Emma Stone in Death Stranding Official Leak!

The Joy standing on the Beach of Normandy.


Also: Told you so.

Other urls found in this thread:



didnt' she get her nudes leaked again?

It's not.


The account that posted that and the instragram isn't official, just probably doing promo work for this cosplayer.

A Truth thats told with bad intent
Beats all the Lies you can invent
It is right it should be so
Man was made for Joy & Woe
And when this we rightly know
Thro the World we safely go
Joy & Woe are woven fine
A Clothing for the soul divine
Under every grief & pine
Runs a joy with silken twine
The Babe is more than swadling Bands
Throughout all these Human Lands
Tools were made & Born were hands
Every Farmer Understands
Every Tear from Every Eye
Becomes a Babe in Eternity

I love Pepefu.

>That mentally ill violent cunt of a meme actress

Anddd dropped.

I like Kojima, but his fetish for actors is rather grating.



She looks nothing like Emma Stone, nor does her DS cosplay look even vaguely similar.

You're an idiot.

nah, you're delusional check that account, they even linked to her before. and the tag is #cosplay

So I have a question. What the fuck kind of game is this gonna be? Horror? Survival? Espionage/action? Is it just gonna be like another Metal Gear? Does anybody even know?


"Good Makeup @gnidnartshtaed"


It's a leak. Not a cosplay. He just picked it up because of it.

Idiot living in denial.

i doubt even Kojima knows.

you composting images in photoshop in your mom's basement doesn't make it an official leak.

Spiritual sequel to Heavy Rain

Gameplay will be similar to Uncharted. Also, it's an Open World.

just google it and you will find the articles, retard

It IS Metal Gear.

Set in WW2, with supernatural nazis and other shit.

It's about the formation of the Cobra Unit, and the Birth of The Boss' child.

nobody really knows

fake af

that similar angle in the picture

All I did was confirm that it was Emma in the photo.

I didn't make that image, nor is it a photoshop. You can feel free to check it here:


If your little brain can figure out how to use it.


>Kojima is finally released from Konami and the grip of MGS
>People still think it's MGS

MGSV really fucked up people in the head.

Why is the fuck boy tranny who got permanently banned on MGS sub Reddit, NBGO, and Desth stranding sub Reddit coming to Sup Forums for?

You do realize you're not welcome here

stop telling tales user
your nose will get longer if you do

That's not Emma Stone
That's every white femShep ever made

Koji even retweeted one of my conspiracy crew members today confirming that it is indeed, The Boss in the photo. We sent him the leak earlier today.

More like MGS2 did. Not everything is a fucking ruse. Goddamn morons.

I am very tired of the new ''celebrity likenesses in video games" meme

It's a fucking video game, you can design characters to look as fantastic and interesting and unique as you like. You're a hack if the thought to just throw celebrities in there instead even occurs to you.

is that who this faggot OP is? That's hilarious

>one of my conspiracy crew members

oh wow


He got permabanned from multiple Reddit boards for turning them into hell holes all by himself, and proceeds to invade Sup Forums with this shit.

Have fun with the thread circle jerking your self FIB, consider yourself lucky the people here aren't reporting your ass

maybe I'm Kojima.

or You?

We could go on all day.


is that you?

fuck are you ever salty that someone has told you for 2 years that MGS aint dead.

You make me sick.

You are like that Hawk! cunt that singlehandledy took all the fun from Berserk threads.


Death Stranding isn't Metal Gear, stop namefagging, and fuck off back to ribbit

2 legit 2 quit

can someone point me out how Kojima saw this considering he doesn't follow either of us? ;)

But it's not Emma you fucking retard.

It's painfully evident that whoever it is has a MUCH smaller head than Emma, look at how much Emma's head had to be scaled up to even match whilst none of the facial features line up.

Eyes are completely different sizes when scaled to match, cheek bones are in completely different places, mouths are different sizes and look at the scale of hair.

Whoever the chic is, she is MUCH smaller than Emma with much smaller features.

Why are you posting Reddit snap shit here? Do you know that's a bannable offense?

People from MGS subs browse here, none from NBGO. You already have a bad track record

Are you guys actually sure you shouldn't be fucking off to Sup Forums?

I mean clearly this is not a fucking video game.

Look at the checks lol

Also brain yourself since you can't use it.

