What are the main philosophica questions and themes behind Fallout New Vegas Dlc's?

What are the main philosophica questions and themes behind Fallout New Vegas Dlc's?

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Don't fuck with the goddamn courier.

Letting go.
Old world vs New world/Traditions vs Progress
How much of an impact can one individual have in history?
Should one forsake their values for doing the right thing?

Sorry for asking but I don't want to make a whole new thread. I just installed Meyer as Primm's mayor and now everyone's calling the city an NCR puppet. Did I fuck up?

no because the other option is a serial killer


It's a bug. And congrats, you just put a goddamn madman as a mayor!

DM - Fuck your cavalier go anywhere attitude.
HH- Gets a pass for the Survivalists sake
OWB - Penis Fingers are scary
GRA- Guns
LR - SNL Superfan mad at the mailman

Primm Slimm is? Or the NCR's dude?
Is there a way to fix the bug?

ikr, who even likes cowboys?

The brotherhood are much cooler.

>Not picking primm slim.

Tod fuck off, New Vegas will and forever will be the last Great Fallout game

Try YUP, it boasts about how it solves all of the bugs and glitches.

>people IN THIS THREAD unironically think NCR mayor isn't the best option.

I did on my last playthrough. This time around I didnt' want to deal with getting all the repair parts.

Oh. Well, fair enough. If you don't have the required amount of science, it's a annoyance to find the fission batteries and conductors.

Honest hearts: legions effect on tribal warfare, mormon hospitality and wisdom.

Old world blues: time makes a fool of even the most intelligent minds. Science is not always the answer. Innovation and insecurity causes world annihilation.

Dead money: greed kills people. Saw, would you like to play a game. Glitches equals ritches.

Lonesome road: black people hold grudges. Ideology does not equal morals. Philosophical egotists like war games.

Meyer becomes sheriff not mayor


House if you want long term stability, Wildcard if you want to rule.

>Glitches equals ritches
>black people hold grudges

Sorry that's what I meant. Doesn't change my dilema, I suppose I'll check out that YUP mod.

Honest Hearts was more like trying to endure pain and suffering by clinging on to hope for a better future. Joshua Graham for the most part had already let go of what happened in the past and was trying to do his own thing and protect his people but it was the damn Dead Horses that eradicated his people that never judged him and loved him even after he admitted all the bad things he did and now the tribe he was trying to protect is also in danger. So now he is forced to confront his past. Should he destroy everything he created and be consumed by revenge or cut all ties with his old life and do the right thing?

Also Daniel is a cuck.

If you didn't help Joshua Graham and then spare Salt-Upon-Wounds then get the fuck out of my face.

I first thought that DLC was shit but after replaying it and digging up all those Survivalist holotapes, it really made me feel.

Anyone here have the Destruction Overhaul?

The mod author got into some personal emotional breakdown and deleted all his stuff, doesn't seem like anyone has reuploaded any of it.

why does everyone hate OWB? it had a really nice home base, powerful enemies, unique power-ups, and a great plot twist.

the most important question in fallout is which of these items do i drop on the ground so i can keep playing.

Because they think reddit would enjoy the humor in it

And probably because on some sites you hear everyone praising OWB mainly because of the wacky humor and not liking DM because it was "too hard and scary" so it's sort of a counter reaction to that

You just said what i said, but with more words. Joshua changed tribal warfare cause his legion shit, but his mormon ways won in the end..

>wacky humor
i always thought of it as awkward humor. when you laughed along with someone because they were looking at you. Then when I got to Mobius it all made sense.

i never once associated it with reddit humor.

nah i assumed your argument was just about the legion and tribes.

it was an internal battle of good vs evil in joshua's mind.

honestly i don't even know why Daniel was in the game. I would kill him every single time in that DLC if it didn't fuck up the storyline. He's just so underwhelming.

Letting go of the fallout series.

Dead Money: How do I get in?
Honest Hearts: How do I get out?
Old World Blues: How did I get in?
Lonesome Road: How do I go home?

Why do you ask?

