How do pros get away with this time and time again?

How do pros get away with this time and time again?

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And ofcourse its the Germans

Aren't these lan tournies where you use the computers provided? The refs must be blind or retarded to allow it to happen.

Counterstrike was a mistake

There's all kinds of goofy theories, like secret memory space on mice and keyboards

When you play CS all day at some point your reticle will pass on someone through walls. It's statistically logical.

It's not cheating you fool, otherwise the cursor would flick and stick for a milisecond on the head.

they get people to write down the hacks into their mouse/keyboard firmware, you can use your own

it's sports at this point so this is considered normal

Yes the webm's that gets posted are just random one in a million stare at wall and a guy happends to be on the other side.

Lans provide with computers monitors and headphones. The only thing that you can bring is keyboard and mouse. And there is always an admin behind the players watching them at all times.

Because most people interested in this shit are complete shitter fanboys who suck at the game and don't want to think the "good" players are cheating. CS GO is so fucking full of cheaters it's funny. Valve doesn't even ban them until they're putting CS GO on sale.

>It's not cheating you fool, otherwise the cursor would flick and stick for a milisecond on the head.
Mate, do you think it's 2004 or something? Aimbots are quite a lot more sophisticated than locking on.

Except that no professional player would be aiming blindly at the walls in these spots, which is what the aimbotters always do. He has absolutely no reason to aim there. Why does he move his sight away from the likely places of approach and aim at nothing?

You watch the game for the entertainment. Same with Magic and Wrestling.
Do you guys not know this? They can even script games for my part to make them more close called.

He wasn't "blindly looking at the walls", he was moving around and yes at SOME POINT he also has to move his mouse around, lift it up and go somewhere else.

Slowing down tiny sections out of thousands of hours of "pro matches" won't make it truly cheating.

Mate. He has NO reason to aim there. None at all. None of the fucks who aim at players through walls have a reason. He starts off by aiming slightly below the head level at the corner, then proceeds to pull his sight AWAY from where he should be aiming, aims at nothing (player), pulls off and walks away.
I'd believe you if it was just one case, but there's dozens, if not hundreds of videos showing stuff exactly like this. Professional players, who by all means know where to aim, will suddenly aim at a seemingly random wall, even under threat of enemy advance, ignoring the actual key points that are relevant.

There's only one enemy on the site

There's no one on his team in position to call the player location

He starts aiming right as the enemy jumps so there's zero chance he heard the player

It's so blatant

I'd like to see this actually replicated if it's possible.

lol i often ragehack and still get defended.
people think they look good when they defend a people doing "good".

Actually, never mind. Now that I think about it, it should definitely be possible. You could just sneak a payload into the drivers, which really isn't that hard or clever. Chances are the refs just clicked "Allow" on any notifications Windows threw up thinking, "Whatever, it's just a keyboard."

>Playing a game where pros are confirmed to hack


look at thousands of hours of gameplay and you will find moments in anyones play where they seemingly can see through walls.

I played CS since 1.3. I was in school back then. It's too late to stop.

what am i supposed to see here?

Yeah, there's a weird area in CSGO where talent and effort is put into being able to hide your hacks. That's why the world's "best" players refuse to do lan's.

>the world's "best" players refuse to do lan's
you do realize every major is a LAN right

Except that's not even the case. I've watched plenty of replays from everyone's perspective out of boredom and it maybe happens ONCE every 100 rounds. Even people who are staring each other down through smoke don't come as close to aiming at each other as much as these pros do who let their hacks get to close to someone 3 walls away.

I don't understand why people cheat period. Do they just want to feel good about something? How can they if they know they cheated?

>Tfw you remember the times when you played comfy de_westwood on Cs 1.6

And the "best" players who don't attend those lan's are cheaters. Many of them who "perform" better and have better "game sense" than the pros.

Do you want to give examples about who you're talking about?

>And the "best" players who don't attend those lan's
I don't think there are players better than those who compete. Like, being a pro and winning those Dreamhacks and ESLs is THE top of the game. Who would you consider better than those, even?

i guess because its still fun to dominate others and ruining their day

Definitely looks fishy but honestly hard to tell if he's cheating or not, the way his aim moved looks natural and not an instant snap like aimbots usually look.

