What's the manliest game ever made?
What's the manliest game ever made?
Far Cry 2
blood dragon
>tfw you start sorting yourself
I'm going to be a real boy bros...
Why is Peterson so worried? Hasn't he realized what's about to happen is the only way yet?
and that's no joke
Battleborn is fucking baddass bro. I know of a subreddit full of porn of Battleborn if you're interested.
No competition.
What did he mean by this exactly?
I read that as Battletoads, even that is more manly than battleporn.
Weak men can be pushed into doing terrible things.
>yfw nips actually make a more manly game than westerboos
Heh that game was actually the shit
>le xD stoopid white male NERDS are the real enemyyy!!!11
I genuinely fucking hate everything about the last couple of years
What are some games where I can rescue my father?
Nigga, no. He almost dropped his spaghetti looking at covered tits.
If only, Europe will either become the caliphate of Brussels or Soviet bloc 2.0
Simcity 2000.
Yep, pretty much what user said.
Duke Nukem has no competition.
>Ctrl+F "Yakuza"
>One result
The Yakuza series is manly as shit and all about what it means to be a man.
>Act surprised
>He falled for the "Asians are effeminate" meme
he's right though, i think you misunderstand.
being harmless is NOT being moral.
100% this