Reminder if you give a shit about what a company does with 1 voice line from a guy who doesn't even work with them than you don't care about video games
Reminder if you give a shit about what a company does with 1 voice line from a guy who doesn't even work with them than...
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Adulthood is caring more about values than video games.
This. Playtonic did nothing wrong and you're just as easily triggered as the sjws if you think otherwise.
I give a shit on how a company mishandled a situation and made it worse.
It sucks that the ex-Rare guys have to put it with this bullshit because the PR team are a bunch of unprofessional idiots.
adulthood is not playing fucking video games
How did they mishandle it?
All they did was remove some voice lines. It Sup Forumsfags who began brigading places and trying to ruin any discussion of the game
I don't give a fuck about shitty video games compared to politics and values.
What's with the sudden influx of SJW's masquerading as weak centrists on Sup Forums lately?
I'm gonna play it NO REFUNDS and negative review it
Gee, I wonder who is behind these threads...
i don't give a fuck about sjws. what playtonic did was shitty
>I don't give a fuck about shitty video games compared to politics and values
Then why are you here?
I like Jontron and I think what happened is bullshit, but I'm not going to restrict myself from supporting the rebirth of classic platforming just because Playtonic's hand was forced by a bunch of crybaby libtards.
why doesn't jontron just choose not to say racist things? that's worked great for me in regards to not losing my job and having people dislike me
>levels look empty, too big, and lacking in content
>graphics are washed out Unity tripe
>voice acting is, overall, worse than the originals
>mfw I wasn't going to buy it even before this happened
>Some eceleb becomes a Sup Forumstard
>Removed from a game
>Sup Forums babies mad
So nothing new then.
Seems like a fun game.
Why don't other races just choose to stop being shit? That's not fair man.
No it wasn't. This is a fucking children's game and there's nothing wrong with not wanting to be associated with politics.
Because good games exist, and there is the politics of vidya that are interesting and worthwhile to discuss despite what SJW's-pretending-to-be-centrists would have you believe.
I just want these lying cheating cunts to suffer, and they will. They sued Jon as a vehicle to help sell copies, and then cut him while also making an example of him for literally doing nothing wrong.
I hope they go bankrupt.
>Yeah, but if they assimilated, they would enter the gene pool eventually and just... you know...
What did he mean by this?
Yeah but honestly who cares either way. 3D platforming collectathons are dead for a reason.
Reminder that if you are a video game company that tries to bully someone for their opinion and who don't even work for you should just file for bankruptcy.
because they're inferior races with less interesting history and culture as mine
Silencing and banning people who pretested the removal and asking for refunds was a dumb way to handle it. Even worse when they openly mocked people on their twitter feed.
Yes, very adultlike behavior.
Clearly the PR team did not know their audience, only social justice.
A smart PR firm wouldn't pick a fight with e-celebs.
because jontron feels passionately about what is happening to white people and he's not a pussy like you
It's not about them removing a voice actor. Is about the reason for doing so.
They have no justification for the shit they did. Jontron is getting the same shit Pewdiepie for speaking out. Speaking harmless shit, harmless shit that is controversial and doesn't follow the status quo.
Playtonic for doing what they did, showed their stance regarding this subject. What they believe and what agenda they are defending and pushing.
I don't want to support people with such ideals and I don't want to see the backlash jontron is getting, happening to someone else for speaking their mind.
Playtonic is enabling and feeding the pc police with their behavior.
Fuck them and fuck their game
t. tumblrina
>I like to get fucked over by developers
I bet you also preorder every game and buy season passes
So why'd they force politics into the game then?
>allowing a company (publishing or developer) to refuse refunds for individuals who no longer wish to show support, considering that it was largely crowdfunded means you care about video games
he's right though. Sup Forums was better before gamergate. now it's half redditors
>Sup Forums - eceleb drama
Why don't people just never dissent? It's better to let the system control your life instead of trying to go against it.
wasn't it the Team 17 people that were fucking things up? Need to set up a collage on them.
>harmless shit, harmless shit
Are you kidding me?
The same exact thing happened to Arin when he was on the tester. To a shameful degree, his name was the only one tagged on the youtube videos out of all the contestants for the show and they booted him off because they didn't want his fame to actually win him that car.
Naw, its worse because now we have tumblrinas.
