

Catch Up Gear is coming-
Mythic+ Scaling is Changing
Karazhan is becoming 2 Mythic+ Dungeons
A Pet Battle Dungeon is coming

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how much is it paying marketeer?

Mythic+ needs to be removed, fuck dungeons.

I just like the wow threads on Sup Forums because /vg/ is cancer

show us the pay stub

Thank u Mr blizzard

>still has less players than wod
>people liked one year of no content more than legion
>blizzard fucked up this bad

>Bernie's legion has literal spaceships

it's more than a decade old, people are just getting bored of wow

Keeping 5mans relevant is actually one of the smarter things they did this xpac. Gives me something to do inbetween raid days that could get me an upgrade instead of having to pray the right shit drops off of my weekly loot Pinatas.

I like it tbqh

What they need to do is kill the cancer that is top 20 US guilds. Damage meters and logging was a mistake that killed wow.

It took away the adventure and turned it into a min max shit fest

>Catch Up Gear is coming-
i already had good gear i dont need to catch up
>Mythic+ Scaling is Changing
wew they changed some numbers around
>Karazhan is becoming 2 Mythic+ Dungeons
i already did karazhan why would i want to do it even more often
>A Pet Battle Dungeon is coming
do people realy care about pet battle shit?

>Broken isles gear tokens cost 5000 Nethershards
>They have a chance to give you a leggo in that slot
>You're going to be basically required to grind these until you have your BiS leggos if you don't have them already or you're gimped
>They cost 5000 Nethershards
>You get ~400-600 Nethershards an hour
>You can't do any other content before you finish your leggo grind because it could give you the Sehpuz and blow all your BLP

so whats in it for me if i get a couple months subscription? slow ass leveling? dead servers coz everyones lvl100 already?

my friends dont play WoW anymore so if i wanted to go for this shit it´d be a singleplayer and theres no way this is better than FFXV when it comes to that

even warcraft 3 feels sorta too hard and punishing to play just for fun, i dont feel comfy with it anymore

legion is an expansion for noone
it alienated old players and got no new players
a complete failure
but still alive from retards buying gold and boosts

>there are some people who never got to grind it out in pre-cata winterspring

tru happiness


>tfw started as Enhancement in Legion
>Holy shit this is so much fun
>Blizzard reworks Enhancement for literally no reason
>Worse than before, then nerfed again for good measure
>Still haven't changed anything

Did they make Artifact Weapons not a pain in the ass to grind now? I quit a while ago but if I play another class how far behind am I just going to be by fucking artifact knowledge time gates?

Mythic + scaling changing is just so it can keep up with the gear curve of the current raid tier, everyone saw it coming. Kara being broken into two parts is so they can add keystones for it.

>do people really care about pet battle shit?

As someone who has been waiting for the next "Celestial tournament" for years now, yes I do care. Although I'm a little disappointed with the pets we get from it.

They've already stated that the nethershard items are completely detached from the BLP system.

>Catch Up Gear is coming-
this is the main problem with the game right now, there's literally no point in playing when the only things that persist through patches are pets and mounts
>Mythic+ Scaling is Changing
this is a bad thing: "dude instead of making new content, what if we just UPSCALE IT"
>Karazhan is becoming 2 Mythic+ Dungeons
wow another dungeon nobody is ever willing to run, just like HoV!
>A Pet Battle Dungeon is coming

just don't expect be playing warcraft anymore - it's a different game, socially and mechanically. Everyone's always in a rush and I guess it sort of mirrors real life in the way society developed.

Hahahaha, are you an idiot?

They made it even worst. Are you ready for the most wild grind ride of your life? We're talking 5 billion artifact power for one upgrade when the first upgrade took 100 ap. How does Blizzard keep fucking up this power creep so badly.

>They've already stated that the nethershard items are completely detached from the BLP system.

[citation needed]

> everyone wants a new mmo from blizzard
> It'll just be wow but re-skinned and under a new brand

literally no hope

Nobody wants anything new from Blizzard, they all want Vanilla, TBC and WotLK back.

When you go on /v during the day u get shill thread after shill thread. At night it's not that bad and actual discussion about games come out.

i dont want a new mmo i want them to fix wow

Literally noone wants a new anything from Blizzard, let alone a fucking MMO.

WoW is cancer.

It has a lot more players than WOD, sorry you don't understand that there are markets outside of English speaking areas.

if it had been that good i wouldnt have always ended up deleting the game after having a nostalgic urge to play

>Source: my ass
WoW hasn't been giving out their sub numbers for years now, m8

There's no need for name calling, user. I got all of the traits on my Enhance before, I was just wondering if they made it easier while i was gone. I didn't expect them too but a man can dream.

>Monk is still the least-played class
>Bottom of the leaderboards in DPS
Time to nerf their only good legendaries lol
>But hey don't worry we'll buff Rising Sun Kick's damage by 8% :^)
I'm just glad I only have four shitty legendaries, now I don't have to care about accidentally coming across a good one

No, retcon everything in WoW and just make a Warcraft 4.

Meanwhile they became one of the best tanks, sitting up there alongside Bears.

One of my shitty legendaries is actually for Brewmaster, I'm considering just swapping the character's loot spec full-time to tank since it's Firestone Walkers and 80% of content I do is just Mythic+ dungeons

i'm 3 months in, new player

i think it's fun

but i bet you'll just value my opinion when i state something as subjective as "I'm having fun"________________