Because that happens to everybody? Just watch through your games sometimes.


Are you buying the new epic coin for old members then?

Is just $45 user!

Are you people retarded or what. The hack is obviously walls...

I mean if I wanted a piece of CS memorabilia for some reason, I'd probably buy some knife and spray-paint it or something.

That looks like a spot where enemies will frequently pop out of, so pre-emptively hovering your crosshair over there seems like a solid idea

Why would he look at that specific corner and at that specific angle? Makes no sense.

How the fuck you wall hack and not get caught at a LAN event?

Though on second sight I'm not sure if there's even a hole there

>one in a million
>who is flusha
>who is krimz
>who is karrigan
>who is dupreeh
>who is fallen
>who is coldzera
>who is fer
>who is taco
>who is byali
>who is stewie
>who is autimatic
>who is subroza
Let's not kid ourselves, the scene is infested and valve know and benefit from it.

>The hack is obviously walls
I don't think you know what walls is

Wasn't some nade thrown there? Check the trajectory.


No, there isn't any hole. The only place enemies could feasibly appear are where he is aiming at the start, which is roughly where he would keep aiming, were he a legit player.

I never understood why people play this competitively. Too much RNG. I had way more fun playing surf and stuff.

There isn't

Its a solid wall

He snaps over before he even sees the grenade out of the corner of his eye. For people who take their aim very seriously, it's silly that this ever happens.

You know a lot of pros are confirmed to hack, right?, i can't remember their names since i dont follow csgo tournaments since the game is shit

But KQLY was one of them, and he even admitted he hacked.

That trajectory looks like a pop flash for peeking the common encounter angle into B site safely
Definitely not something that would force you to lock onto someone's head through a wall

Oh look, you can turn airplane mode on and off.

Yeah what are they? Pro players, who play a fuckload of games.
This shit happens to everybody, but is most often seen happening to pros because surprisingly they play a lot of games.

Nades can be heard.

user, I

>Pros who are confirmed to hack
>I can't name any of them tho

That's not how (you)s work.


Yes with aimbots you can get away with those, if you used a wall hack at a LAN you would be immediately busted by the people always standing over your should.

>nades can be heard
You can hear a grenade that's being flown over your head?

Crisp clean lock bois, he's on the gear.

>But KQLY was one of them, and he even admitted he hacked.
And he was banned FOREVER

watch your own demos, it happens every game, the maps are literally a small box, its impossible not to have something look dodgy when xray is turned on.

oh wait, you'd have to actually play the game to have demos.

>teenage twitchcunts calling hacks

>That's not how (you)s work.
>The ID isn't bound to IP
Tell me more, user.

Because tons of pros cheat and making an investigation will completely ruin the esport csgo business.

Yeah, you can hear when someone throws it without it hitting a wall.

theres a window that the person on the point is facing, he could be throwing the grenade through that window

Didn't stop him from making an alt and busting up mm games afterwards.

Not him, but that's not how it works on Clover. Clover tracks all your posts regardless of your IP and sends (You)s your way for every one of them

Pros use their own peripherals, cheats can be injected when the mouse in inserted into the usb

Well, teenage twitch users are the primary audience of CS:GO. Since I'm neither of those things, I don't play the game thus I don't have a demo.

KQLY Hacked and he proved you can hack in a tournament, what is so fucking hard to understand.

Explain to me then how some pros have been around for over a decade and have never had people calling them hackers. How do players like gtr who had bullshit-level insane plays never "coincidentally" put his xhair over a jumping enemy's behind a wall's head, yet it happens so often to the ones I've listed?

I don't even think you can legally stop a person from buying another copy of CS.

He's banned from professional CS and that is harsh enough. Pubstomping is all he has now, or will ever have, and IMO that's harsh enough for an ex-pro. He probably doesn't need hacks to pubstomp either.

And Valve proved they can detect and ban such hacks?

Your ID is bound to your IP, but (you)s aren't tied to your ID or IP. Post something, reply to it, then open the thread with the post in another device from the same connection. One will have the (you)s, the other won't. iirc they use cookies to display the (you)s.

