Have you ever got really angry because of videogames?
Have you ever got really angry because of videogames?
>this video is nearly 8 years old
tony hawk's underground on sick is fucking impossible in tampa
I can't do that stupid fucking wallplant to manual challenge it's just not fucking possible it's physically not possible to do you can not fucking do it a computer could not do it
This post.
Delete it.
>yfw people still think that vid is real
Yes but not "shove remote up my ass" angry. I've slammed my table sometimes and screamed FUCKING BULLSHIT or YOU FUCKING NIGGER several times.
I think I have assburgers.
mostly in my gears 1 days
only? I thought it was from like 2007
>Not shoving a remote up your ass when angry
You sound gay
I kind of wish there was a "Where are they now?" with internet meme stars.
Pretty much every time I play Rainbow 6 Seige. I don't get how these guys adjust their aim so fast.
I was screaming at the top of my lungs at my teammates in BF1 today
Feels good to vent, but it wouldn't be necessary if they weren't RETARDED COCKSUCKERS
it's really weird growing up and realizing all this stuff is staged
Just like literally anything DSP produces, the unfunny piece of self-indulgent shit.
Dsp is funny
>Dark Cloud 1
>be a kid, 8 - 9 or 10 years
>fight Ice Queen
>Pull all nighter fighting her
>Lose every single time
>lose my shit
>rage my way to my PS2
>rage eject disc
>rage grab disc
>rage throw disc like frisbee
>it breaks
I've alt tabbed and closed the game before when playing "shockwave hitboxes 2" and I was frustrated as I did it
The only other time I remember getting mad was during a close csgo ranked match where the team I'm in was playing another team, I legitimately got a horrendous lag spike during a 1 v 1 when the score was 15 - 14
I just had to play for time and we would have won but instead I probably stood there like a retard and got shot and they tied it up
Only white boys get angry over video games
Could you really not tell?
I've seen more blacks chimp out over spoatz games than anyone else over any game.
Yes, especially monster hunter. It was also the catalyst for me to get a hold of my anger issues.
Get dat ass banned
I can only think of two times I've ever gotten platinum fucking mad
>Nerd rage #1
>Like twenty years ago
>Zelda II
>Getting my shit pushed in by Shadow Link because I'm only six and I don't know about stabbing him in the knees
>Kick the NES across the room in a child tantrum
>I still have that same NES, it still fucking works, and the only thing that happened is the little closing hatch gets stuck sometimes
>Nerd rage #2
>Playing Mega Man and Bass on GBA
>That fucking piece of shit fucking cunt faggot fucking shitfuck fucking boss that shoots his asshole fucking fists into the fucking platforms and if you're playing as Mega Man you're just fucking fucked unless you make an ice wall and jump using your spider-man reflexes
>Game Over to this asshole like a hundred times
>Smash my GBA into the steel beam in my basement with all the rage my wimpy arm can handle
>Snaps the fucking thing in half and shoots my cartridge across the room
>Cut the sticker on my Mega Man and Bass but that's it, it still works
>Had to use my gamecube as a game boy for about two years until I got the sweet fucking NES GBA SP for Christmas
Never broke a console or had any rage fits since, at worst I scream into a pillow or just put it down and go read a book
Fuck me trying to get A's in all the stages of Hotline Miami was maddening, but once I did I felt like god.
Still feel like was a huge waste of time tho
Multiplayer shooters are a way of life nigga
Nothing feels better than gregoring your way through a whole team of other people
Once. Now.
ws-37397-9 fucking ISP and fucking sony.
I read that no one believed that kid when he said it was an act and it ruined his life, similar to star wars kid
still tha best
I got most mad at Dota. Casualties include a dent in a wooden desk and a broken light bulb.
Got mad aswell in league.
I've just got back into FPS games like TF2 and its mostly died down, unless it's counter strike comp, but now-a-days the only fun i can have in that game is using the R8 in DM.
