Is the multiplayer at least good in this pile of sheit?
Is the multiplayer at least good in this pile of sheit?
i don't know
I don't know
i dont know
Can you repeat the question
Can you repeat the question?
answer unclear, ask again later
I should go.
Life is unfair
So, why didn't Malcolm bang her?
I hurt myself today
Multiplayer is same as the first with improvements.
Is this all 1 person saying all this shit?
One would have to buy it in order to tell you about the multiplayer. No one here is actually that stupid though.
Is this all 1 person saying all this shit?
Yes, you're the only nignog dumb enough to join in on my conversation with myselves.
I'm about 50 hours in.
Haven't touched the multiplayer yet.
Is it cracked yet?
Is it cracked yet?
New Denuvo version.
Could be cracked in a week, could be cracked in a year.
Don't expect it anytime soon.
Multiplayer is as good as 3, which was well received. The game itself is alot better than I thought it would be. Story is also leagues better than expectations. Suffers from repetition if you do most of the side shit, but gameplay was just good enough to distract me.
I wish they offered a version of the game at half price- $30- that only had the multiplayer.
I don't care for the campaign and wouldn't play it if I got the game, but I did have a lot of fun playing ME3's MP.
I originally bought it for someone else
>mfw they already had a copy
MP's pretty great. Voice is kinda busted in the PC version, unless you set it to push to talk you're transmitting all the time, even if you have voice turned off in settings. Don't be like half the lobbies I'm in and broadcast your yelling for tendies to everybody thinking we can't hear.
A week is soon.
I agree, I was actually really surprised EA didn't make bioware run with having ME3MP spun off as an F2P product considering it's already set up for it. Could absolutely see that working.
Only the people who actually bought this trash would know. And why would you trust their judgement anyway?
For you humans.
The whole game is good. You got memed by Sup Forums's hate complex.
Pretty much an improved version of the multiplayer in 3. Combat is really fast and smooth with the added maneuverability the jetpack and shit gives you and the maps are more vertical. It's good.
5 (FIVE) Origin bucks have been deposited to your Origin account.
not him, but it's literally an improved 3's multiplayer, and everyone loved 3's multiplayer...
>everyone loved 3's multiplayer
> $60
> Only a Couple maps
> Pay to win
ME Multi would be fine if it were a FTP, but as it's a $60 dollar release it's a pile of shit.
3's multiplayer was well received across the board. There's no point in being contrarian.
>ignoring the 100+ hour single player campaign
Retard. The multiplayer is just icing.
I don't know.
>try to join a multiplayer session
>never played it before, don't know the lobby interface well
>join somebodys game
>nigger fuck cock niggers dick fills my headphones
>scramble to find the mute button
>disconnect and never do MP again