So, a nade that his teammate had to have tossed, that no one else could have tossed, a nade that was tossed from his right, caused him to look up and to the left? I know you can hear a nade being thrown, but can you actually hear a grenade flying through the air? Like a whiffle ball whistling?

Nobody has bothered to make a meme compilation of their ''clips'' yet.

lmao this

>pfftt noobs...he's just good ;) i know about these things

Was he constantly jumping? That makes a sound.

can somebody tell me what is happening
dont get it since a pleb

>How do pros get away with this time and time again?

cult like followings who worship them as greater them human being. pretty sad really.

I can't imagine how far up your ass you had to reach for that one. Keep on deluding yourself.

He wouldn't have heard him from that far.

>And Valve proved they can detect and ban such hacks?

wew lad top players in the prime matchking are literally cheaters, you get people hacking every now and then even outside of it.

One jump and he snaps over before he hits the ground (when you would hear the jump assuming he's close enough to even pinpoint the dude's head on sound alone). Unless they made another change and you can hear the beginning of a jump too, then sure, the dude is just that fucking good.

>He wouldn't have heard him from that far.
Definitely would've. Jumping makes a fucking loud sound

It had an aimbot, he is aiming at something that he couldnt see.
You can see it since you are spectacting.

>And Valve proved they can detect and ban such hacks?

Valve can't detect cheats worth shit. LMAObox on TF2 ran rampant for YEARS. And know what happened after the LMAObox banwave? People started hacking again less than a week later. CS:GO has banwaves that take months and months and those cheaters probably have multiple copies of the game ready to go from a sale.

He had is crosshair aimed precisely where and enemy was with basically no indication where he would be. The webm has the xray view from spectators.

thanks senpai



cs go is more random than mario party

Well unless you show me the VOD you can't say it was just 1 jump

Valve CAN detect cheats and they do. They just don't give a fuck about anything else than making money, so they ban them in waves in conjunction to sales.

Yeah, I can hear people running on B from that distance and I don't think jumping is quieter than running.

I dunno about TF2, but with CS it's the policy to ban in waves, this stops people from knowing exactly which version of cheat was a giveaway but it also sucks for the consumer. Valve are lazy, yeah. I imagine they're more diligent about pro players, though. Well, hopefully.

Didn't it take some insider leaking shit to valve to get lmaobox banned?

>And Valve proved they can detect and ban such hacks?
Valve can't even sort out the cheater problem in MM, that's the reason why there are like 3 different side-leagues with their own anti-cheats, like ESEA, and you're telling me they can detect sophisticated cheats by default? I dunno what some of these pros used or whether the VAC ban was forced by Valve themselves, but there are so many cheats that are undetectable by Valve right now it's not even funny. Hell, remember the TF2 mass ban wave that only happened because someone ratted out the sourcecode for one of the most popular cheats out there? Thousands of people were banned, including in the semi-pro leagues and they used that for YEARS. Valve is incompetent as fuck, those few bans are not the identification of their ability, it's the identification of their lack of competence that only so few players were banned.
>fanboys will defend this

And unless you show me the VOD you can't tell me he was thunder stomping and boom boom hopping before that point (because why the fuck would a """pro""" do that) - which leaves us at an impasse.

Even prominent commentators/analysts in the scene like Richard Lewis and Thorin have said that although we can't just assume people are cheating, nobody's explanations for these fishy clips is good enough to do away with doubts.

>They just don't give a fuck about anything else than making money
Nigger, cheaters who get banned create a new account and buy another copy, that's one of the main reasons they never ban by IP, unlike companies like Blizzard.

You've never been startled by people shooting at you before? Even pros fuck up, dude.

Back when I cheated in Minecraft ~6 years ago I did it because it was fun for me to fuck up other people's time. Their anger was entertaining.

I don't enjoy doing it anymore though. I'm guessing people (especially adults) who do it are just less emotionally developed. Probably for genetic reasons.

Counter-Strike is fine you moron. But esports were a mistake.
-everyone that has fond memories of having fun with Counter-Strike and plenty other games, back then when no one took things seriously, and the internet wasn't filled with e-celebs and attention whores.

>banning IP
What's that going to accomplish when most people have dynamic IPs

No. Not like that.
t. different user