Anyone got the video of that guy almost throwing a tantrum at a Sm4sh tournament?
Ive gotten so many blacks suspended online for literally sending death threats when they lose games
but at the same time I'll note, it reminds me how fucking hand holding easy pieces of shit every single modern AAA game is
I do NOT have that but you reminded me that this exists:
Yeah, in Mario Party 2 there was this minigame where you had to wind up a Shy guy to win a race that was a huge pain in the ass.
Anyway there was a game mode (story mode?) where you had to clear all minigames in all difficulties or something like that, when I reached the Shy guy one on the hardest difficulty I raged like I had never before or after, hundreds of tries and never managed to do it.
it's possible
source: i made it to vancouver
I'm pretty sure I'm the reason why they shut down Downgate.
Have you ever got so mad you let someone fuck you in the ass?
all the time desu
>Play to the last boss
>Second form can only be harmed by ruby's attack
>Never even used her outside of mandatory levels. Her attacks are underpowered as fuck as a result.
>boss is now virtually unbeatable.
>Realize you spent over 40 hours on a game you can't complete
>*autistic screeching*
I take pride in my tightness, I can barely even get one finger in there. I'm not about to let that change
I beat the game on Sick, then did it again with minimal stat upgrades when I was 13.
It's not that hard.
It's real. There's vids where the kid gets manhandled, wrestled, and pepper sprayed by cops after his parents call them on him for wrecking their living room and smashing their TV.
I'm Asian and I get very angry at video games I'm good at in any way. Strange because I can't get angry at anything or anyone else.
I think the final boss in Mega Man X4 or X5 made me so mad I quit trying to beat the game. I literally never did that.
Also that eagle boss in Devil May Cry because of the horrible camera angles fuck that game be Resident Evil or be God of War you cant be both you dingus
I bet I could open you up nice and wide little girl
I don't get how people just casually shrug off losing. How can someone just be absolutely not competitive in any way. Do people just get used to constantly losing in every thing so it doesn't effect them anymore?
>Strange because I can't get angry at anything or anyone else.
I'm the same way. I'm fucking apopleptic over multiplayer games but I'm a pretty calm dude otherwise.
I'm this guy
I get upset over losing, I don't like it, but I recognize it's just a game and have to move on.
I have gotten better over the years, back in the day if I lost enough matches back to back on an online I couldn't play for the rest of the day if not a few days.
I didn't get angry enough to break shit but I was ass blasted enough to not want to play.
Now I have other shit to be angry about like getting fucked on taxes or retarded drivers on the freeway. Games just aren't something worth throwing a tantrum over. It might happen occasionally but those moments are rare and there's likely other shit going on in my life
because it's inconsequential
>final boss in Mega Man X4
Were you playing as Zero? I personally found the final boss to be much more horseshit with Zero than with X.
I'm hoarse at this very moment from screaming in rage every time I play vidya
nothing else holds my attention besides competitive online stuff but I get extremely fucking pissed off every time I play
I break shit constantly by spiking it into the floor or wall and have given myself bruises on my leg from slapping it in rage
there's also a dent in my wooden door from throwing shit at it and a dent in my wall from smashing something into it
You've got issues, man.
Yeah, but not extremely angry that I would break something.
You've just got mental issues mate. I'm fucking uber competitive and get pissed at online vidya but that's just too much mate
rage is universal and colour blind
This video is real, the rest are fake
I can never enjoy multiplayer games with people who aren't my friends though; I'm in that terrible cycle where
1)I suck at the game and can't enjoy it because I can't do anything and I hinder everybody else
2)I proceed to git gud
3)I still can't enjoy it because I get angry at everybody else who didn't git gud
4)I move on to the next multiplayer game
And if I can't git gud, then I'm stuck at step 1. The only loophole is trolling people, but then I still couldn't live with it because I know the frustration of being trolled, which was amplified by me not having a mic and knowing they wouldn't even get to record any good reactions anyway, and I don't really want to inflict it on anyone else.
nigga, games of Madden have literally gone from innocent gaming to World Star Hip Hop
considering I grew up and still live in a household with an abusive alcoholic cunt as a mother and am subjected to drunken screaming between my parents and sometimes myself every other day it doesn't surprise me
but it's who I am now so there's no going back
I at least refrain from smashing stuff that I use regularly, although at this point I've pretty much run out of junk to obliterate on impulse
why did he try shoving the remote up his ass
>Have you ever got really angry because of videogames?
