
Why is this game's gameplay universally considered so shit? I can understand that its a bit of a slog and doesn't have a lot of depth to it, but its a relatively solid Dynasty Warriors clone and after getting used to it, the aerial combat isn't that bad.

Literally every sort of mention I can find of the original Drakengard goes out of its way to stress that the gameplay is shit, but I'm just not seeing it.

Other urls found in this thread:


It isn't a relatively solid Dynasty Warriors clone at all.

It's ok.

But on the Internet, if the game is not a 10/10, it's considered trash. There's no midleground.

It's not as bad as people say it is, but it definitely isn't good. Spend a few days trying to level up all of the weapons and you'll understand. It's mostly just how repetitive it is, but there are enough parts on the dragon to keep it from getting too stale.

Drakengard's repetitiveness is what makes it amazing.
The soundtrack is repetitive, the gameplay is repetitive to the point where it becomes numbly violent and shizophrenic.

Shit and clunky combat system

In terms of how enjoyable drakengard's ground combat is I'd compare it to playing dynasty warriors 4.

As dian wei.
With no horse.

Worst hitler

Its a game that dosent need justification

Its good if you know its good, fuck the other shit.

People really fucking hate Dynasty Warriors games. Understandably, in the early games it really is nothing but mashing square.
If you're okay with that it's a perfectly playable game.

Yeah, playing through the game normally it's completely tolerable and really not that big of a deal at all. I don't really see why people complain about it. Trying to level up all of the weapons is a total mind numbing nightmare that really shows how bare-bones the combat is though, but that is completely optional anyway.

4 is my favorite Dynasty Warriors game and they are nothing alike.

That is actually a really good point. It accurately simulates what it feels like to be in his shoes.
Thing is, people hate it when games sacrifice gameplay for art. But I can respect it.

There wasn't that much out on PS2 for weebs at that time if you'd already clocked the other squeenix games so a lot of people played this game that either weren't ready for it or never should have bothered.

It's got a soundtrack that is really hard to listen to, considering the length of the levels. Pretty much every VA except for Angulus sucks. The gameplay is extremely shallow and tedius, especially considering the length of each level and how many levels there are.

The story is pretty much the only thing from keeping that game from being forgotten garbage, and I say this as someone who loves Taro's work.

Honestly, it didn't even age like milk.

It aged like a fucking egg.

It was a a decent/passable game when it first came out. But it's pretty fucking awful by today's standards.

NieR: Automata brought a lot more attention to these games but they're not really very good. The story is pretty engaging and the world building is very rich and interesting, but every game before NieR plays like sitting on a couch of flaming, barbed dicks.

Even NieR is pretty below average in terms of gameplay.

From my understanding it was meant to be a Dynasty Warriors with dragons by the higher ups before Yoko Taro decided to put his plot into it since he knew it couldn't compete just by being a shitty Dynasty Warriors clone.

Should I just watch the cutscenes on YouTube instead of playing it?

They would have found more mainstream success if they just made a straight up dick sucking simulator like FFX with the same story but having just 100% automata I'm glad they took the hard road.

watch the cutscenes and maybe a lore breakdown for drakengaard in general just remember part 2 isn't canon :^)

You're better off playing it, if not then just ignore it entirely, because its just going to be a shitty subpar experience otherwise.

Drakengard/Nier "lore" isnt even that important, what the games do as individual visions is.

It really aged like a corpse.

I guess I'm a necrophiliac.

Sorry I couldn't help this edge.

I thought this video was pretty funny

Nier 1 is just a PS2 game made in the 360/PS3 era

you'd have to be one picky bitch to find so much fault with it.

Even with the abundance of way better hack-n-slash games to play nowadays, I'm enjoying it for what it is.
Maybe I'm dumb or braindead or some shit, but there's something entertaining about mashing my way through hundreds of dudes while Drakengard's soundtrack blares in the background. Its great music to slaughter hundreds of people to.

It IS canon, but it's not the same universe as NieR OG and Automata.

There was canonically a timeline split.

