>"Are you sure life isn't a game, Soldier 76?"
How do you respond?
"Are you sure life isn't a game, Soldier 76?"
Other urls found in this thread:
>pull off her suit and suck her dick
>'we're all faglords now'
>'your move Song'
kill yourself for playing neoblizz turds
ah yes, I'll definitely waste my time on rhetorics with an underage slut who spends her time playing games and is trying to sound smart with me.
Why am I playing this shit game?
It is a game because death is a fail state
D.Va < Mei
>Sup Forums told me to hate blizzard so that's what I do!
>mfw chinese gf that looks like mei
So she's fat?
Mei isn't fat or even chubby, that's just tumblr propaganda
Theres a girl at my work who works in the labs that looks like mei. If her face was chubbier, and the rest of her was less chubby, and she put her hair up. She would be a spitting image.
But, shes a little too fat and a little too tall. If she lost the weight, Id try and plow her.
>tfw no pharah gf
Shut up you slut
www vporn com/720p/cogida-amateur/1730532/
>Are you sure you haven't got a feminine dick?
fuck off goblin
>something something war
Shoot her
>"maybe we are being overwatched"
Not that guy, but I don't hate Blizzard but Overpleb is absolutely shit.
>any year
You don't wanna go to war with me.
helix rockets
Oh I see, you're a "I every game I don't like a moba-X proving I have no brain"
>Define 'game'.
I want to fuck this annoying gook
Console is so toxic
I pick Hanzo and everyone loses their minds, then I always end up with gold kills and play of the game
Whoa bro you're so epic
>the retarded ass sentence structure
Mobafags ladies and gentlemen. If only you spent as much time paying attention in school as you do learning the metas for your shit mobas games, maybe you wouldn't look like a such fucking retard on a catonese basket-weaving forum.
by deleting the game, thought I did that months ago
unzip my pants and fuck her gook brains out
Nice hips.
d.va x soldier 76 is the good shit
>kills matter
when will this meme end?
You're not doing anything for your team if you play as hanzo.
>you are a sheep for not supporting a corporation
What fucking bizarro world are you living in, retard?
If you end up with 25-30 kills on console it basically means you won. Everyone under GM never groups up, so as long as you keep getting kills your team keeps winning.