No. I enjoy challenging games. It just seems like a better investment if the game can consistently challenge or surprise me. I'd hate to breeze through a game in just a couple of hours and then have literally no other reason to pick it up and play it again.
I'm definitely not into MMOs or competitive multiplayer, though. Co-op multiplayer is fun, but most people tend to be too competitive when it comes to RTS and fighting games. But I guess I'm perfectly fine with that if we're just bullshitting each other for the lulz.
Short answer, yes
When I was young I never raged, I only played Final Fantasy mostly and I didn't ever feel annoyed by them. I remember actually ringing my brother to tell him I beat Emerald Weapon when I was 10 or so though.
I raged a bit with Dark Souls 3 because of the lag but not screaming out curses, more just disappointment it ruined a good duel etc.
Yeah, but of the most part I'll just swear or mutter something under my breath. No sense throwing your weight around like a god damned chimp, shit happens etc.
hahaha, I remember that video, I like when he goes apeshit and bounces on the bed.
Only autists get angry at games that aren't truly competitive. Like I've gotten angry at CS, Siege and other shooters.. but getting angry at a game like Dark Souls just seems like some turbo sperg shit.
snitches get stitches white boi
Trophy/Achievement in Modern Warfare where it's basically trial and error
The mission in question on the hardest difficulty is quite aggravating to say the least
criminals go to jail and shower with the other bad boys like a bunch of faggots.
that's heavy autism
fuck you I bail the manual not even half way
I need to figure how to increase my speed 2x to not fail
>posting the inferior version
Yeah I'm pissed I can't beat Neo Exdeath in ff5!
He has a series of his "rages" they're fake and over the top as fuck
Maybe all of you should git gud
Asians will froth at the fucking mouth in mobas, it'd absurd
> you can defeat Exdeath with a single move
>Play game with friend
>Get frustrated at one part, but not that mad
>Suddenly get super mega mad
>dude calm down
>years ago
>playing blazblue with friend
>he goes arakune
>im trying to think i even know combos
>he just spams and somehow gets the screen covered with shit flying everywhere
>nothing i can do
>next minute controller in the wall
The first video was real. The rest was damage control.
>t. normie
You 12 or what?
I constantly get salty in fighting games, as my roommate knows. Even if I'm kicking his ass, if I fuck up on doing something like a combo or whatever I'll just get progressively more mad. I also hate in something like Smash if people team up on me for the entire play session or I fall for stupid shit like my buddy kirbyciding me over and over.
I quack when I get angry.
>play game with a friend
>he gets super mad and starts yelling into his mic
It's pretty uncomfortable and makes me not want to play with him, but he's my friend so I put up with it
>mfw the japs got ahold of this video
flock off featherface
I know this feel too
you don't have assburgers you just get angry like a normal human bean.
it's a doggy doggy world and you're just diamond dozen.
You can always go see a therapist and work past that shit
Not to the point of doing anything physical to take out my anger but I have yelled from anger when playing vidya, though that was in my teens.
>Playing with an online friend
>Two girls join in
>We start to lose and friend gets mad
>He starts yelling and saying that he wants to "punch their fucking faces"
>Girls start making fun of him and I start defending him
Bros before hos. Seriously though, I stopped talking to him. Can't stand people that gets mad and starts yelling in the mic.
Jesus that kid needs help and probably isn't getting it