It goes:

DoD3>DoD1>NieR OG>Automata



They're both equally canon, who knows, maybe knowing taro we'll get DoD4 set right after DoD2 in 3 years.

All I want is Drakengard 3 on the PS4 so it doesn't run like utter shit.

Sup Forums is filled with nu-gamers who complain about anything that dosen't have the exact same control scheme as Soulshit and tons of cheevos to collect

just enjoy the game, its not worth discussing on Sup Forums to any great extent since 90% of the people here watched it on youtube

I dunno bro the discussion seems to be pretty fine and interesting so far, I'm enjoying reading everyone's thoughts on the game.

Also apparently using Windsinger's magic attack and swapping to different weapons will count the magic's kills toward whatever you want to level up, so that should be helpful? Somewhat?

>Both equally canon
Not true. D2, as per Taro's timeline, which released in the "Anniversary Edition" of D3, has Drakengard 2 as its own thing, not connected to ending A.

Well I don't blame you, the love for that game is a love that crushes... like... a mace.

It really isn't, but the story is pretty interesting.

You dont have to upgrade all the weapons, just collect them if you want Ending E

Nowe is a fucking idiot but Manah is cute damn it.

I seriously think the soundtrack was specifically intended to drive people insane. It's brilliant.

At least we can be happy than any future NieR/DoD will probably be a colab between Taro and Platinum.

Yeah it's pretty good
I also really like how the mission select is just fucking this youtube.com/watch?v=Z5_xJr1aW60
but when you're selecting weapons to kill people with its youtube.com/watch?v=zxgyKWVIWVI

I guarantee DoD4 will be reusing Scalebound assets.

She's a fucking monster.

You wanna talk about someone doing EVERYTHING wrong.

True, but there will be a few things that I want to level, if not only to see their magic at level 4 out of curiosity. Glory's Bane for instance.
Also Hymir's Finger.

After listening to ending B's music with headphones on, I will agree with you.

My favorite is probably some of the tracks from Chapter 5, despite how much of a ridiculous fucking slog that chapter is.
Something about those drums lends this really great barbaric feel to everything.

I get the feeling that these threads are full of shills trying to pretend that DoD wasn't fucking shit in an attempt to warm Sup Forums up to the idea of a DoD remaster. And then they restate that it's a Tarogame to get people to recognize the brand and pump it up to be better than it is.

I'm on to you faggots

>The story is pretty engaging and the world building is very rich and interesting, but every game before NieR plays like sitting on a couch of flaming, barbed dicks.
This, famlamdam

its my favorite game in the series and i dont give a fuck about whatever you just said

It's a shittier Dynasty Warriors and Dynasty Warriors is already a bad game


If a DoD remake happens- which I'm banking on more than DoD4 happening- I'll be ecstatic, but I honestly just wanted to see people's opinions on the original.

Check your cynicism my guy.

I dunno man some seriously crazy meme magic had to occur to put together the Automata team and you think it can happen again?

DoD is the best example of flawed genius. Absolutely top tier characters, world building, story, and ost but dogshit combat (which when put in context to the story actually serves a purpose)

All Platinum did was literally invite Taro to direct the game Square Enix wanted them to make

Since Automata has now been elevate to meme status, this can easily become a regular thing.

Yeah I think so. Automata is a one in a generation game. I don't think we're gonna see anything quite as complete an experience in a long, long time.

it's dev cycle was only like 2-3 years, they can do another one if SE really, really wants them to

Why not?

Platinum currently doesn't have dick going on thanks to Microsoft killing scalebound. Automata is the best NieR/DoD game in both critical reception and sales. It's nothing but a positive for Taro and Platinum. No reason for them not to continue this partnership

You have a severe case of shit taste.


So basically you'd be fine if it was just a movie because as it stands you don't seem to like the game.

Which Id be totally on board with desu.

Inuart is a moron. Every other character is pretty great though.
Verdelet should've been kicked in the face a few more times over the course of the story, though.

Inuart being a moron is why he's my favorite character, he's so earnest about being a complete fuckin fool and you just know Caim is laughing at him

I just want to talk about a video game that I like, but instead I'm replying to obvious bait like the stuff you're posting.