FIB, dude, you are going to be so disappointed

know that when death stranding drops, and has nothing to do with MGS, i will have a small chuckle imagining the profound sense of sadness with which you will be filled

cheeks* fuck

clearly you underestimate decima engine

because it's the same fucking salty retard who spams all my posts with the same cry baby shit?

stone > watson just in general

so cute, also big boss did nothing wrong

>clearly you underestimate decima engine

clearly you overestimate you failed hollywood faggot kojima

but how will you feel if I'm right?

I've long accepted that I might be wrong, and it doesn't bother me. I'm known on Sup Forums, neogaf, reddit, twitter. I'm friends with Kojima and his buddy Josh.

Even if I lose, I win.

It's so lame and a shitty use of a budget. Who really cares if Walking Dead Man is in a videogame? It just gets me less hyped, no imagination goes into character designs and it's probably going to constructed even more like a movie too now.

The cheekbones don't line up at all if both heads are scaled correctly.

Guys, just let his fucking thread die.


Looks more like Mila Kunis to me

So your biggest claim to """""truth"""" is that Kojimbo has retweeted you here and there?

Guess i'm a Konami/Kojima insider since he's retweeted me everytime i've made a drawing related to his stuff.

>yfw this LARPer shit is part of a marketing ploy to hype the game announcement for E3 2017

>I'm friends with Kojima
You are literally insane. What's your end game? To bounce on Kojimbos cock?

>i'm friends with kojima and his buddy josh

man oh man, this is either the highest-grade trolling i have ever seen, or you are the saddest human being i have ever seen


get your eyes tested

Kojima is a hack who hasn't made a good game since MGS3.

>I'm friends with Kojima

This is just getting sad now.

hell yeah

isn't that everyone's?

It's "trolling" with truth.

So probably the former.

I can't help if truth makes people salty.

When Sup Forums said this man was mentally ill, they weren't kidding

Looks a lot like that white anorexic tranny Sup Forums used to post

Remember when Kojima made games?


for you?

me and jb just spent 2 hours chatting last night about shit lol

That's great, but where's the gameplay?



tick tock

I don't even like Kojima or Metal Gear but I'm not going to lie, this project is so fucking weird I'm kind of hyped.

It's a tranny fuckboy

There isn't any gameplay, the game is an interactive movie

Any pics of you two hanging out together?

Take it back penguin story 2 is goat.

that's miss tranny fuckboy to you tyvm

You realized this just now? He did this a long time ago with the Kiefer shit (Literally the worst VA in MGSV and only got the job because he's the only C-List star who would do the job)

I'm still gonna play Death Stranding to see what all this shit is about, but Kojima is full on westerboo now and seems like he got his wish of getting into Hollywood now.

nope because I'm a broke ass canadian who only knows them digitally

like you and all your friends.

meeting Ryan of Low Roar in april tho

>more celebrity garbage
i might start to dislike kojima and i dont want to do that


Why am I not surprised that a subhuman tranny is a canuckold.

someone warn this guy about this tranny fuck. post screenshots of this thread

at least I've touched a pussy

>nope because I'm a broke ass canadian who only knows them digitally


>peddling toys
>parading celebrities
>still no gameplay

As much of a retard as DSP is, he was right about one thing. Kojima really does get a free pass on shit like this. Kojima even somehow manages to not get blamed for spending five years on a game with $80M budget and it still wasn't finished.

jb is already quite aware of who I am lol, and my life story.

we talk, remember?



She has that kind of face that can cosplay anything

She doesn't look like Emma Stone though. Emma Stone is ugly

>we talk, remember?

Superficial and meaningless exchanges on social media isn't "talking" retard.

Shit dude you really are mentally ill. Get yourself checked, please. Last thing I want to see one v is news about Kojimbo getting the life sucked out of him through his cock by a tranny.

it's the most you do with any of your friends tho??

You and Barneyfag should hang out together in Canada.

show your dick.

holy shit this fucking thread

i am the queen of generating salt.

not getting banned for off topic again.

it exists if you ask around.

~i'm crazy as fuck~

Please stick to your containment subreddit.

I think this is related

Kojima rused everyone

Will you kill yourself if Death Stranding comes out and has nothing to do with Metal Gear?

ok but can i suck it?

Fantôme Sans Frontières



but it's literally mgs

you can verify it from my theory seen here
