Fire Emblem Heroes

What the heck is up with my Minerva? None of her stats match up with any of the calculators I've found.

Neutral Atk is 33, High is 36. I've got 34.

Neutral Spd is 35, Low is 32. I've got 33.

Neutral Def is 30, Low is 27. I've got 29.

Neutral Res is 20, High is 23. I've got 24.

It's this some kind of double boon, double bane thing?

+Atk, Res/ -Spd, Def?

Take off her weapon and other skills that add to her stats then try again.

I want a Minerva so badly, but I have no orbs left.

You just gotta keep believing. Or whale like a motherfucker. I managed to get her after blowing most of my orbs, but it finally happened. She's +atk/-spd though.

Equip the following:
Sacred Cowl
Life and Death 3
Ward Fliers

Unequip the B skill.

Then let me see her.

I've taken off all skills in that picture though.

Okay, attached. Should be just as standard now.

I've had her for a while actually and she's been a real MVP, only just got another one earlier, so I was checking IVs


how many orbs did you spend? i really want minerva but i've only got 21 orbs and i dont think thats enough to safely snipe green rolls

According to the wiki, there's nothing unusal to your Minerva. She's +Atk -Def, not bad considering most characters will die before they can touch her. Especially if you have something like Desperation or Vantage.

I spent about 80 out of 170. But about twenty or so was me picking a blue orb because I didn't have any available greens. Considering how you don't even have half of that I would just wait it out and hope to have a good number of orbs the next banner she shows up in. You'd need to be really lucky to get her with just 20.

thanks for being the voice of reason, friend. i'll be patient then.

Smart move. Just hope the next few banners don't have any characters you want. I wasted a good number of my orbs on stupid shit and missed out on Eldigan and Reinhardt when I really wanted them.

should i stop rolling only blues for azura and just wait for a banner?

A part of me really wants to agree with you and save the orbs from the Lunatic Quests for the next banner on April.
But I already have 4% on the Blazing banner that I'll probably give in as soon as I get 20.

You're better off waiting for a banner. You'll have just as much of a chance as getting any other 5 star blue like Hinoka as you do Azura and if you get one then your pity rate will go down again.

>Save up orbs
>When a banner with new characters comes out, roll until I get one of them
>Stop and go back to saving orbs
It's been working for me so far, I've got almost two hundred orbs in the bank and still a good selection of 5*


-def +atk ?

Why is Minerva good?

I thought she was supposed to be garbage?

Because she's strong with a decent amount of speed with skills like life or death to boost it even more? Camilla is the garbage wyvern knight.

I need to get into the meta of this game more, I have a 5 star Minerva sitting on my bench.

What skills should she inherit?

Because she's got 55 attack, good defense and great speed. She's the second best Axe user after Hector.

Maybe the calculators I was using were wrong then, thanks mate!


Any special that isn't Sacred Cowl.
She can activate Moonbow every 2 hits, and with Life & Death, almost nothing will survive her if she doubles.

I put Luna on her, but Moonbow is alright too. Wings of Mercy is fun for B but there's probably better, Vantage for example or Desperation. Then the flyer buff if you use other flyers, she was my MVP through the quest.

Thanks anons.

>this bitch ain't on any of the tier lists
She fucking wrecks.

None of the tier lists are worth shit. Especially since SI is a thing now.

Fitting. Considering she's Hector's daughter. It'd be shameful if she couldn't fuck shit up.

>All the characters with good skills I have are 3* stars
>Too close to 20k to spend feathers
I'm still not even sure if I'll promote FCorrin or Michalis.

wish we could reroll IVs in some way, maybe spend badges for them.


Im waiting on the current arena to end so I can finally upgrademy +atk MCorrin to 5, I already inherited the skills I wanted but its gonna cost me around 900 SP

Is a +atk -spd Lillina worth promoting?

What's Catria thinking about?


Raping Lucina if my arena matches are anything to go by

I'd like to know.


Is Savage blow a good skill on Nino or should I just leave hone atk there?

Lewd stuff obviously


FCorrin is a great investment if you need a tanky debuffer. I'd boost her for sure.


Non canon!

They'd breddy gud. Her

>cant read
>fights using a book

follow your dreams, kid

Right. No pan and all that.

DATA MINERS WHATS THE NEXT BANNER SO I KNOW TO SPEND OR NOT! [spoilers] Ike or Morgan for the love of god

She hits like a fucking nuke, which is awesome. She's as slow as a lot of fucking Armor units, which is much less awesome. No, seriously, she has 29 Speed on a +Spd boon, that's unbelievably slow and it pretty much kills her usefulness because of it.

I gave Marth +5HP, what else could he use?

>spend 150 orbs sniping greens trying to get Minerva
>get Hector, Raven, Julia, and a Fae
I mean I guess it's okay but I really wanted Minerva

you know it wont be any of those, they are going to keep stringing us along with minor characters or random additions like Snacki

In my opinion, for (C) skills, the general rules for what to slap in there are as follows, in order of importance
>relevant meme team stat boosters (Armor, Cavalry, Dragon, Flier)
>Savage Blow
>Hone/Spur Attack/Speed
Pretty much everything else can be ignored for the most part.

Mine is -HP +Res. Her resistance is already pretty shit so I don't know if that's good. She hits pretty and pretty fast for a 4 star too.

