Would most Sup Forums posters considers themselves "real men"?
Would most Sup Forums posters considers themselves "real men"?
yes, i only watch ssbbw porn instead
Yea, man, I drink milk straight from the carton, I don't even give a shit.
i don't know
most women i meet are really not occupied with telling men how to be their gender
This thread isn't video games.
but i'm not a fuckboi either
>trap porn
>cuck boys
Absolute cancer.
Most want to be pretty girls.
That image loses all sting at the "cuck" part. Just makes her sound like a Sup Forumstard. Or it means a Sup Forumstard photoshopped that.
3/10, that's the best I can do
Nope i am borderline retarded
And men want warm loving loyal wives.
What a conundrum women cannot offer the thing we want, except pussy.
No? That's why I transitioned dummy
speak for yourself, cuck
I don't want a hysterical bitch ruining my life either.
Either someone "zen" or fuck off.
Most men want 2D Women.
Not annoying, disgusting, 3D Whores.
i'm just a figment of your imagination
you need to wake up
you need to wake up
you need to wake up
Stop being such a fag
So autism is starting to fade out, cuck has already passed the point where the meaning is completely dead (example: this dumb shit ) but people will still be using it for the next year, but whats after that?
Leave faggot
How manly are you Sup Forums?
I once drank a beer in a bar
>Real man
I mean I have a job and am completely self-sufficient if that counts.
>drinking a drink with estrogen
Pick one.
i tame shrews like nobody's business
>brown eyes
What a mut.
No, i'd consider myself a cute little girl.
i have a big dick and quite some stamina
can fuck cuties for hours
apart from that, still a shitty student at university, single room apartment
i have hair on my balls and stomach
When i was a kid, for some really retarded reason i thought that those 20+ old guys didn't knew how to play the sonic blastman arcade, and punched the thing with all my strength of a 10 year old.
I'm not even sure how i'm alive.
Im currently on my way to grab a few beers. Am I your king now?
I dunno, wanna grab me some while you're at it?
The vast majority of women seem completely fine with vidya, only rare nutters are controlling enough to try and discourage hobbies.
Well I don't watch trap porn and I'm not a cuckold so yes
Men want real women, not feminists :)
I've changed car tires
You know, I like pocky, but holy shit is it unsatisfying.
I'm a gluttonous cunt. I could easily eat 15 of those boxes and still be hungry.
>women don't want gays
but that is a blatant lie
I wish mods did their jobs
Did you touch receipt paper?
I have bad news for you.
I had to sprint across a somewhat populated street naked once due to circumstances
End your pathetic existence, cuck.
on what other board should i go if i SPECIFICALLY want to know what OTHER VIDEOGAME PLAYERS do regarding women or anything?
the reason threads like this show up on Sup Forums s that someone wants the opinion of his fellow Sup Forums goers and not some shitters from another board
After watching My Dog Skip I only cried for 6 minutes
video games aren't hobbies, ffs. It's like saying watching TV is a hobby, they aren't. It's something you do to kill time. A hobby is something you put work into and get something tangible(social contact, physical fitness, mastery, physical objects etc.) into.
I like video games, but don't pretend they're more than simple entertainment.
How can I be cucked if I have nogf
I play video games as a hobby.
>mods, help! WAAHHHH!
is your dick ok now user?
>something you put work into and get... mastery
sooooo, videogames?
I once made out with a guy.
You can't get any manlier than that right?
I only fap to Yuri and I never had a GF to get cucked by.
Video games requires time and effort to get good at, and when your good at it you can turn it into a job.
Like with every hobby out there. Git gud, git money.
>video games aren't hobbies, ffs. It's like saying watching TV is a hobby, they aren't.
they are hobbies tho
mastery at video games doesn't count, it's like mastery at pressing the buttons on your remote or mastery at flicking pages in a book.
There are hobbies around video games that count, like cosplay, video editing, artwork/indie creation, music remixing, learning your favourite VGM on your instruments, etc. But just sitting in your room playing a game isn't a hobby.
I have a severe case of liking asshole girls and ignore all the girls that hit on me like the plague
Pls help
I want video game playing trap boy
once i drank too many beers at the bar and the way back home was a fucking odyssey
would do it again/10
Programming, drawing art, music remixing are also only pressing buttons.
>sluts dressing in videogame outfits takes more mastery than playing in RTS tournaments
why are you trolling us so?
...Wouldn't most guys who are into traps not want to date a woman anyway?
Not necessarly because most men who watch trap/shemale porn are 'straight'
>not composing new stuff yourself
why the fuck is what you regard as art just shitty plagiarism?
