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>no visible numales
I don't see the issue here.

Just bro after bro, no chads in sight, would game with

the only person with self-respect is the guy that isn't white

OP, you really shouldn't judge people by their appearance. You should be happy that they share your hobby.

they look like regular young pedophiles, i know this because im one


There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile


black guy seems like the type of dude you spend s friday night with smoking weed, playing madden, and watching anine.

Magfest was pretty fun, bro. Why the hate?

>all of them look like literal 30 year old children

am i really the only poster here that is attractive?

>thing, fat, small, tall, black, white, asians
looks more diverse than any sjw rally

>they're all nintentoddlers

What is this from?

let's see some pics buddy. Submit yourself to be judged.

When you look at yourself your brain makes you look 4 times more attractive

3d version of my waifu in the back.

so which one are you?

Jesus that means I look even worse than I think I do

I am attractive too, user. But I'm a 30 y/o bear

it's all fun and games until somebody gets molested

Why the most normal one is the black dude?

then it becomes even more fun

Not really, i already dated like 5 guys from Sup Forums and they were all 8 or 9 out of 10. Too bad about their personalities.

Here's my last bf.

the only one who looked like he has some decency was the black guy.

explain this whiteys?

What does Pajeet's shithole taste like, user?

Kek, was just about to point that out.

>all 8-9/10
>posts a 6 at best
Raise those standards.

He's sideways. That's not a very attractive feature. People generally like men who are vertically arranged such that the vector of their longest side is perpendicular with the surface of the earth. 5/10.

All the nerdy loser looking black dudes had already been shot by the police at that point

Pajeet 8/10 xDDD

fuck me user, but you have to american or something? thats a 3 in the rest of the world

>those eyebags

This is why black guys that play videogames triggers Sup Forums.
Most of them looks normal and enjoy videogames too.




I'm not that old. I'm just saying these are the same people that appear in online games. The same people that help sales of your favorite console, and help buy the games that you might like.

You need to be over 18 to post here.

Except the the black dude.

Is that one of the 9s?

cuz he ain't fat. fat people don't look normal

Here's the video where that webm is from
25:18 to see a Cream the rabbit fag.

>TFW gaming all life and I was attractive
>Then my family genes kicked in and I look like a Japanese oni now.
>Switched from DEX to STR in 2 years.
>All those years being attractive and it's now when I found a qt gf
STR is fucking superior

lmao that's a 50 year old dude actually

>anything above 4/10


>The same people that help sales of your favorite console
I don't have a favorite console because I'm not a manchild with an attachment to a plastic box.
If what you're saying is that they're the same people that participate in console wars, then I hope they rot in hell.

it's what inside that counts :)

A fucking pajeet

Have you ever seen a Pajeet in real life?

Shit taste.
No wonder your Sup ForumsIRGINS.

Post yourself op

Wow, another 6/10, sorry dude maybe one day you'll find someone attractive.

>Have you ever seen a Pajeet in real life?
I did, I always thought he was black.
only his face and his arms were, he was werid


>tinted so much that he's literally sideways
Why is he so upset? What is he so upset about?

i'm attractive and had sex with girls i thought wouldn't even look at me but thanks to the fact that all girls are sluts and the fact that i'm a chad when i'm drunk on 3 different hard liquors, but my confidence is still trash and i'm a social retard. why do you think i spend my time here?

user you gay

I am a 7/10 yet I'm probably more of an autist than all of them. I'm a 25 years old virging and I don't speak with a girl since years. I go out twice a week at best

I'm a thousand times more handsome than that guy and I guarantee I can get a 10/10 boyfriend, and I'm not even gay. I'm a 30 year old married guy with 4 kids.

Step up your game. Disgusting.

is he doing the chubby bunny challenge?