Tfw video games are fucking shit

>Tfw video games are fucking shit.

My answer to this thread used to be Bloodborne. Then I made an arcane character and it made me hate that game too.

> tfw you're too poor to buy any game
I really want battlegrounds but fuck me

Anyone have a saved picture of the guy on the ps4 happy playing bloodborne with weird fat nintendo fans dragging a disgusting mario through the streets? Please post it.

every once in a while a good game comes out -- like nier:automata -- but in general, they've gotten pretty shitty

sometimes people say "hurr durr you just don't like games anymore", "you got old" etc but it's the actual games sucking dick

take that back

That's what happens to an industry when piracy is so widespread and YouTubers get more views (which equals money) from trying to hype up games as the next TORtanic than from keeping a level head about games.

C'mon lad we've had a pretty good year so far.

Color was better than final TBHD

> le piracy ruined video games meme
Fuck off faggot

>tfw never had more games I've wanted to play at one time ever
>tfw never been more jaded about this industry as a whole

You getting old does change things though, even if you don't want to acknowledge it.

i'm not saying it doesn't, but the games today are definitely worse in general

>the only fun I've had in recent years was the PC re-release of Turok 2
>I've almost beaten the game, next I'll 100% it if I don't lose interest
>that feel when this may very well be the very last game I'll play in a long long time, if ever

Play battlegrounds with me while the fun lasts

>30 bucks for early access

no thanks

This game is old time. It's dev is a guy who actually plays the game. Not some money grabbing asshole

It was just released, though? Maybe you're just shilling your own game.

Sup Forums doesn't play new games even autists know this. What would be the point of shilling it here? Also this game has a very stalkery feel to it

Stop it, you're turning me off from this game. I wasn't going to play it anyway due to its price and me not feeling up to it.

Ah ok


Play Resident Evil 2. If that's not fun, just cycle through suggested PS1 games and emulate them till you have fun

Getting old has nothing to do with rts and adventure games being dead and rpgs dying.

Everything has to target the widest possible audience to make the most money. Everything is a shooter/hacknslash with rpg elements, crafting, and zombies