I always kill salty woundz. Hiss weapon is boss for my explosive/fisty cuffs playthroughs

Turbo, rushing water, salty fist = death to everything

>Oh god a girl is next to me
>How is her hair so clean?
>That doesn't seem like a regulation Vault suit
>She can't swing that hammer
>Where's my Sequoia?
>My feet hurt
>I wish I was in the Mojave killing Legion scum

i really hate the idea that normies truly believe that vault suits and vault dwellers are fucking everywhere.

no Bethesda, they're rare and they stay far the fuck away from everyone else.

The main question of HH is more like, how far should you be willing to go to protect what you hold dear? Is it better to defend it by abandoning the ideals you were holding it for in the first place, or to leave paradise behind and make another paradise? It's basically the "let go" thing again, but phrased as a question instead of a statement.

It doesn't. It fixes a lot of them, but a lot of others are still unresolved. Veronica's companion quest and the LR main quest are both pretty badly hit by it.

Its great for salient green/crops, muggy crafting, water bottle refilling, lightswitch perks and pencil/clipboard de-crafting. Its just shitty that when you go back to mojave your at the fucking drive in theatre, but the fast travel while burdened perk helps with that.

not really. YUP covers most things and gets updated often so your mod was probably outdated.

>kill all of his underlings
>act like a moralfag for the big boss himself
But why?

You get it regardless of what you choose.

Owb is funny.. kinda, if im high or drunk enough.

Dm is a great change of pace, but in hardcore mode you cant stay long enough to do everything, because you'll die of sleep deprivation.

it's not about what you want. it's about helping others, which Joshua had been doing all along to be redeemed in the eyes of his maker. The least you could was return the favor.

And also to hear the best speech in the entire game.


Kek ,true. Hes just joshuas bitch boy.

I didnt really like honest hearts as much as the other dlc. I was super hyped to be in the zion natty forest but the canyons really dulled the place up. I did however like the tribal talk and joshua graham aka the burned man.

>How is her hair so clean?

Agreed. But at least they blotched up the vault suit. I appreciated that.

>That doesn't seem like a regulation Vault suit
How so? Looks like its just partially unzipped. Or her big ol' tiddies burst it.

The residents of Vault City were fairly open (relative to other vaults). Then you got stuff like Vault 21 being a giftshop that sells suits. But yeah, the general lore rapiness of this Bethesda era is pretty irksome.

Not gonna happen. Its just too replayable and the mods are fucking great.

But user they are "iconic" so we to shoehorn them everywhere! Just like bottlecaps and epic supermutants!

Yeah I ran into the sleep problem too, have you checked all the houses?

I'm fairly sure there's at least one interior in the Villa section where you can sleep

I don't think it would hurt if there was a mod for a small hideout similar to, say, Carlito's Hideout in the first Dead Rising, if you know what I mean, like just a attic basically where you can sleep and nothing that causes balance problems

But you picked the best man for the job, why would it?

It covers a lot, but a good amount still slips through the cracks. And I wouldn't consider 7 or so updates over 3 years for an 8 year old game "often".

U wot mate?

>Vault City
>fairly open

Ohhh, ive never not killed him. I should try that then.

>(relative to other vaults)
Come on user. I know you wanted to get your tired ass joke in, but reading comprehension.

They live openly and even allow some people to stay/visit their settlement. The have extensive trade with the outside world. Now compare this to Vault 13.

Honest Hearts has a special place in my heart for it being entirely possible to totally fuck up the whole thing. My first playthrough went something like

>Meet Happy Trails caravan and travel to Zion
>Suddenly filthy tribals
>Kill 'em all and climb across a log
>Ofuck another tribal, look at him being all nearly-naked
>Pop that sucker right in the head from afar, that'll teach him
>Wander around for about 12 hours, find some of the Survivalist caves, kill any tribals I see, loot some things and shoot cazadors and one million geckos
>Man, when's the quest for this DLC kick in? This is pretty open.
>Make it to The Narrows and kill Waking Cloud and Daniel
>Even civilized people in clothes are mad here
>Get the map
>Quest marker appears telling me to follow it
>Follow it and end up leaving Zion with almost everybody except Joshua (who I didn't even meet) dead.
>Ending rolls telling me I did sweet FA.
>Realise my mistake and laugh my fucking ass off.

