Will we ever see a sequel now that the German government has raided and shut down Krautchan for being racist?
Will we ever see a sequel now that the German government has raided and shut down Krautchan for being racist?
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They did?
Please tell me more.
Will any other porn dev ever match this game?
The art, humor and overall quality are incredible.
but I thought fuchur got because his art was traced
Kamidori is the best porn game I know of when it comes to gameplay.
got *caught
isnt this game banned from Sup Forums?
>This game is mainly done by a female developer
Why do women keep making pedo stuff?
Sup Forums never hosted this game, is banned as much as console wars and shitposting.
Why would it be?
im pretty sure i remember unalterbatch threads on Sup Forums not being allowed when the game was released
Because it's video games. Sup Forums is for e-celeb news, memes, and political discussion.
Probably because people were posting CGs
Same reason men do.
Pretty sure it's usually women who were molested which makes it a lot sadder.
Wut. The tracing thing is a meme, user.
Those drawings are creepy as fuck, yo.
Kadse dood.
Wat nou?
I just checked their reddit page and twitter. Looks like it's been down for weeks or months already.
>krautchan is gone
where the fuck am i supposed to go to practice my shitposting and german at the same time?
Sup Forums?
can someone unironically give me a rundown on this game?
And nothing of value was lost.
A German user gets a job as a child pornography investigator in a small town. Hijinks ensue.
Ootska rieka
They're based and hosted completely in the USA you fucktard.
What's wrong, user? You don't enjoy their dead, cold eyes?
In order to save the world, you must force yourself to fuck lolis.
It's free and has an official English translation included. Check it out.
I'm a regular there. It's down for about 2 days
Kim is best girl, tender like a marshmallow.
You have to slap a demon milf in the face repeatedly with your dick until she turns into a loli while answering questions about the lolis you've met in the game. It's a shame there's no sex scene where you punish her when she's in her loli form though.
2 get
*blocks your path*
Ootsuka Reika is the artist
now where did I put the installer...
Best girl.
She's does good work. Her stories are fun to read and endearing, even if you don't care about the sexual content.
Nah the Deutschfaden threads on Sup Forums have been fucking horrible for years now.
You totally mispelled that the first time, I thought it was finnish
I like the bookshop girl more though
It's banned because the girls are based on real little girls, some are even based on candydoll girls, which is borderline CP.
Enjoy your permabans.
Bookshop girl is one of the worst, just boring sex mostly.
Characters and cuteness are the best part.
While somersault is clearly her magnum opus, as far as single chapters go this is the best one.
>his art
I was under the impression that the artist was female?
Whew, I was worried that my backlog was running a bit low. Good shit.
>Krautchan is gone
>they're going to come after us next soon
>boring sex
>didn't read part 2
If you've been around Sup Forums long enough you'll know every single porn artist, jap or western, has been purported to be female at one point. It's goes wit hthe fantasy that it's not just fat nerds who wank to that shit, that's it's really QTs behind it. But no, fuchur's a guy. In his case part of the confusion arose from how he used Anne Frank as a pseudonym during the development of the game.
He doesn't do anal manga which makes it kinda worthless desu, otherwise he'd be amazing.
I wish, this game is a true masterpiece.
Ootsuka Reika is a girl.
>Pedo stuff
Nah nigga, they're more likely to make guro shit.
>ein schwanz für kinder
The artist said a long time ago he wasn't interested in doing a sequel anyway.
>he actually thinks there are girls who draw hentai
>implying anybody can resist the allure of kikestarter cash
some of the worst hardcore lolirape shit is made by women
>bookshop girl
Wait, which one is that? Been a while since I read through them
>kickstarter for a pedo game
It's a proven fact that women make a lot of the best loli
Only in your wildest dreams.
Breeding Season had/was going to have loli.
There are though. Plenty. Go to Comiket some time.
Also Kodomo no Jikan, one of the more profilic loli mangas, was done by a woman.
Women tend to make the more fucked up content, and actually know the female anatomy in and out.
Shiruka Bakaudon has yet to be topped.
What IS this?
>western """"art""""
This game would have been so much better if they just hired a Japanese artist.
There's already been a KS for a pedo manga, and it was successful. A game is the next step.
>you will never spend your afternoon in Pedro's Pizzaria after a long day of fucking your loli harem
>you will never have the whole place to yourself and enjoy an entire piping hot cheesy pizza
>pedro will never tell you "it's on the house!"
Kamidori was the most repetitive crap I have ever played
There are plenty. Ootsuka Reika, Yui Haga, Yuzuki N, Wamusatu Haru, Kaworu Watashiya and Saikawa Yusa for example.
Pic related is Fei. She's cool, but she has a major sameface issue with her art which can be distracting.
Girl on the right is too fat.
man that scene where you fuck her throat is so fucking hot
That's not Henrike
>Shiruka Bakaudon
Also a guy
Here's Wamusatu Haru. She most likes to draw smaller boys with bigger girls.