Is Halo a real eSport?
Is Halo a real eSport?
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wtf is that someone's house?
Maybe. It's the official venue of the $1,000,000 Halo event.
>Killer Instinct's World Cup had a much bigger venue
Fucking lol. Halo is lower than the poverty that is fighting games
>tfw halo 5's core gameplay, MP, and forge are all 10/10 but nobody has tried it because xbone/windows 10 only and people don't trust 343 after halo 4 and MCC
During the Halo 2 days it was.
They're really not, but they are definitely a step up from Reach and 4
Halo 4, yes. Reach, no.
Balance in a video game is well and all, but Halo 5 is not as fun as Reach to play. While I sure don't miss Alock babies, shoulder charging has sure become just as annoying and more prevalent due to constant availability. Also all the multiplayer maps are all boxes, so one map is, in all intents and purposes, the same as the next one
Forge is inarguably the best in the series by a gigantic mile.
As far as MP/core gameplay goes, opinions, obviously, but IMO oit's the best in the series, only behind H2A and barely edging out 2
If its anything passed halo 3, then fuck no.
>"""professional""" gamers competing in an FPS with controllers
How does someone decide to spend multiple hours a day for months on end playing one video game as their job, and manage to pick the most casual way to play for a dead game?
Reach was pretty imbalanced too, the maps in 5 are all "what if midship was _____" but a lot of Reach's maps were designed with AA in mind so even if you played with those disabled, the maos weren't fun because you weren't playing as intended.
Oh forge yes, I just meant gameplay
>The balloons
Get well soon
is this the new ball pit of 2017?
As a non FPS player, why did Halo die? I heard people say that some of the games like 4 were not as good and too COD-like, but people have played COD competitively forever. So why did Halo die?
That's just fucking sad
became too similar to call of duty
But people play call of duty. Why wouldn't they play a game like call of duty?
So this... is the state of Halo these days.
Damn this series has had quite the fall.
>b-but its le best halo mp since halo 2 we swear it
Yep sure shows it...
Halo died in 2009
>COD launched with MW2
>Bungie launched with a $60 expansion pack
They fucked over the hardcore fans who played for the story with Halo 4/5. They fucked over the casuals by making the story in 4/5 so dependent on the expanded universe to understand that you needed to read the books to know what was going on. They fucked over the multiplayer with Halo 4. Now everyone switched to PS4 this generation so everybody lost interest in Halo by now.
At its core, Halo is still an arena shooter, and once normies got a taste of COD4 they only wanted that going forward, so Halo tried to adapt to please both parties and failed. Instead of being the one bringing new ideas to the table, they are the ones trying to force things from more popular shooters.
I fully expect Halo 6 to have wall running or even "classes" where you choose to play as Spartan II, IV, Elites, Brutes, or Prometheans
i think the most disturbing thing about this is that we dont know if the ballpit size was due to incompetence or they really didnt give a fuck. i need to know how heated this debate concerning the ballpit size in relation to the convention hall size got. where did they get this ballpit? did they shop around? mabey this is similar to how the government operates and one of the planners had a connection to a ballpit merchant who was looking for work and got the contract. we may never know how autistic these people truly were
No, they'd just play call of duty
i hope that every 'e-sport' event will lok like this in a year or two. fuck 'e-sports', it's ruining gaming communities as everyone thinks they're the next fatal1ty
The people who enjoy Call of Duty are not necessarily the same people who (would) enjoy Halo, Battlefront, TimeSplitters, etc., and vice-versa. The mechanics used to be different and more enjoyable for certain people but then they got rid of them, and there goes your ex fanbase
m8, halo 5 removed all the CoD shit 4 added except for sprint which they retooled to be fine anyways
it's really just that games are shit these days
I would have watched a TS: Future Perfect tournament had it been popular enough to be a thing.
It's still an advanced mobility shooter though with stuff like dash, ground pound, thrusters, etc
I still found Reach to be somewhat fun, particularly with additions like the Falcon. Plus, I'm a fag that cares about aesthetic and Reach is 10/10 GOAT on that front, for me. It was easily the worst of the Bungie games but I'd still place it easily above anything released since. Invasion was bae, too.
5 still has sprint, thrust, microtransactions, missing content at launch, charge, ground pound and a fucking awful art style, particularly the armour.
I honestly can't understand how anyone who thought Reach and 4 were bad can praise 5. It's just as awful, if not worse than either of them.
Oh how the mighty have fallen. Absolutely hysterical, but not surprising since Halo 5 is a 0/10 game that flopped hard. This confirms my suspicions that MS will likely scrap the franchise and close 343 now that Halo Wars 2 also bombed.
Sure, but it actually meshes well, at least IMO, with halo's core gameplay without making it feel unhalo.
Halo 4 and 5 are god awful COD clones that stripped the gameplay of all merit and originality. On top of that, the story, characters, music, and the visual design of everything was changed and destroyed by 343 as well. Nothing about it is Halo anymore. Finally, it's on a completely dead console that no one bought to begin with.
Halo 3 MP was so good, why do we have to suffer
Halo threads on Sup Forums are always fun, you're literally shitposting for absolutely no reason.
Nobody cares what you're saying, no amount of "LOL ITS COD" or "3/Reach was the peak of the series" is going to matter.
Halo 5 sold ~5 million copies. Games that have sold much, much less still got sequels. Microsoft will NEVER let Halo die as long as they are in the gaming industry. They made Cortana their virtual assistant in Windows 10 and the Xbox One S even has Master Chief imprinted in it. Halo is so synonymous with Xbox that Microsoft has come to believe that killing Halo will mean killing the Xbox.
Stop being such a sensationalist. Halo 5 isn't a 0/10 even if it is a bad game.
It didn't sell anywhere near 5 million. Barely reached 3 million. And it is absolutely a 0/10. Fucking shill.
When will idiots like OP finally start spelling it the right way?
>XDDD if you aren't a bitter contrarian like me who hates everything you're a shill
I don't care if you don't like the game. Why would it? Game developers are supposed to cater to their fans, if people that hate a game start buying it, those game developers are going to cater to those people instead of me. I don't want you to buy any Halo games. How am I a shill?
>Absolutely a 0/10
According to who? You? Someone who has never played a Halo game, let alone been good at one?
Why are you so mad? I bet the next thing you're going to say is "FOUR HOURS"
My good man, you have my respect (not that it's worth shit).
vgchartz is not a reliable source
And your sourceless post is?
Straight from the horses mouth:
And? They use a multitude of methods to collect data, including asking publishers directly. Obviously there are going to be margins of error, but nothing 2 million units big.
And even if you are right, 3 million sales is not a huge flop. If the average sale price is $30, and they sold 3 million copies, that's a shit ton of money.
Different user, he'll have to come in and defend his 3 million number.
Just wanted to point out that unless publishers have actually released numbers for a game vgchartz is sales astrology.