It was a hell of an experience though.

Bethesda fucked the lore by creating things that got shitty explanations.

Brotherhood happened to get to the east coast, but totally changed their ideology cause one leader. Fuck that shit it was stupid, then fnv created the legion which fucks up that more. How the fuck dod the b.o.s. get through legion terriotory?( obsidian lore trumps bethesda lore)

Super mutants that werent created by the master.... ok they really screwed the pooch on that one. How the fuck were they originally created, and if they are so stupid, who taught them to make more of each other? Fawkes being the only intelligent super mutant and hes no smarter than dog meat. Wtf?

Both those things are retarded and took alot away from the game for me.

I think it has to due with your collar, not the air being poison.

I've heard of people fucking up and killing the first guy but actually going out and killing Waking Cloud and Daniel is new. Good show, user.

>Even civilized people in clothes are mad here

That wasb basically my first playthrough too. Fuck i was livid though. I can laugh about it now but then i thought i had just wasted money on a tribal genocide simulator.

>Dead Money
Knowing when to let go of something: be they investments, love, or grudges. Understanding your own fragility and just how willing you are to hurt others. The inherit folly of greed.
>Honest Hearts
Is protecting what is most precious to you worth sacrificing your innocence, or the innocence of others? Is there a place for innocence, simplicity and mercy in a bleak world? What is more important, your beliefs or what is "right"?
>Old World Blues
Does everyone deserve a second chance? Can a mind unchecked by morality really be allowed to continue? How aware are we of the weight of our choices?
>Lonesome Road
Just how much of an impact can a seemingly insignificant act have on others? Is it worth trying to reclaim the wonders that were lost or to move forward?

There are a lot of overlapping themes in the DLC. HH and OWB both pose the question of whether people deserve a second chance, or whether someone who has acted egregiously even deserves it.

>Bethesda fucked the lore by creating things that got shitty explanations.
Why are you telling me this. If you read my post then its obvious I already agreed with this assertion. This adds nothing to the conversation. ...but I'm gonna humor this since the convo is drying up anywho.

>How the fuck dod the b.o.s. get through legion terriotory?
Pic relevant. I know its a shitty fanmap but consider that we know the EC BoS stops off in The Pitt on their way to the Capitol Wasteland. Its easily concievable that they skirted Legion territory. The real question is how they could possible fail to contact the MW BoS (as that was part of their mission) when they had to stroll right through their territory. Also, its been suggested that they used airships.

>Super mutants that werent created by the master
I don't like their "explaniations," but they did state how it came about.

>Fawkes being the only intelligent super mutant
There's a few others. Hammer, Fist, and Strong leap to mind.

>Both those things are retarded and took alot away from the game for me.
I feel your pain. Now, what are you going to do about it?

You did let go, right?

took two. one got thrown at veras hologram fountain and the others sitting at the sink in big mt

I took one. I'm owed at least that much.


Not gonna lie the fact that people found a way around it and took all of it is pretty impressive.

The theme of most of the things happening in New Vegas is "the inability to let go". Many characters and factions have difficulty letting go of either the old world or their own pasts and moving on. The NCR is trying to restart American democracy, Caesar wants a new Roman empire, House just wants to be top dog of Vegas again. The Brotherhood can't adapt to a new world, Veronica can't let go of the Brotherhood even though she knows their dying. And so on and so forth.

Fallout Tactics predates the creation of Caesar's Legion by 50 years.

What methods are there? Never done it but the gibbing and looting method is pretty obvious if you're in the mindset where you think about how the game itself works

>Howdy'Do folks

I also killed Follows Chalk when I saw him, the first time I played it. I immediately reloaded, but still. They could have designed that encounter a bit better, I think.

Yes...? I don't understand your point.

Not sure but the way I did it was I collected all the bars dropped them (so they become one single bar) put it at the exit, killed elijah, and dragged it out but this way ages ago on the PS3 version so they might have patched it out by now.


user, Vault Dwellers aren't real.