>yooka laylee is an eceleb
This game doesn't even look good. I was watching game play for it yesterday, and the world looks so empty and lifeless.
They took out all the collectables and just made a few interesting worlds. I watched a 5 minute long video of the first level and guy got a single collectable item.
Its a damn shame too, this game had so much potential.
It's not that I give a shit, I give more of a shit how shitty they're acting with the damage control. They had a chance to not fuck up and they were this. fucking. close to have a successful game. Now it will be labeled as controversial like any other kickstarter that wet through something similar.
>removing an eceleb's voice
>getting fucked over
okay, retard
>Giving money to kickstarter shit
>How did they mishandle it?
By announcing loud and clear that they were removing things to try to get good PR.
They only had to do like Sega did with MJ with Sonic 3 and just not show his name in the credits, the mouthbreaking retards who called for the removal of the line wouldn't know if the voice was still really in the game since they won't play it or are too retarded to notice unless it's written under their nose.
>Are you kidding me?
I wonder who is behind this post.
i dont care about video games anyway
why would i be posting in this shithole if i enjoyed games?
>They have no justification for the shit they did. Jontron is getting the same shit Pewdiepie for speaking out.
Jontron actually misinterpreted outdated stats and presented them as facts.
He really shat the bed.
>Are you kidding me?
you have to go back
Who do you think?
>equating the pewdiepie situation with jontron
stop yourself
>facts are racist
Reminder 3D platformers are dead and should stay dead
Using a e-celeb as a vehicle than once they got eyes they dropped him as well. Looked what happened. No one cared and everyone shot on the show, and Sony by proxy.
>Jontron actually misinterpreted outdated stats and presented them as facts
What a fucking travesty, better gas him right on the spot then?
PR image is fucked now, just wait for the steam reviews. It's going to dive.
eliminating jontron wasn't wrong, what was wrong is how they handled it after that
this game will probably be shit anyway
fuck off memester
>Person finds out their favourite VA was in the game
>"Cool, I'm going to back this game now"
>Right before release, the dev making the game removes the VA for whatever reason
>"Please can I get a refund? The only reason I backed this game was because my favourite VA was in it"
>Dev bans the backer and openly says before doing so to other people in the same boat that said reason isn't eligible
Wouldn't you be irritated as well?
Implying that african americans are the group who causes the most crimes in america isn't a lie.
For the most part, the shit he said is real.
The problem is, jontron doesn't know how to debate. He breaks under pressure and is incapable of being clear with the shit he is saying.
That doesn't make him a racist or a monster like what neogaf is trying to make others believe. Others like playtonic who swallowed the bullshit that cancer of a community shat out
Reminder that if a developer cares about one statement a voice actor makes on some random podcast on the internet they don't care about video games.
Wow, who cares. He is not a politician. Its like if a plumber got fired for saying that yooka laylee is a good game (factually incorrect statement)
How did these cucks ever get a job in marketing ? Turning it into a virtue signaling moment easily wiped out a lot of likely buyers.
or we could just not be a horrible society like sweden or germany where a small group of people are able to get their way by calling everyone they don't like a racist creating a climate of fear where people are afraid for their jobs and lives for simply disagreeing.
Legit question: How many of you even knew Jon was going to be apart of Yooka-Laylee? because many people I've seen forgot and/or didn't know at all until the damage control.
I'm still getting the game, because as far as I know, Jon didn't give money to the developers. If he did, they would not get a cent from me.
>these are the types of people that consider themselves model humans and are the people Playtonic is catering to
The guy literally sounds like a psychopath and people on the forum were supporting him.
When the left get upset at something: Violence, doxing, harassing, riots, raids, going after people's livelihoods, smearing, libel, slander
When the right get upset at something: memes, shitposting.
Really makes you think
This whole situation just opened a new can of worms about removing people and their work for committing the crime of wrongthink. What's next, coders fired for voting trump?
Sup Forumsand is a cancer.
Hiroshima, do something!
Game looks good honestly, I've been needing a good platformer
Thanks for crowd funding it for me stormweenies
Well shit son, he backed it, VA role was one of the rewards for large backings.
They could be wrong statstics for all I care. The fact that he actually based his opinion on actual research means that he isnt racist
Reminder if you don't give a shit about a company mocking and banning people who ask for refunds then you don't care about yourself as a costumer or costumers in general i.e. you're a cuck
>liberals never ever done this!
