It's so dense every single image has so many things going on.
It's so dense every single image has so many things going on
Other urls found in this thread:
Who are they fighting against?
Also, Gadot just makes me cringe.
>Video Games
also this capeshit crap on filter list
I think it SEEMS that way because the saturation has been drained from almost every scene so it's difficult to differentiate different elements of any action going on.
You can hardly tell what colors Wonder Woman and Aquaman's outfits are supposed to be and the Flash's bright red outfit barely registers.
The weird thing is, some scenes DO have decent grading but most are just some shade of blue.
>leave Sup Forums to escape this bullshit
>it follows me
Darkseid's fuccboi son, because they can't even give us a proper villain.
>that poster
Even i can use photoshop better.
Oh wow another sub 40% on rotten tomatoes
>there are no decent JL games
prove me wrong
Holy shit they actually copied the symbol on the middle of Captain Americ'as shield and put it in their logo
How is that allowed?
Jesus Christ that Cyborg.
Injustice 2 looks fun at least.
honestly I'd be more mad if they did Darkseid without Superman tee bee aitch
.>the symbol on the middle of Captain Americ'as shield
You mean a fucking star?
To make this Sup Forums related,let's discuss DC and Blizzard's first fighting game:
Other cape games, canceled or released, welcome.
Are you literally autistic?
It shouldn't be that hard to detect sarcasm on the internet.
I know you're having a laugh but it's kind of weird they used a star as the symbol since that's never really been associated with the JL or any of the major characters
Jennifer Lopez has the strangest roadies
Fox >>> both
That team looks really British and not American.
>yfw you pay to see capeshit
they've made one good movie
two and a half if you're feeling generous with The Wolverine and First Class
I've grown to assume the worst from Sup Forums users.
steppenwolf is darkseid's uncle, user
looks like another marvel shit desu famalam
>say anything
Is this the legacy of Marvel?
>The CGI on Cyborg
I can see why this is on Sup Forums
>Wanted a Justice League movie all my life
>It's this gritty redesigned no-color Snyderized trash
>Will probably be at least another decade before the possibility of an actually good JL movie opens up
>But by then we will be so far removed from the good comic arcs that it won't happen anyway
orion confirmed
>another CGI fuckfest with Joss Whedon tier humor
This is why anime is superior to this western shit.
we're already 20 years out from the best JLA comics run, and JLTAS ended more than 10 years ago, it's not like time is a factor
Will Kino League get a tie-in game like Justice League Mortal almost did?
Did they put a fucking double on the trailer?
The guy in the background is kind of funny.
>anime is superior to this western shit
look, I'm a huge fucking weeb, but anime is not some higher level art-form by any means. It can be just as cringy if not worse a lot of the times.
Marvel has been going down the shitter too lately.
A hot turd dropped in your mouth > Marvel
>anime is superior
>when SAO: Ordinal Scale is a thing
Weebfags literally deserve execution
Hello ctr.
Come on user, capeshit got some good sides too
>Liking SJW writers
Winter Soldier is pretty solid, though
>DC executive producer is Trump's Treasury Secretary
>Marvel CEO is running the financials of Trump's VA
you've been bamboozled
no it isn't
>only three actual Americans
>and TWO illegal immigrants
fuck you have two boards for this shit
>cites one half decent movie
>forgets that every other movie has been "DUUD LMAO AVENGERS PEW PEW SUCK IT BADDIE" with SJeW undertones
And no I'm not a fan of the DC movie universe, but the MCU is the second biggest cancer of this generation (first being Disney Wars).
At least it feels American.
This new team looks like it's about ready to cook me up some scones and hot tea.
>Is he still going on about that, bollocks.
Taking out the DC Movie bias, nobody in that poster looks particularly appealing for iconic.
It's like The Watchmen in its attempt at making absurd designs look plausible in a contemporary setting.
How do you sell that outside of brand recognition?
There's not even much color.
>And no I'm not a fan of the DC movie universe
>feelings are all that matters
I agree with this. It wouldn't be all bad if the movies were actually enjoyable, but shit like The Force Awakens was unwatchable.
god this looks so awful
are they incapable of making a good movie
is that supposed to be cyborg?
did that aqua man movie actually exist? I only ever saw posters of it and literally zero people talk about
Was Aquaman born on land or out in the ocean? He may be an illegal, too.
Aquaman is still happening, supposedly. Not for another couple years though
Hey Sup Forums can you photoshop this picture to say "White" and replace the faces with members of the Trump office.
Many upvotes, BIGLY
>going to see a movie, even as an intellectual, based on abstraction
>Made the absolute worst version of Rogue ever
Fuck those guys, and whoever thought Anna Paquin was good for that role.
I think he was born in Atlantis. But I don't think he lives in America so that's a toss-up
so they're making a "group up movie" with 5 characters, only 2 of which have movies?
>Marvel comes out
>Actual quality of the movie is the score minus 50 points
>DC comes out
>gets the score it actually deserves
>Trying to avoid Sup Forums because Jontron situation makes me miserable
>"Let's check Sup Forums a bit more i guess"
>Now trying to avoid Sup Forums because DCEU fanboys have a reason to spam the board with their kino memes and headcanons
I don't understand the context.
>people discussing comic book movies
>everyone pretends to be an expert on the source material as well as film making
What is it about comic book movies that provokes such poor discussion?
cyborg face dont match his cgi body at times is also cringey how blue screen it feels.
you betcha
You go to /vg/ to talk about video games, user.
You could try Sup Forums, there's not anything currently stirring up autism there.
Sup Forums can't communicate in anything other than shitpost
>Anons discusses movies' reception
>Still doesn't understand RT
It's because the movies are for normies who've never read a comic in their life. They're there to watch "TEH EPIC VIN AGAINST TEH EVAL BADEE." They're just children in adult bodies, yet reading comics is seen as childish
>and still not a trace of Green Lantern, the only good super hero
What a shit.
You mean /vg/, aka rolefagging & tired repetition?
Nah, games get already discussed on Sup Forums. The thing that my attention will inevitably sooner or later land on those threads I'd like to ignore
Objectively looks like shit.
I'm constantly impressed how easily fags fall for Snyder's bullshit for close to a decade now.
>Green Lantern
say it with me pals
please don't come here to post videos of your bowel movements DC.
if it ain't Guy, it don't fly
>b-but rotten tomatoes
snyderfags are almost an endless source of comedy