What is the Limp Bizkit of vidya?
What is the Limp Bizkit of vidya?
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the dreamcast
those quick cash-in's movie videogames
Original xbox.
Limp Bizkit is unironically a great band.
Mortal Kombat. back in the 90s every one loved it but now every one knows it was shit.
popular as shit in the late 90s, then abruptly forgotten about
Also, the GameCube
devil may cry or final fantasy 7
No it fucking isn't what are you on about mate?
Bubsy 3D.
Nintendo. Cool back then, but now everybody forgot about it except the nostalgic ones who want to stay in the past
This. Besides, Results May Vary is an album with great lyrics.
The Limp Bizkit of videogames is the dreamcast. It was cool, it had attitude and creative games; but bad decisions made it lose its impulse.
Thank god LB put the band back together and now tours around the world again. They finally came to Argentina in 2011 (and returned two more times after that!)
This. In the 90s it was the best, then it died, then returned and in 2011 it had a new album/game release
give me sumth' t'break
Weird, I was just listening to Limp Bizkit today.
Terrible band for the most part, but combination of catchy music and 90s nostalgia makes an ironic listening every now and then entertaining.
Also god bless DJ Premier for this beat:
Limp Bizkit was NEVER cool.
Red Faction. Mostly shit but one entry that goes hard as fuck.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Gears of War
>While literally posting their worst album
Move in now move out
Hands up now hands down
Back up Back up
Kill yourself.
Dark Souls
Flash games on Newgrounds.
Lol no
wtf the gamecube was nintendos last good console.
>that ben stiller
i love when movie stars do cameos in shit like this
this was my favorite lb album when I was a teenager.
Today I only listen to pic related every now and then
limp bizkit was great but their new album fucking sucks
>ironic listening
get over yourself and listen to it non-ironically you insecure cuck
>there are people on this planet that liked limp bizkit
can't agree, CoD 4 was a good game
Everybody remembers the Dreamcast in a good way, nigga.
>ywn keeping rollin' rollin' rollin' on the world trade building.
its more about the series and the ppl that play the game.
Maybe Saint Row series.
Sega. Back in the day they were the shit, not anymore though.