>tfw to much of a pussy for horror games
Tfw to much of a pussy for horror games
I couldn't play Outlast.
I'm scared by fucking Doom for christs sake, it looks fun and what I played was fun, but yeah
Horrible feel, man.
I wanna play RE7 with VR but I can't.
I could barely do the demo.
>tfw a spooky game gives you nightmares
>TFW horror games are just jump scares
I'll hold your hands while you play it[/spoiler]
>he's never played the Silent Hill games
>tfw people always give me shit for saying jump scares are dumb in horror games
>they will never understand the difference between the true dread of horror and being startled by a balloon popping
>tfw too jaded to feel spooked by a game anymore
I want to go back
I was spooked by Doom 3 when it came out.
Question: can people get desensitized to horror the more they experience horror games/movies? Gore and sexual content seems to be able to do so, and I'm wondering if horror can have the same effect.
show me your boypussy then
>Know jumpscare is coming
>Feel spooked by it
>Don't know jumpscare is coming
>Don't get spooked by it.
>tfw used to work as a delivery driver for a hardware store and had to share the road with stupid drivers while hauling huge loads
>my brain is in constant extinction burst against fear 24/7
>tfw games no longer have that *spark*
I remember when I used to play Call of duty 2 multiplayer and being the last reaming member of the team alive and feeling all nervous and the adrenaline pumping, stuff like that no longer happens, just as I starrt to feel something similar like that my brain immediately shuts it down.
Yes, you can. I know from experience. Nowadays I mostly play horror games because I usually like the aesthetic, not because they scare me. Although the occasional jump scare can still surprise me sometimes. But that's what jump scares do.
Dumb fucking animeposter
>tfw too much pussy for video games
After taking months of anti psychotics horror doesnt scare me anymore. I coulsnt tolerate anything spooky before meds.
Dont take anti psychotics theycruin your life and shut off your ability to feel joy too.
>horror games
walking simulators
>People say shit like "just jump scares"
>Thats the part I'm afraid of
>Don't know whats gonna happen
>Paranoid the entire time
I know your pain OP
>Play Dead Space
>During the day
>Stopped playing by sunset
>Had to stop halfway through the game cause shit was getting too intense for me
I guess I should be happy I even got that far in a scary ass game considering I couldn't get through the intro to Silent Hill and stopped playing Resident Evil 2 at the first fucking licker
>tfw I got scared playing bioshock infinite
>Too much of a faggot bitch to continue in Spooky's House of Jump Scares after the REAL shit starts going down
The minute that fucking green thing with all the slime that breathed really heavily while stalking you showed up I uninstalled and never looked back
>finishes Dead Space 2
>still can't stand Dead Space 1
it's too spooki
>getting scared turns me on and makes me want to fuck something
What did my brain mean by this
Your dick thinks your gonna die.
You want to fuck Holo before you die.
dumb holo poster
holo posters should be raped like the sissies they are
That's not nice, user. Why don't you come over here and give me a kiss instead of being so vicious and cruel? I'll let you sit on my lap if you're nice.