CAPCOM E3 2017 LEAKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Lost Planet 4 exclusive to PS4. Apparently it's a sequel to LP1.
>RE2 Remake gameplay running at 60 FPS.
>Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite will reveal three new characters; Ken, Ant-Man, and Dante later during a livestream.
>Special Megaman collab announcement
>Playstation exclusive character will be announced for Street Fighter V

Source; My ass.. Now call bullshit and screenshot this thread so I can laugh at you all come E3 since I 1000000% know it's happening but cannot reveal my source due to it possibly being traced back to the original sender and getting them terminated.

Other urls found in this thread:



>he doesn't know about the new Mega Man X game

it's not a good fake leak without legends 3 somewhere on there

>Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite will reveal three new characters; Ken, Ant-Man, and Dante later during a livestream.

Retard, they do one Capcom for every Marvel shown.

I wasn't told anything about a new devil may cry or dragon's dogma game in their E3 line up.

>implying they're even working on re2 and not just sucking each other's cocks over re7

>Lost Planet

>Lost Planet 4

I doubt this is going to happen because NOTHING fucking happens at E3 anymore. E3 is garbage.

>Playstation exclusive character
>for a game with cross-platform play

>sequel to LP1
Fuck that, give us a sequel to 2. Just give us more Lost Planet, fuck.

>Playstation exclusive character will be announced for Street Fighter V

wew lad

>Lost Planet 4

There was a Lost Planet 3?

E3's still good for the occasional reveal that causes asshurt over exclusivity.

>PlayStation exclusive character

Who? Seriously a guest character from another game? Jesus Christ

>Playstation exclusive character will be announced for Street Fighter V
lmao fuck off

>Playstation exclusive character will be announced for Street Fighter V

That doesn't even make sense. The character 's files would still be on PC for crossplay to work.

>implying capcom wouldn't do that

>Lost Planet 4 exclusive to PS4. Apparently it's a sequel to LP1.

Lost Planet 3 happened and it was fucking terrible. Why won't those fucks listen to the LP2 crowd? It's the only fans the goddamn series has.

It was a Red Faction Armageddon copy made by the guys that did Legendary and Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z.

>Exclusive character in a game with crossplatform play
>Capcom making a PS4 exclusive when even with Sony moneyhatting SFV they wouldn't make it actually exclusive
>Megaman not being dead
>REmake 2 being anywhere near a playable state

>Playstation exclusive character will be announced for Street Fighter V
absolutely not happening. the outrage would be too extreme.

>Playstation exclusive character will be announced for Street Fighter V

This part is fake as fuck. Anyone who plays SFV could tell you that.

>Special Megaman collab announcement

Probably new cartoon Mega

if they do Im gonna be tilted I will be so fucking tilted I have sfv on pc and if they do that I will actually be 90 degrees for the rest of my life

>inb4 new character disable cross-play functions between PC and PS4.


>Capcom further kills Street Fighter
>trying to resurrect fucking Lost "doesn't sell" Planet
I believe it because it's retarded.

Everything besides Ken in MvC:I and the exclusive character in SFV sounds plausible. The exclusive character is unlikely due to cross platform play.

>Playstation exclusive character will be announced for Street Fighter V

Yeah nah.

I thought you could turn off crossplay at any given time. Like, isn't there an option to do so?

Thanks for reminding me that MvC:I will be out for PC. I just saw that UMvC3 is on steam too. Seems like we're not being treated as second-class platforms these days

No Onimusha reboot?

I'm gonna buy a shotgun tomorrow. Living hurts too much.

This leak is so short and so lame that there's not even any point arguing over whether it's real. Either way, who fucking gives a shit?

All you have to leak on RE2 Remake is the fucking Frame rate?! FUCK YOU

There was also a spin-off you probably missed.

I'll take just an HD Collection at this point.

Or even better, a remake of 4 with online co-op.

>3 new characters

You know they always reveal MvC characters in pairs, right?

>Cross-Platform game
Oh what, they aren't announcing MH being PS exclusive again or MvC Infinite being made a PS exclusive?

OP is a fag who made no attempts

t. sonybro

Capcom doesn't do exclusives anymore, dumbass.


I'd love this

That would be an instant red flag though. I will never not be mad about it. I am still holding onto hope.

are Lost Planet 1 and 2 any good? I heard 3 is bad, but are the first two worth playing, and what are they like?

>Special Megaman collab announcement
Mother fuckers, just make Legends 3!

Lost Planet 1 was...I never got around to trying it.
Lost Planet 2 was good with multiplayer, but most of the player-base is gone.
Try out it's spin-off. It's dirt cheap to import and you don't need to know any moon lingo. Community is the same as LP2 except there's usually a match on Jap weekends.

is it a multiplayer focused series? I wanted to try out the singleplayer

The multiplayer is mainly with LP2.
Use to be single player focused with LP1 or so I've heard.
The spinoff does a balance of the two.

>>RE2 Remake gameplay running at 60 FPS.

I mean honestly this one isn't hard to guess anyway, they've been working on it a long time and next year is the 20th anniversary so they're probably hoping to release it by then.

>Ew, new thing? How dare you, let me buy old thing again instead
You are the cancer killing gaming you fucking fetus.

>Capcom leaks
Just wait for the re-release definitive edition

1 is single player with a mediocre tacked on multiplayer mode. It's pretty good. Last boss is 100% bullshit and requires you to learn how to play a completely different game.

There's no way Capcom would waste money on a LP sequel doomed to fail. RE2 Remake is something I can believe though.

>Playstation exclusive character for SFV

How would that work when the game has cross platform online? Not that I'd put it past them but it would split the competitive community which is the only audience they have.

>Lost Planet 4
no more disappointments

>RE2 Remake gameplay running at 60 FPS.
>something that uses static angles is running at 60 in the year 2017

now that's noteworthy

know we play the waiting game

>implying RE2 remake isn't over the shoulder third person shooter with merchant, gold coins and melee moves

What about Monster Hunter on switch? What's all this playstation shit I don't care about that stuff. Try harder next time.

It's complete bullshit.
That being said, I don't think it would split the competitive community because all the competitions are on PS4.

you know this was posted by a consolecuck because he had to specifiy that a game runs at 60FPS

>>Playstation exclusive character will be announced for Street Fighter V
Would basically ruin the game since it's cross play

>>Playstation exclusive character will be announced for Street Fighter V
aww yeah splinter that tiny playerbase even more

>Playstation exclusive character will be announced for Street Fighter V
It's cross-platform on PC and PS4 only. There's not console exclusive characters you shitty fake leaker.

Why the fuck would they make an exclusive fighting game character? I think that would just piss people off.

Anything on Deep Down?

>Special Megaman collab announcement
>It's a Megaman Battle Network reboot announcement
>Story by Yoko Taro

How would the story be, Sup Forums?


>Playstation exclusive character will be announced for Street Fighter V
As fucking if

It's not lol.

>mods delete squilliam E3 thread
>they keep this stupid fake leak thread alive