Dude randomly goes off on a tangent bring up shit out of literally nowhere, NOWHERE, to try and push some alt-right agenda.
You can play dumb and pretend there was no racist undertones behind what he was saying, but yeah all of you just keep playing dumb.
You bring up statistics like that wit no further meaning behind it at all, I'm sure.
They should have honestly just contacted Jon behind the scenes and said that it wasn't personal, and they were going to replace his voice. Jon would have understood given that the political climate is extremely tense right now and they didn't want to risk their game getting politicized. They fucked up however, given that they just came forward, virtue signaled like crazy, phrased it in a way that Jon was a crazy Nazi, and that they were poor oppressed people that just wanted to let gamers have fun. This is why I won't be supporting them, because they shit the bed and acted like complete and total cunts.
Oh, and what IS happening to white people?
>Not pirating.
Way to virtue signal on Sup Forums neofag.
I knew, I didn't care. I don't care he's gone.
I care about Playtonic's behavior about. You can play semantics and say "well Team 17 isn't Playtonics" but the fact of the matter is they represent Playtonics so they're equally as responsible.
Hey Sup Forums remember when we used to complain about the sorts of people who don't even play video games but instead bitch about them all day based on nothing but their disagreements with the developer's political opinions? Crazy times, huh?
Those who fight with SJWs...
This just forces me to become more conservative to counter their false flagging social engineering. Glad to know I'm not a cuck.
>yooka laylee backers
February 16 2015: Jon "Jontron" Jafari personally advertises the game
February 16 2015: Playtonic invites Jon "Jontron" Jafari to do some voice work for Yooka Laylee
May 1 2015: Playtonic's Kickstarter project for Yooka Laylee begins. Jon donates $5,000 to the project.
Mar 13 2017: Jon "Jontron" Jafari agreed with the stance of immigration of a white neo-nazi nationalist Steve King
Mar 13 2017: Jon "Jontron" Jafari is invited to a stream by some washed up SC2 player to "talk things out" that turns into a debate where Jon poorly articulates his thoughts and spouts misinformed ignorant shit in response to gish-galloping.
March 23 2017: Playtonic removes Jontron from Yooka Laylee. Fans respond by asking for refunds. Team 17 instigates, bullies and bans users.
And here we are
Any citation? because I can't find it anywhere that he did. All I know is Playtonic and Jon tweeted each other 2 years ago about being apart of the game and he considered.
>Implying that african americans are the group who causes the most crimes in america isn't a lie.
Wrong they commit more crime on average but the majority of crime is still committed by whites
Nope Buying it for ps4
what is this, gamergate 2.0? Not video games.
You don't need specific statistics. The percentage might be different from the past 10, 20 years, but african americans being the most problematic group in the US is a fact.
Criminals are the most problematic group.
Removing Jon is literally the opposite of avoiding controversy, that's more like swan diving straight into controversy
I don't care about Jontron, I care about keeping politics out of video games. On either side.
So, liberals were the problem all along. Makes sense honestly.
>that pic
>a doctor physically hurting his patients is 100% excusable because it's "less harmful in the grand scheme of things" than people disagreeing with you in a democracy
Putting petty politics before the hippocratic oath is unforgiveable. What a sorry excuse for a physician.
He literally pulled the exact opposite conclusion the data was presently and tried to present it as justification for his shaky opinions.
He's a fucking idiot more than he is overtly racist.
Can you figure out why the ellipsis is there?
You bet your arse he backed this game, he gets an erection every time Banjo-Kazooie is mentioned.
Jon gave them hundreds
It's not really about Jon. It could have been anyone. The fact of the matter is someone got kicked for announcing right leaning opinions and the company took a holier than thou stance and specifically went out of their way to mention they were doing it to show their support of diversity.
Then their community management completely mishandeled the backlash and outed themselves as being players in a culture war war.
It basically ended up transcending the game, becoming another political conflict where the left flexes it's "I can't even, LITTERALLY HITLER" muscle against the right.
In terms of the actual game though, it's all likely a cover for the game being poorly done.
if a very specific community producing an overwhelming amount of criminals it is worth it to look at the community. it is worth it for the community to lok inward and see what the problem is.