Why would you say I hate the game? I gave it extreme praise with a single negative. Do you hate everything that isnt absolutely perfect or something?

Also it's not something that can be translated into another medium. Multiple endings don't work that way and the gameplay is (whatever your opinion of it is) is part of the experience

Is she dead or what?

red knights

The only positives i have are the
>Weapon power shit
>Art style
>Pact shit

dragon combat

The ground combat is awful
At least the dragon parts are fun

Fuck yeah, you're onto it.

So to understand a full story of the world I should play:

>good amount of combat is in the air
>only bits where you're off is inside or some rare thing that forces you off
>everything else is perfect

it's actually funny how alright this game is even though it's considered horrible but that makes it great.

Would never get all the endings though.

Play Drakengard more for its own sake than Nier's; if you want to know the connection, just watch Drakengard's Ending E and read a few wiki articles on what the fuck you actually watched.

Don't do that until you beat Nier a few times, tho, or face those Good Spoilers.

why don't weapons evolve anymore? seeing them gradually reveal their final form was one of the appeals of the franchise. but NieR only did it for a handful, while D3 just had them get a glow, and in Automota only a tiny handful even have that.

It's better to treat each game as its own unique experience, all the lore shit is completely after-the-fact and honestly isn't so important as people make it out to be.

Does anyone have the picture of the weapon whose story ends with "scarlet blood" being repeated over and over again?

Was it cut content or fan made bullshit?

the actual combat is serviceable but all of the levels being barren recolors where you just go around killing the same enemies over and over was really boring

NieR was meant to be a "sequel to a game that doesn't exist" so it's link with Drakengard is really, really tenuous. If you play Nier and then play Automata you'll get the complete story, but the links between NieR and Automata are also so tenuous that it doesn't even matter. Most of what you need to know in Automata (like 99%) is told to you in Automata. The only things maybe are the backstory of Devola and Popola and Project Gestalt.

>while D3 just had them get a glow,
Their final level in 3 was level 3, 4 was just added enchants.

I would watch or listen to the lore, just for those little moments of "HOLY FUCKING SHIT IS THAT WHAT/WHO I THINK IT IS" in nier automata.

lol thats just opening up for dissapointment

No the worst part is the FUCKING CAMERA

Literally just Emil and Devola/Popola.

Don't forget those weapon stories. There's also Beepy. And there are plenty of other references, like Accord.

they're incredibly inconsequential but the shock and ludicrous idea of whats going on is worth it.

>didn't find the secrets

there are way more references than taro let on.

The OST makes me feel uneasy when i play this.

I had nightmares for days.
It's pretty great.

Is there an undub out there somewhere? Considering there's so much censorship.

you're not going to miss much but I think there is something out there.

There's not much censorship. There's actually more censorship in the Japanese dub of NieR than there is in the English release of Drakengard.

The only things you really need to keep in mind is that Leonard is a disgusting pedophile and Furiae wants Caim's dick.
Its why she's the worst girl desu.

I actually liked her in the red dress.

They hinted heavily enough at Furiae that you would have to be really dense to miss that. I mean, it straight up says she has romantic feelings for her brother locked in her heart in the instruction manual. But even if you skip that, if you miss it by the time she's stabbing herself, you're pretty dense.

>solid Dynasty Warriors clone
I want to know what DW games you've been playing because Drakengard was like a much worse DW

dont diss Leonard!

His brothers died because he was jerking off in the woods to child soldiers. That's pretty despicable.

I'm not, he's one of the most noble characters in the entire game up to the end, and the most morally reasonable in your party- not counting Seere because he's just a kid.
That doesn't stop him from being a disgusting pedo.

you're saying that like he could have prevented it

He could have done more than what he did, that's for sure. We don't know how many people were there. Could have literally just been one guy.

Then the dude tries to commit suicide (the cowards way out), but was so cowardly, he couldn't go through with it, preferring instead to form a pact with the most annoying and berating creatures in the Drakengard universe.