
>redpilled his race and turned them into fuckingest warriors around
>killed a demigod and made elves butthurt
>kills humans - enemies of his race

vs Thrall
>love and peace :)
>dude not all humans lmao xD
>turned entire Horde into a bunch of fags

>whiney brat
>edgy murderer
>get killed like a chump

>wise leader trusted by all
>most powerful shaman in the entire multiverse
>face of the franchise and voiced by Metzen the Golden Boy

stay cucked gromfags

>a positive

Thanks for raping the lore

>had a human friend when he was still a slave

not only Thrall promotes cuckdom but also interracial

I still don't get why humans and orcs can't have peace at this point.
Both could benefit from it.

>butthurt into eternity
>realized the (((legion))) was controlling them and their race
>began to gas the (((demons)))

Ugh I know right? I mean come on it's the current year -.-

I like you. I guess we also both agree that Daelin Proudmoore was right.


We couldve had Bolvar as King of Stormwind if Onyxia didn't back him. Now we got Trump. Who wants to ''drain her swamp'' and build that wall on Westfalls border.

Don't forget the Orc refugees in Lordaeron. Vote Genn to make sure theyre sent back home. #MakeGilneasGreatAgain

And the Taurexit. I heard Baine wants to leave the Horde for the Alliance.

What happened?

None of these Hellscreams ever Hiroshima'd an entire human kingdom

Shit. brain fart
Trump = Hogger and... backstab*

No he doesn't

Lor'themar wants to leave the horde with his Blexit

Grom was super retarded in pic related
>humans attacking us?
>I can't believe this. Their leader would never do this
>okay humans tried to assassinate you
>wahh I still can't believe this woow

And Jaina
>Naga killed all the people in my camp
>okay I guess whatever

He was. Orcs are incapable of being truly peaceful and even before the demonic corruption they were violent. There will never be peace between Orcs and Humans as long as either of them are still alive.

FUCK I mean thrall
Grom was a mouth breathing idiot in pic related

Just watched the intro to that scenario about a week ago.
I really liked that intro cutscene.

>Donald Trump

>Justin Trudeau

Metzen should've stayed where he belong, being the lead artist.

The second he stopped doing the artwork and became lead writer is when Blizzard as a whole went to shit.

Grommash is a hero.

But drinking Mannoroth's blood was a mistake.

That's racist

Drinking that blood was like getting the ultimate redpill though.

Race baiting retard, niggers and humans should be able to coexist, but (((they))) want them to conflict, so that (((they))) can stay in control.

Did I say niggers, I meant to say orcs

Friendly reminser that the Theramore Bomb was so volatile that it destroyed Theramore in multiple timelines/universes.

Friendly reminder that there was a timeline where Garrosh and Jaina were having passionate interaccial sex and right as they climaxed they fucking disintegrated into mana dust.

Both whiny fags. Blackhand and Doomhammer are superior

Its the complete opposite.

Nope. Thanks to that he was abled to kill that demi god fag about "muh environnement protection".
Also he was abled to deal chaos dammage :^)

It's literally opposite. It let his people be used as a tool.

Thrall cheated during Mak'Gora.

Lorethmar is smart.

No. Because of that the orcs had the ability to get chaos dammage, just like Illidan and Arthas : The redpill characters of warcraft.

Literal whiny cuck

The best parts of him were Ner'zhul.

He's no more redpilled than Malfurion.

>The best parts of him were Ner'zhul.
More powerful, perhaps, but not better overall. Arthas was always more Arthas than Ner'zhul.

Shut up Grom, that pitlord dong isn't gonna suck itself