I had sex with a real female.
i don't know, i fucked 3 or 4 trannies in my life but would've MUCH rather fucked real women instead
just so happen that all traps need to see is my big dick to be interested although i am a big ol autist otherwise
meanwhile with girls you've got to be suave, alpha or whatever
>implying i want women
>implying i'm into traps
i want the same men you want hun
>giving a shit about roasties even remotely
I'm a walking corpse whose body forgot to die when his soul did. The video games just distract from that fact.
that's okay, we don't want disgusting vaginas
it takes a lot of effort, designing the clothes, researching, keeping your body in the appropriate shape for the cosplay to work, doing the makeup, travelling to events, discussing with other hobbyists, etc. It's a lot of hard work to do it well.
how old are you
if you're over 25 you should have either already killed yourself or gotten over that phase
>implying i want disgusting retarded 3d
fucking lmaoing at all women everywhere
enjoy being inferior to men in every way
i am literally living in a shared apartment with a cosplay girl and she is just an annoying xd random slut, cosplay is dogshit and everyone can do it with enough money (just buy a custom made costume, there you go)
meanwhile getting gud at vidya is hard as fuck and can take YEARS of effort
i know you are a girl anyways or you wouldn't defend this shitty "hobby" called cosplay
so get fucked slut
>masturbating to gay porn
>mastery at video games doesn't count, it's like mastery at pressing the buttons
Somebody stop this absolute madman!
>actually trying to live your fetishes
That never sounds like a good idea to me, I think it's better for fetishes to remain fantasy in your mind
Like women who want to get fucked by a horsecock but the reality is it's dangerous as fuck for a variety of reasons, and they are dumb smelly animals anyway
Fortunately for me I have a pretty 'safe' fetish in this sense
>I will never be a strong alpha's pampered buttslut sissy
No, I'm a fucking manchild unemployed fat retard with no qualifications, life goals or anything other than this one hobby that arguably isn't even a hobby. Let's add a fucking tiny wiener and pedophilic/general degenerate tendencies and I'm like the antithesis to actual men.
I shouldn't even be alive. I shouldn't. I'm just as bad at suicide as I am at everything else.
I'm not a real man but that's ok, most women are dick sucking, purse buying, boring little whores.
it's piss, isn't it
i study civil engineering
does that count?
Women are trying to destroy the concept of a real man though
so she is going out, having fun, meeting people, getting attention from the opposite sex, enjoying dressing up, and yes, having sex, while you are the roommate sitting in your room, playing video games, eating poorly, rarely talking to her or to anyone else, and yet somehow you are the superior one? Go live your life man, you can even play video games, but you need a real hobby or interests to get out there and meet people. Social contact and support is as important as physical health. Wish I and others would have realized that.
That's why you will be forever fat and not a cute loli
those are dyed hair feminist and like all crazy people you don't give them attention
This thread is making me euphoric. Glad to see so many real men who knows all women are the same (except Japanese girls)
Konichiwa saki sempai
keep telling yourself that social acceptance is the most important thing in the world
while my roomie gets fucked like the vapid slut she is by fake geeks i have a big ol time playing videogames, DnD and several instruments
your argumentation is utterly retarded anyways fammo "oh your FEMALE roomie is getting laid a ton, why don't you simply go out and do the same thing? haha", eat shit
Where are the real women at?
No, musclegirls.
>tfw too poor and NEET to go to a gym and meet one, even if I managed to do that I don't know anything on how to approach girls. Plus they have to be pretty rare in my country since it's 99% normies
That's why I say it is safe, if I ever get to chance to fuck one, the only risk I can think of is that she turns out to be crazy as heck and beats me up. But even so it might still be worth it
It's a hobby dude. Not a very difficult one to get into, or one that yields physical results like model building, but it is a hobby. Someone can't just never play a game in their entire life and just pick one up with ease like on could with a movie and a blu ray player.
I got hair. Lots of hair. Even back hair! Thats how manly I am.
>arguing with failed normies
Literally the only thing they can bring to the table is "muh sexual encounters"
>Social contact and support is as important as physical health.
what a bunch of bullshit
I feel a lot better staying at home or running alone than doing some social shit
and since clothes are one of my main interest, I do get attention fairly often and even end up talking with random people, but I'd never want to make friends with any of them
Words cannot describe how i feel reading this post.
>Implying women date engineers
You'll get girls when they are 30, used up, and looking for beta bux. Your only saving grace is that you could use you money to get 18-20 year olds, but even then, that will be like dealing with a retard.
yeah i shouldn't even have bothered dude, this shit just gets me so mad
it's the smugness
>Disgusting 3D whores thinking they can demand things
women dont make petty bland insults on cardboards directed at everyone who wants to enjoy a movie or a game, that´s what 10 year olds do.
i dont tell her what to finger herself to and she doesnt get to tell me what i should do, hell i´ll never see this cunt again after i close this bread
Pretty much, that doesn't mean I'm not also a degenerate on the inside. As long as you keep both sides separate you're golden, I think most people would agree with me on that.