20.
>Lack of flying encounters.
>No antagonist
>Static protagonist
>Final Boss is a huge letdown.
>No Darknuts.
>No dodge roll.
>Lack of interesting loot.

ITT: mad sony cucks
Enjoy your Shitrizon

Has anyone considered that both games are ok and its YOU thats shit?

>50 cents have been deposited on your account by Sony.

This. I've been a LoZ fan for nearly 20 years. This game is a huge letdown. It's disgusting how many people are calling this "the greatest game ever made" or even "the best Zelda game" or "Masterpiece". It's so fucking repetitive and grindy. You aren't really rewarded for exploring, and all the dungeons and shrines are all nearly identical. I got so burnt out so quick. I hope they do something different for the next LoZ, but all this undeserved praise is going to have them developing the sequel down to the same shitty, repetitive, flawed design.

It's better than Majora's mask and link to the past, sorry m8

Final bosses are ALWAYS easier or just pathetically on rails

What are some games that have GOOD final boss fights?

Because, as said in interviews, this LoZ was made to cater to a wider audience. BotW was made to be more general.

LoZ formula got stale and managed to garner its fans over a long period. But it was stagnant as the formula did not change. So to spice things up they made BotW have a wider more accessible design.

I like it and ultimately prefer it. My only beef is there is no combat rooms where you need to wipe out enemies to get to the next area like Legend of Zelda for NES. Otherwise its fantastic.

I feel the same way but people will just claim you've never played the game. No idea why people are so incredibly defensive and weird about this game.

MGS4 Snake vs Ocelot / Snake is pretty GOAT.

It's not better than either of those games. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the game, I don't think it's possible for Nintendo to make a truly horrible Zelda game, but this one is VERY flawed. I completed every shrine, side quest, and every bit of the memories and main story. It just felt bland after 30 hours. There was never a memorable moment, it was just recycled content all over a massive map. The side quests were nothing but fetch X of this. Even the memorable side quests like garret town had you chopping wood for an annoyingly long time.

It's not anywhere near a perfect score, or to be considered a masterpiece.

Majora's mask and AlttP were ahead of their time. BotW feels like a AA open world adventure that could have been released 10 years ago. I'd even say Fable 2 is a more enjoyable game even by today's standards.

If they were going to do this they honestly should've just made it a cutscene.

Yeah dude it's so weird. Even other fans of the series that have valid gripes about it get defensive when you say it's less than a ten.

>hurr durr I know it's not perfect but Nintendo is headed in the right direction with this and it should still be considered a 10/10 cuz muh Zelda.

I think the people that are the REALLY true fans will be open about this game's massive shortcomings. I don't know if it's some serious cope or what.

Ghaleon from Lunar Silver Star Story can take you an hour, it's a grueling 3 part battle

I guess I'm just one of those dudes with serious nostalgia glasses on. I played several of the classics like OoT, MM, WW and TP HD anticipating the launch of Breath of the Wild.

I can seriously say in hindsight that I had more fun playing those to prepare for BotW than I did playing BotW.


Ganon again? Why do they keep rehashing this guy?

>b-but sony!

Botw is a open world trash with a zelda skin. The major parts of zelda, the dungeons and puzzles, are lacking.

As someone who doesn't own a switch yet, is this real? Thats really it? Is there a form after?

And yeah, to add to my earlier reply. I totally get why they went for a new system to make it more accessible to a broader audience.

The Zelda formula never got stale to me, I kinda feel like I'm in the shoes of the people who really were disappointed with Skyward Sword, when I personally really enjoyed it.

I guess I'll just have to accept the economic reality of the situation, and realize that BotW is what the Majority of the Zelda fan base wants now. But God Damn if it's not a bitter pill to swallow.

Anyone else have these feels?

I played OoT, MM, Lttp and TP in prep for BotW. But I was also keeping tabs on the media for BotW so knew about Shrines, the dungeons, the "new" music etc.

Of all those I only found OoT and TP mad fun. OoT especially. MM was a slog (I am retarded at the puzzles which probably didn't help) and Lttp brought back PTSD when I was 6 nearly 20 years ago. Was fun but got lost one too many times.

I get what you mean if you went in prepping for BotW if you weren't up to date on the design changes, absolutely would be a right el pain in the shitter.

But for me, knowing X Y and Z and also having 0 expectations on the story, ala MGS5, I was pleased.

Obviously the radical changes aren't for everyone, especially those very fond of old Zeldas but for me, I found after getting slaughtered in LoZ 1 it was fitting. But mainly on LoZ 1, was a far cry from the others.


>the final boss is just a snowflake empowered by people not wanting to be nice to each other or something
>you attack it but it isn't doing anything
>except when it decides to work for no reason
>the end

There's a form before and if you completed all 4 divine beasts beforehand his first form's HP gets cut in half

>mfw still nearly die to his first form

I actually thought the laser was going to either kill him outright or gimp his attacks. I pretty much shitted the bed when he came back up.

Personally because 60% of the greentext that the guy wrote is untrue, i agree with some though

it's not a perfect game but i wish people would also stop exaggerating the issues the game has

Yeah, i get what you mean.

But I was totally following the development of BotW from 2014 at it's e3 reveal cinematic. I think when we started getting all that gameplay at e3 2016, I had this pit in my stomach, that I really wasn't going to like this game. But in a way i was also telling myself "lol bro fuck off you'll love this, it's a ZELDA game for Christ's sake"

And when I watched the switch presentation trailer, I was so hyped. It kinda cemented the fact in my mind that it was going to be more like the Zelda games that I loved in terms of the story.

But nah, it turns out that I was just trying to convince myself that I was going to like it even though my gut told me that it didn't look like I would.

Sorry to hear that man. Hopefully either the DLC or the next major Zelda entry scratches your itch well.

