That online game that was a blast to play but is now dead

>that online game that was a blast to play but is now dead
what's her name Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Its not dead yet, but Titanfall 2.


This game was pretty shit.

But near the end of it's lifespan, around 5 years ago, it was comfy af. Everyone knew each other.

Still the only moba I've ever put time into.

only right answer coming through

shit was straight up crack when i first played it

My old TTT server. The others just aren't the same



this fucking shit right here
W:ET was my jam

Kickabout League.

World of Warcraft


League of legends

So much fun too bad a fan base never really developed.

Anarchy Reigns.

So obscure, most people don't even recognize that Sm4sh wasn't the first game that used Bayonetta as an overpowered pay-to-win DLC guest character.

saints row 1

This shit and Rising Storm. Not dead yet but once RS2 releases it's fucking over.

Played that for hours, was really good. Only thing left are bots.


I went on vacation for a week with little to no internet access, and suddenly my favorite server was gone.

TTT was ruined by le ebin yoootuber meme

Leap Day. It was basically Factorio if you take out the enemies and made it really cutesy.
>Flans walk the tracks and pick up resources on their way
>Deliver them either to a factory, your king (sell for Gold to build more shit), or to the Ghost(s)
>Goal was to craft the items the Ghosts desire all simultaneously in a single cycle (a few minutes) and deliver them
>Was really comfy and the chat rooms were always nice

Battlefield 4
deez nuts

I beat this shit many times coop, was never really a big player base but i'd guess its completely dead now. Espiecially on ps3


>tfw all ur m8s are married and shit and no one is playing anything anymore



It was a gift from God. Too bad nobody plays the multiplayer of any Assassin's Creed game.

Instead of making these shitty AC sequels and shitty online only games, Ubisoft should rather make an AC multiplayer game.


>tfw Star Wars Battlefront 2 only has like 20 players and the only truly active server is Mos Eisley all heroes mode
>join it and the first thing I see is someone saying "jajajaja" in the chat
that was a while ago though, I'm not sure how it's like right now

That fucking sledgehammer

holy fuck

This fucking game was so good but EA jewed and fucked it.
Hopefully the private server is out soon.

Every so often Sup Forums gets a full server going for a couple days and it is amazing

GunZ :S

GunZ 2 doesn't do anything for me

Fantasy tennis 2


>tfw crushing Katanafag heads in

Tribes Ascend.

Rip 2009-2015

We'll all miss you

Warhammer Online PvP
Earth and Beyond
Starsiege Tribes and Tribes 2


>Battlefield 4
>3/5 BF1 players compared to BF4

Dude there are servers that are 64 man and full all day every day. Banzore, MIW, rTr are all servers up all the time.

The best multiplayer was Texas Hold'em in Red Dead Redemption. Yeah, just poker and Liar's Dice, the free roam is a nice bonus. Since the release of GTAV everything is fucked. Lobbies don't function at all and the activity is stagnating more and more.

i dont play on pc

star craft 2

>that app that got taken off the store
>that apk that needs a cache to install
>that cache that doesn't work anyway

fucking Zombie Smash

Evolve :^)



If MMOs count, FlyFF man. That was the shit. Honestly don't know if anyone still plays buy I doubt I g. Actually I might have heard that the game is shut down by now. Not sure.

If that doesn't count, then Animal Crossing Wild World. I remember going through the convaluted process of adding friends from Animal Crossing Community message board and exploring each others towns and trading gifts and fruit. Such good times. Many late nights with that one. Wonder where some of those kids are now...

What a summer.


The Mean Greens. Fun, fast-paced, plastic army man-themed action FPS. Was an awesome fucking game and I'd still play it a couple hours a day but servers are always empty for no reason.

Also pic related

Overwatch. No matter how you put it, after one month of playing it you know everything about it.
I wish it had the charm Tf2 had.
Nowadays I don't even know what to do with my life other than coming back to tf22 every now and then. What a shame the matchmaking system is broken.

I thinkk remember gold armor chiefs with laser mask tryhards.

Call of Duty: World at War
>try it out now
>almost no servers
>every server available has retarded mods or rules like crouch only
>I'll never have the satisfaction of winning a match and hearing this again:

Warcraft III, specifically the custom maps. So many good times playing Parasite II, Trolls vs. Elves, X Hero Siege, Darwin's Island, and so many others. There are bots that host games so the community isn't quite dead, but since it needs machines to survive it's about as close to being literally on life support that a game can get.

City of Heroes.


Early 2000s was a golden age for gaming

Prolly one of the best fps multiplayers and very underrated


Nosgoth was bretty gud.

What was that one 2D browser shooting game where you could build maps with boxes? That shit was the bees knees back in the day. Also

>Stick Arena
>Ogre Island
>Kingdom of Loathing

Why has no one tried to copy this game?

>Be shaman
>mfw when those i-frames on the resurrect skill
>that human clerics didn't also get for whatever reason
>my fucking face zipping around the battlefield ressing like 10 guys while they can't do shit about it
>legionnaire's crowding around me desperately trying to get a hit in as soon as the i-frames wear off

This and MGO2

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron had some fun multiplayer. You gotta enjoy those games when they're out, cuz ya just know they're gonna be over taken by your everyday reskinned, rehashed shooter out there, today.

>Medal of Honor Heroes 2
>World At War
>Battlefield Bad Company 1&2
>Battlefield 1942


BFBC2 is still alive on PC buddy.

cs:source zombie mod

It might still be there but the only people playing now are probably hackers and eastern europeans.

Yeah, most of those games are still playable other than Heroes 2, I just miss playing them in their prime.

>The cities you built with your friends no longer exist
It hurts


>that one brazilian fag who made a beeline to the AK-47 and w + M1'ed for the entire round

Conker live and reloaded on the xboxUUGE for real the online on that was fucking spactacular