>Sonic should always be 100% lighthearted and never dark at all
Have we learned that this is an awful mentality?
>Sonic should always be 100% lighthearted and never dark at all
Have we learned that this is an awful mentality?
from the look of sonic forces, it looks like we have. and from the delays for sonic mania, it seems the fanbase has also learned not to rush development to turn out a steaming pile of shit like 06 and boom.
At least I HOPE they learned that lesson...
>not hysterically over-reacting and shrieking SONIC 06 and ORIGINAL THE EDGEHOG DO NOT STEAL at anything you don't like
Since Sonic Team has shown that they're awful at both lighthearted and dark storytelling, the only logical conclusion to make is that they should wipe any attempt at storytelling from Sonic games all together. It's not like we'd be losing much.
Colors was perfect. Tone wise. It wasnt too dark and wasnt too light. Lost world was too goofy even for a sonic game.
Wasn't the second half of the storyline dark?
I don't see many complaints about the art direction.
i'd fuck the green thing
disagree. Adventure 2 was perfect tone wise. We need great colorful levels with high stakes
>they should wipe any attempt at storytelling from Sonic games all together
Oh boy. More half-hour-long Youtubes from shut-ins meticulously detailing how the physics are all wrong look LOOK WRONG the pixels are all wrong look
Hardly, there's no point in the game whatsoever where the Deadly Six ever feel like a legitimate threat and the reveal of Eggman as the final boss plus Sonic and Tails making up seemed insanely rushed. The moment where Sonic was completely alone and had no one answering him was the only small part that felt relatively heavy.
>Adventure 2 was perfect tone wise.
Yeah, maybe when you're thirteen. Government coverups and terroristic threats in Sonic games are just eyeroll worthy, especially when presented without any self-awareness.
Jesus fuck, get a grip. Lost World is crappy, but that's because it's just not fun to play, not because of its atmosphere.
>muh "cringe"
>we have to have bad humor and retarded corny jokes instead, it's much better
It doesn't have to be dark, but it has to be grand and take itself seriously, it should feel important and I want to be invested. So sick of this new meme tone they are going for.
both were complete shit.
What a pathetic attempt at an argument.
It wasn't perfect, but this scene with Daddy Eggman was legit creepy. It was a nice constrast with all the cheesy shit in the game.
Anyone can say anything is shit, user. Watch: Deus Ex is shit. Paper Mario TTYD is horribly overrated. Getting fucked in the ass would be a preferable experience to Metal Gear Solid 3. See? It doesn't mean anything, because I never back up my baseless claims. No reasoning, no nothing.
I know Sonic Lost World has crappy gameplay because I've played it. I know that it always feels as if you're never really in control of how Sonic moves, moving from planet to planet is extremely rigid, especially in comparison to Super Mario Galaxy which it was desperately trying to ape, and the fact that you need to hold a button to fucking run in a Sonic game is preposterous. But I also feel like the atmosphere could've worked to the benefit of the game if the gameplay weren't so lackluster, being as whimsical as it is.
If you think everything about the game is total shit, explain why instead of just spewing opinions that anyone could say without ever needing to even see the game in action.
It's both, Deadly Six were shit villains and it painted Sonic and Tails as waaaay too immature.
i think earnest, self-identified 'sonic fans' in 2017 are stupid and deserve whatever garbage they get desu
you know it's shit, you could tell it was going to be shit, yet you ate it and recorded yourself eating it and screamed about how awful it tasted and how gross it was to eat the shit and how could they MAKE such a piece of shit??
>it seems the fanbase has also learned not to rush development to turn out a steaming pile of shit like 06 and boom.
>le "delays always result in a good game" meme
Duke Nukem Forever
Mighty Number 9
Sonic 4
Need I say more?
>we have to have bad humor and retarded corny jokes instead, it's much better
Never said that, user.
I don't understand why people care so much about the kind of tone Sonic games try to decorate themselves with, when the end result is almost always laughable. I can only guess that the kind of people who really care ONLY play Sonic games, causing them to be unaware of how awful Sonic plots typically are.
>Duke Nukem Forever
This is never a good example since development on the project was scrapped and restarted multiple times. The final product was only in development for little over two years.
>Sonic 4
Sonic 4 was only delayed so that Sega could save face when it leaked and everyone discovered how shit it was. They never intended on fixing any of the game's major issues.