While I actually ended up liking the story, in fact relieved as I was expecting MGS5 level narrative mess, they definitely could have done more.

My big hopes are on DLC 3 but considering how low my standards and expectations are like actually loving the final two fights with Ganon and the voice acting I can be hopeful we may be either looking at a flashback to see more characterization of the champs or hopefully a postgame sequence with more characterization in general.


DS2 had the most complete feeling storline of the Dark Souls games (not counting Demon's Souls), though.

It remains to be seen if the overpriced DLC will redeem 3.

It appears you just hate open world games, user

You just need to grow up a bit, those games are the future like it or not

I just personally think the user score reflects the quality of this game. 7.5 is what I would give to a prototype that was thrown out for the sake of the Switch launch with very por enemy quality and unpolished framerate.

How they actually approached traveling is really cool and I like the ability of facing the final boss right from the start, but the quality in the content itself and how each part gets easier and easier since you have all tools avalaible for you at the start it's pretty bad.

If they take what they already have and polish it for the next Zelda game instead of throwing it all away, the next one could be really good.

DaS3 is the best in the series and DaS2 is an abortion.

Including the DLC I agree

but Nashandra's boss battle was underwhelming AF

I like this version of Ganon. Wolf or Toon Link killed Ganondorf long before this game occurs.
The person Ganondorf is long dead its just Demise's hatred that lingers.

where the fuck did the horse come from

I liked it too.

Well the ending plot has a throwaway line on what exactly is the reason behind the transformation.

Essentially imagine if you had all the memories of previous Ganondorfs, you lose with both the triforce of power and the triforce in full in separate incarnations. Then in another life you are a nanosecond from victory only for someone to take it away from you just at the pinnacle of your victory. No matter what you did, no matter the triforce in full or power, you just kept getting beat.

What would you do?

Every single Ganon fight.
As in every fight where he's been in beast form, even back on the 8-bit or 16-bit systems.

Initially he just warped around and spammed rings, then the fights proceeded to become glorified, dragged out spectacles you destroy with no effort. Even worse is that more recent iterations of Ganon just make him a mindless boar instead of a hybird warlock. Meanwhile Ganondorf is becoming SWORDS ONLY.

Meanwhile Nier has 3 enemy types in a completely empty and static overworld with nothing to do but fetchquests and Sup Forums jacks itself over that.
It's ok when taro does it.

I actually like Nier:A

Open world games are actually my favorite genre. TES games, and The Witcher 3 are some examples of my favorites.

If the game had an interesting world, more character depth, a story you didn't know the conclusion to within the first hours of the game, richer side quests, and more of an attempt to build any semblance of Zelda lore, this game would have EASILY been a personal favorite. I still would've been discouraged that they didn't include proper traditional dungeons but the former would have MORE than made up for it.

"He's given up on reincarnation and been consumed by hatred" is a really cool thing for Ganon to do and a natural progression for his character far in the future. Even after enacting his master plan to trick Hyrule into using the same tech against him twice that spanned 10,000 years, he loses a fucking gain because of Zelda and Link. No wonder he went berserk.

Shame the boss just kind of stands there.

>What would you do?
I wouldn't sit by the castle and REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE into the sky. I'd fucking chase down Link.

I found Lttp Ganon the hardest. I got fucked over hard by him for a good bit, especially when in the final one when he goes invisible. Hit him like 20 times and after getting my shit pushed in one too many times, I found out I had to shoot him with arrows after hitting him.

Still tore me a new one till I got him though.

3 is way too linear to enjou for repeated playthroughs. That takes away a lot from the appeal of original DeS and DaS, imo.

Zelda had him trapped from my understanding.

Its times like this I'm happy I'm shit. I flew too close and between his force field and fall damage, Mipha and a fairy saved my life. Kept it hectic.

The first playthrough is the most important IMO. Replay value is overrated.

Having Ganon be a force on the map that you could encounter, battle, or flee from would've been a neat idea.

Fucking this, I dont know why devs fuck up a FINAL boss fight.

I honestly did not enjoy old Zelda formula, most upgrades felt more like tools you needed to solve puzzles than actual upgrades. Exception was Wind Waker, most stuff in that game felt useful for multiple purposes and gliding with the leaf+sailing were really fun.

Kind of agree, kind of don't . I'm not the kind of person that spends too much replaying the same content but when you're limited so much in your first playthrough, you do feel the lack of meaningful choicel

This plus that ganon would take objectives on the map changing certain areas after youve complted them so you can replay with more difficulty.

nintendo pls dlc

Fair enough.

I'm on the fence for WW. Still trying to beat LoZ 1 but there is just something I don't like about the Windwaker art style.

I like adult Link, not kiddy Link. Adult Link feels like a warrior. May try the HD version mind.

Zelda managed to awaken her powers and lock him in the sanctum, but he still maintained a control over all the Sheikah tech.

Bloodborne if you count Gehrman


Doom dragon, golden sun 2

Nier: automata is one of my favourite games I've ever played the prologue to C/D was very powerful. Great story, great characters and great gameplay. 9/10

>>Zelda managed to awaken her powers and lock him in the sanctum

Could have avoided a lot of problems if Mipha had finished her damn sentence.

Do I need to play nier first?

My disc won't install all the way and it'll take several days to get a working copy.

The music is really good though.

Alternatively you could hammer rusty nails into your dick.
The first nier was a great experience, once.
I never want to touch that piece of shit ever again, not with a 10 foot pole.
But it was an experience alright.
That being said, how much of a completionist are you?
If you really wanna suffer through a barely playable game that is not rough around the edges because it only consists of rough edges to get the "full experience" go ahead.
Other than that, just play automata.

This game is the Destiny of the Zelda series. Nothing more can sum it up other than that.