Well no shit.
GameStop doesn't price match or have any real discounts. How cant just rely on their pawn shop business when Amazon and Best Buy are doing 20% off new games or even target and Walmart giving out gift cards for new games.
Good riddance.
>buys game for 1 dollar
>sells it for twenty
Tell me more about that 20% off thing for Best Buy
Its all catching up to them.
Valve cock sucker spotted.
Not him but if you pay a fee you can get 20% off any new games and you can get more for trade in I think. Pretty decent if you buy new games. Look up their game club thing
oh man 225 stores worldwide
Good. I hate that fucking place. Used to be half decent for finding harder to find games if you didn't have any niche video game stores around you. Now it's
>90% of the store is fucking minecraft dolls and t shirts
>buy used save $5
>new games without plastic on them
>give you $2 for 34 trade ins
>>As a potential silver lining, GameStop also reported a 27.8% increase in its collectibles sales over the year
they only stay afloat by hawking knick knacks to reddit
The only time I went there in about 5 years was for the bonus item for the Witcher 3 CE. Luckily I live in a rural shithole so I was in and out in less than 3 minutes.
>live in Canada
>new games are $80
>have Amazon prime
>absolutely refuse to pay more than $60 for a new video game and I get them for $60 with Amazon prime
Feels good man.
Worst thing is dealing with couriers. Fucking purolator has shit tier level service and UPS isn't much better.
Gamestop offered me $10 for a PS4 with no controllers.
BB gamers club is life
This, and they price match with Amazon. At the time, Best Buy sold SFV for full price. Got it for $25 due to price matching.
basically pay $30 for gamers club unlocked and get 20% off all new releases for 2 years.
Used to live in a city but I moved across the country to the middle of nowhere and the nearest one is an hour and a half away.
Thank god.
Gamestop kicked my dog and poisoned the water supply.
I had to go into one because I forgot the 3ds doesn't have an adapter and it was wall to wall vinyl figurines.
I didn't know so many different kinds of this dumb shit existed.
% of the store is fucking minecraft dolls and t shirts
>>buy used save $5
>>new games without plastic on them
>>give you $2 for 34 trade ins
Frankly I like the gamur girls they get working there. I know I have no chance with em but at least looking at tits always brightens my day.
saw those pony dolls when I went to go pick up BotW
>price match with Amazon
Tell me more, I was under the idea they do not price match to online stores.
they have some serious redundancy
in a 10 minute drive i can hit 3 gamestops
As long as the item says "Fufilled by Amazon", they'll price match it. They even let you use your Gamer club discount too.
>local mall has TWO Gamestops inside it
>aren't even on the far two ends of the mall, they're just opposite ends of the "square" at the center where they display mowers and cars and have a Starbucks stand
>one of them finally closes over ten years later last month
>225 stores worldwide
>225 stores
There are probably as many GameStops in the US as there are Waffle Houses. They are fucking everywhere, many of which are in incredibly close proximity to one another.
This is literally fucking nothing.
Man I just refuse to shop there now.
>looking for copy of MGS Legacy Collection
>like I mentioned before I live very rural
>have a weekend where I can play this game, so out of curiosity I look at their stock to see if I can drive to the nearest one to pick it up instead of waiting to order
>no stock at nearest one
>zoom out
>no stock in province
>zoom out
>no stock in east coast
>zoom out
>no stock in the entire fucking country
Are you fucking telling me you can fill your store with pop culture bullshit but not ONE of your locations has a relatively common game for the last gen console?
Fucking ridiculous man.
>As long as the item says "Fufilled by Amazon", they'll price match it
Please explain more. Fufilled means in stock?
I'm getting a Switch from a Gamestop, only because a friend of mine works there and I owe him a favor.
What's there not to understand?
Go look at an item and see if it says Shipped and Sold by Amazon.
Scroll down a bit and look to the right. As long as it has that "Fulfilled by Amazon" tag, Best Buy will price match it.
I've literally only stepped into a GameStop for mythical Pokemon codes
Hoping they'll fucking kill that with SuMo and just do it wirelessly
Thanks! Better explained than
This. A few years back, I lived in a place with three in the same mall (two directly across the hall with a third about 200 feet around the corners), then the strip across from the mall, and finally one a mile down.
I use amazon prime a lot and I get 20% off every new game, delivered at my door, why the fuck would anyone still go to gamestop?
If you have a smartphone, make sure you get the Amazon app. It's your best friend at Best Buy.
>try to be THE place to buy games
>be one of the worst places to buy games
They can fuck right off.
>jackasses trying to push used copies of games on me when i didn't ask for one
>gotta say no 7 times after every transaction like it's rape prevention rehearsal or something
>nintendo games are still expensive as fuck used
>lackluster swag selection
>more and more recently they're hiring more and more people who either don't give a fuck about games or people who think every game sold today is worth its weight in gold (fuck off sam, and that stupid fucking face you made when i told you don't give a fuck about assassin's creed i was just looking for a used copy of tenchu z fuck off)
Good, they deserve it.
This desu. Every new game is $47 with free release day shipping. I've saved over $300 with Prime this past year alone including the free two day shipping on non-vidya stuff
I'm surprised they lasted this long.
Me too. I can't believe people still go there when the service and product is so terrible.
>something something die a hero before becoming the villain
Must've been in shitty condition. Otherwise you're lying.
I walked by one when I was walking out of FiveGuys and the place looked like a fucking toy store.
You can sell at better prices at a pawn shop or craigslist easily
fucking gamestop
>used copy of tenchu z
My nigga
>went to buy bonus item for witcher 3
>5 years ago
Those guys practically pioneered the used game business model gamestop relies on today.
i hadnt been in a gamestop in like 8 years because of drugs and work and shit. well i get back into gaming, fucking looks like spencer's in there.
I can only imagine they must be tanking. I've seen how they've started to grab fucking anything they think they can sell. I went to gamestop for the first time in years about a month ago. There was actually more merchandise in the store than video games, and half of it wasn't even related to vidya--it was a bunch of "nerd" culture stuff like Marvel/DC, Doctor Who, Dragon Ball, The Walking Thrones, The Big Your Mother Will Die In Her Sleep Tonight If You Don't Reply To This Post Theory, you name it.
I remember a little kid trading like 4 GameCube games for like $4 and change. The kid looked around the store for a few minutes and realized he couldn't afford anything with the money he got from trading all his games. He ran out the store crying. A few minutes later he came back with his dad and shouting match begun because the manager wouldn't give the games back. I left without buying any games because it was so uncomfortable in there.
So now they have less than 5000 stores left worldwide. Only a matter of time now.
>shouting match begun because the manager wouldn't give the games back.
Aren't you supposed to be able to give the money you got for the trades back to get the games back?
I use Craigslist honestly for games. Some people are idiots that buy new from GameStop, play it for a week, and get bored/want another game and just sell at for like $20 to $30 cheaper.
Downside is you have no idea who you are dealing with until meeting up.
You'd have to be some massive cuck if you trade/sell to GameStop and not use craigslist or those local neighborhood selling apps.
>quarter of store is pop culture shit nowadays