I did.

Yeah the first thing I did on PC when I saw the weight of them was press Z to drag one of them and they had made the world object basically impossible to drag

Hey, i just wanted to talk about it, no need to get salty.

Hmmm, its believable, but unlikely. They really fucked up their mission. Airships, like virtibirds. So much fuel, nowhere to get it.

I still hate supermutants in f03.

I play fnv, thats what i do about it. F03 was cool when it came out, but fnv totally curb stomped it. Fo4 is a fucking sci fi cliche with world building aspects. Supperbunnyhop does a great reveiw of it that i agree with for the most part.

It's only the theme of Avellone's DLCs, the main game theme is simply remaking the new world in the image of an old one.

Longest Road: "How to get upset at happenstance and coincidence" A detailed guide.

Yes, my favorite glitch in any videogame, but my first playthrough killed me. I wanted it all, all of it. I soon forgot about it when returning to mw and dryhumped mr. Houses 200 year old living corpse.

I liked all the followers in New Vegas, but I could never take Cass seriously. She's supposed to be a trail hardened cowgirl with years of hard drinking, but doesn't look or sound like one. She's more like a teenager cosplaying as a cowboy.

>Hey, i just wanted to talk about it, no need to get salty.
There's no salt. My comments are just that, not an attack.

>So much fuel, nowhere to get it.
Has it ever been discussed what powers an airship? I just assumed they used a fusion reactor. Also, zepplins )ie. airships) are remarkabley energy efficient due to their natural bouyancy doing much of the work.

>I still hate supermutants in f03.
As do I. But dislike does not equate to blind dismissal, at least on my part.

>I play fnv, thats what i do about it.
That's certainly an approach. I hope it works out for you in the longrun. I know I certainly enjoy going back to play 1,2 & T from time-to-time.

>Supperbunnyhop does a great reveiw of it that i agree with for the most part.
I am familiar with the work and I certainly can appreciate the time he put into it.

I'll give you that she didn't look the part, but I chalk that up more to the character design limitations more than anything. Her outfit certainly fit the bill imho. She just had the same body type and potatoe face of all the women in the game minus pic related.

I disagree on her not sounding the part though. I thoght they nailed that. To each their own I suppose though.

Joshua Graham was one of the best characters in any kind of video game. In my opinion of course. But the voice fits him, his personality works great and he does have the best lines.

post your courier


>silenced .22 pistol

>dead money
>let it go

Thread = ded

with better criticals and the professional its actually pretty good

Never forgetti

>retarded goy thinks the message was about letting go of the money or material possesions.
It wasn't

>not using microsoft paint to sloppily make their character
>using photoshop or something similar instead
user please

True, i was wrong about the fuel issue, but bethesda hasnt tried to give a good explanation. Not even fallout 4 gives good examples (brotherhood in fo4 is gimmicky at best). Is there a koda type lore scene for fallout besides nma?

Yeah, ive never played tactics, that sounds like the next game ill play. Is it any good gameplay/lore wise?

I hate fo3 supermutants!

Who wrote Joshua Graham?

Chris Avellone created him. Josh Sawyer was the director of Honest Hearts. John R. Gonzalez wrote the Survivalist stories and a lot of Honest Hearts.

this is wrong
Joshua Graham is Josh Sawyer's work, and he wrote him personally. Josh has talked about his opinions on mormonism in the past and IIRC Joshua Graham was even one of the characters he had designed for Van Buren.

Based mormon for the win.

I think benny, joshua,mr. House are all really good vg characters. Non are my goat though, maybe big boss/naked snake from mgs 3. But damn thats actually a thinker. Who is your goat vg character, besides joshua graham?

oh. i was thinking of Flag Staff Man.

It was definitely apart of it, but more so in a "moral of the story" way. Like, damn i cant take the money i have to let it go, just like this whole mess im in. It helps solidify the "let it go" parabol.

DM = Letting go
HH = Religion is good (The Father in the Caves) of bad (Joshua Graham using religion to justify his revenge)
OWB = The evils of science unfettered by morality
LR = Being aware of the meaning and impact of our decisions