Threaten skills can work just fine

>sitting on 100 orbs
>will probably have 120 by the end of the month

Any kind data miners know when more heroes are gonna get added?

arthur is too pure for this cruel world

>spend 200+ orbs sniping greens trying to get Minerva
>Nothing but 3* Frederick, Bartre, Barst, Beruka, Arthur, etc
>Finally get Minerva
>It's +res/-atk

I'm fucking done with this bullshit. I freaked out and spent a shitton of money on this garbage.

30/3 5pm aest

The 31st at the absolute latest since that's when the Blazing Shadows focus ends.

C skill is
>threaten stat
>everything else

They're highly dependent on the enemy being in range of the debuff effect on the start of your turn, too much so I'd say. It's just so much easier to buff your units up and then nuke with them instead of relying on the map to get the same results. Plus the game even incentivizes buffing with the -Blade tomes, whereas nothing like that exists for debuffs.

>tried to get Camilla on Deep Devotion banner since day 1
>got +Atk -Res Minerva after a month-long 5* star drought
And you know what, I don't even care about Camilla anymore, I like Minerva more now, my dick follows stats.

No, Threaten skills are much too dependent on positioning and map layouts to be reliable in my opinion, especially since they can easily be replaced by buffs that are much easier to plan around and continually fire off.

>It's a fucking Ninofag thinking everyone needs to run his meme strat
Of course, why did I bother

>roll a 5 star Roy
>level up enough to get triadept 3
>teach m robin triadept

So long gay boy.

you can refund it all if it hasnt been 48 hours. dunno if it effects your stuff/account though. I refunded a bunch of orbs and uninstalled last week

Best Whitewing

The way I see it i, melee characters are better with threaten skills

If you have hone attack and spur attack why not get your melee's with threaten def and speed

Wrong. I'm usually arguing against Ninofags, but the fact remains that buffing >>> debuffing in terms of efficiency and ease of use.


probably for the best, thinking of doing that as well, thankfully his 4* has all three levels of that skill

>boons and banes mattering to anyone but the toppest of whale tier players
Stop, dude.

Guys pls help. What should my first team be? Any recommended inherit skill I should go for of the unit ones I currently have? Started playing earlier today

Hawkeye is garbage. Get Merrick to 5* to replace or else roll for different green

I still want to keep my account, otherwise I probably would.

figure it out yourself after playing longer than a day

Nowi / Kagero / Azura / Tiki

>The way I see it i, melee characters are better with threaten skills
I disagree. In part because since Skill Inheritance hit, the overall meta has largely shifted to Mages in terms of power, thus nerfing Melee's overall importance in the meta. Although BST whores will still use melee units for their higher average BST, it's pretty much objective fact that Mages are the most overall broken units in the game right now, and Threaten skills do literally nothing to protect you from them. Hell, they don't do much to protect you from Cavalry either due to how they work. Because it has to fire off on Player Phase to have an effect, the 2 range debuff loses to 3 mov Cavaliers (and 2 range units in general) pretty much every time as it doesn't have a chance to fire off. If you placed a buff, you'd have protection against those units.

If you were to use a Melee unit, I'd either suggest a buff skill, or Savage Blow if they're one of your main attackers and not part of a meme team.

>getting cucked by your little sister

You clearly stuff your team with glass cannons. Anything that can take a hit gets great use out of threaten skills

>You clearly stuff your team with glass cannons.
Because glass cannons are the best units in the meta right now. Seriously, slap Desperation on any of those units and they can virtually solo Arena.

Don't be rude user.

Developers should do the voting gauntlets twice a month, it at least gives us something to do and more variety in banners to spend orbs on.

All Lucina gauntlet when?

I'm actually enjoying these Lunatic quests. Unless you're cheesing it with Blessing of Lights, you need to actually be pretty strategic in winning without losing a unit, with one of said units likely being deadweight half the time.

agreed, but having a team of mages isnt gonna help me get feathers in arena, user.

my team is 5* roy lv 35, and 4* sharena, raigh, and sophia levels 33, 33, and 35
am i able to do the michalis map?

That one with veronica is pretty fucking hard with my team, wish I had more 5*

I just used Blessing of Light for that one. I did all the other ones legit with free units, I feel no guilt about it.

>Although BST whores will still use melee units for their higher average BST
I won't say that Mages are the absolute best for getting Feathers, but they are insanely good at getting easy wins for only a mildly lower rank.

Also, probably worth noting that most units capable of taking a hit benefit more from a Goad/Hone/Fortify/Spur meme team skill in that slot, since not a lot of regular Melee units can really take a good hit (either lacking in defenses, Speed, or both).

I don't know what the fuck I'm doing in this game.
What kind of unit composition should I use or does it even matter?
Is it worth while to upgrade a 3* unit?
Any skills that are particularly good to inherit?

micaiah next come on, i've been hoardin orbs lile a jew for her

you should re-roll till you get like 3 or 4 5* my dude



Is it really that bad? Rerolling seems like a pain in the ass and I've already linked to my nintendo account.

Draconic Aura. It lets her kill certain builds of popular Red Sword Lords like Lucina and Ryouma. Not Alfonse and Chrom though.

If you're new, you should probably reroll. Titty ninja is great, but Lucius is not, especially as your only 5*. Most of the units I see are pretty mediocre as well, with only Olivia and FCorrin really being decent.

>Draconic Aura
Moonbow. It has a 1 CD with her 5* weapon, it's stupidly good. Luna also works.