If you could fuck the tits of any vidya girl, who would you pick?
If you could fuck the tits of any vidya girl, who would you pick?
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Phoenix Wright
Candy Kong
Bob from Animal Crossing
Cummy always.
>tfw fat with a small penis
>tfw I'll never get to fuck a girls boobs
Dragon's Crown sorceress
Just get /fit/, user. I did it, so can you. Just make sure you get a girlfriend with big boobs. I have a normal dick but my gf has small tiddies, meaning no titfuck for me.
You'd get lost in there.
That's the idea, user.
>I have a normal dick
Define normal, my dick is about 6 inches and that seems to be the norm.
nah m8 6 is small
I am 7 and many girls I have been with said they had at least one bigger
My wife Asuka.
>6 is small
Maybe if you're african.
How small we talking about here? 5 to 6 inches will do the trick, and honestly, most girls are used to that. Don't let the donkey dick guys in pornos make you feel down, and maybe eat a little less, cut out the soda, and go for a walk once a day.
I believe in you, user!
It could work.
4.5 inches
Girls liking dicks bigger than 7 dicks is a meme, no girls does, even in porn they're probably just pretending unless they're really sadistic.
wanna become my gf?
I'll buy you cute dresses :3
>he's a tit guy
How juvenile and plebeian can one be?
I am sorry anons. I just can't help myself.
I'm a whole body guy, sometimes I even fap to bun drop videos.
Twenty posts too many
bun drops are great but braiding is better
I'm to tall and don't have the right body to remotely pass as a trap.
No contest.
Haruka of course.
Probably Splash woman because, being a robot, her tits could be repaired and re-mounted.
What is that pose?
Damn she's good, must have good haircare to have hair that smooth
How does this not hurt? My hair is long enough to be braided but I'm too afraid to try because I think it's going to hurt.
don't pull it too strongly
I was going to say Tifa but you've got a solid challenger
Can I instead cuddle with a vidya girl as she tells me that she loves me and that everything is going to be okay, and that everything will be fine soon, and at the end of the day I die painlessly?
Just the tits?
it's threads like these that show how many Sup Forums posters are teenagers
Lose weight and your dick will appear larger
Also: if you get /fit/ qts won't see your penor till its to late
No, only titfucking
I just want to be happy for one day and then die with happiness in my heart
Braiding is painless because you don't pull on the hair
Honey Select character.
best titmommy
I'd prefer this, desu
I'd rather pass out in a cute girl's arms than cum on her face
act like*
And stop acting like you don't in the face of anonymity
Can I get naisuri instead?
Absolutely not.
Please dude?
I just wanna gently drift off to eternal sleep as Jill Valentine hugs me and whispers sweet things to me.
Titfucking really isn't all that great. Takes too much work to be enjoyable.
Tedious or not I would take the opportunity to look into my waifu's eyes for a while
The best girl in DW
The best girl
not if she's on her back
Hotdoggin is better
No words, only tits.
He said girl...
It's unfortunate, but true.
Just imagine how nice and soft it would be to rub those mammies
this webm is weirdly delightful.
go rub your dick on a cat, furry fag
Please dude.
I'll trade everything. I just want to pretend someone loves me for a single night.
I'm begging you. Just give me this.
She's qt as fuck.
Not happening
Chun Li
Why the fuck would you pick anyone else.
How is this even a debate
Fine. I don't want anything then.
I want to be left alone.
Miss priss is human enough, that's why I lust for her not fucking onifex or pump a rum
Chun Li is the complete package thanks to SFV. Thick and muscular thighs, child bearing hips, fat titties, and she'd probably even let you breed her she wants kids so badly.
>tfw you'll never fill Kaine's ass with your cock and stroke her feminine penis until she sprays a hard load everywhere.
I would die but it would be worth it
Pretty sure theres a dick length minimum for that, so no paizuri for me.
boobs are so finnicky
you have to get the pair that's right for you, some people like to slap their dick in between them and make it disappear, others like to see their cock totally disproportionate to the size of their tits, some people like jell-o boobs, other people like firm casaba melons.
these threads always have someone saying mai shiranui or jill valentine so they never really turn out good. I guess I would do Layer's boobs, since I could get a good shot of her face in the mix.
Listen, I've got an average dick too but let's not be delusional.
it's really just an easier science to appreciate butts over boobs, boobs can come out in a hundred thousand shapes and really there's no end to what you could appreciate
If your fat, then i assume you have fat in that pubic area as well. Lose weigh because i bet a amount of your penis is hidden by that fat.
was gonna say Kat from GR but she probably isn't big enough
Sarah Williams from mass effect:andromeda. She is so fucking hot like OH MY GAWD.
I want to marry Makoto Nanaya!