SCP game when?

SCP game when?

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There are several.

Are you living under a rock, user?

I mean a good one then

Containment Breach is as good as it gets. Which is decent.

Is this the thread where we >copy-paste one of the signs we find most chilling and post a whacky picture alongside it?

That chart is absolute bullshit.

Usually that's how it goes


You know what it is

>Symbols Have Been Compromised

>Pray while shooting

Good one, why is this a code again?

a census designated place

>someone else is here
>you are being watched
>do not make eye contact

word of god says it's "worse than rape"

>pray while shooting


and after that
>room clear

>Do Not Follow The Little Girl

Because they got rid of the quality control and modern SCP writers are lazy


>do not follow the little girl
The fuck kind of elite special forces guy blindly follow strange children?

How are you supposed to trust that one?

>Alternate Reality Entered


>Stay In The Light

You're not. If you see that you start disregarding symbols because whoever realised the symbols have been compromised would stop using them.

Whaddya mean by SCP game? What would gameplay look like?

Isn't she pregnant during it? they rape her then open her belly and rape the babby


I always thought the SCP universe would be perfect for a puzzle type game, like some random researcher trying to escape a facility using scps to help him along the way. The problem would be to cram all that scp information without making the player read a fuckton of notes

A SCP game a la SWAT 3 and 4?

>Australian male

sounds kind of like the basis for 'walkerman'

game is about hunting monsters by manipulating their rules. didnt see any of it in the demo but the idea reminded me of scp researchers


Scattered notes telling you key information and design the levels so you can tell what they react to.

guys, can someone explain SCP-2520+1?

I wish there was a game that would focus on SCPs before/during containment weirdness rather than the containment setting

>Do Not Be Taken Alive

Medieval isn't really SCP's style, though. If they made a game where you go into an abandoned factory and try to figure out what the SCP is, and how to contain it, that would be up my alley.

Not a chance

>Team member vanished here

>Don't give up

>SCP game where you are part of an MTF squad
>must capture new and different SCPs, entirely new scenarios
>follow protocol or don't, goal is to capture scp successfully without death of squad
>alternatively, scenarios where you must contain an SCP attempting escape, read your files, contain them.
>when the squad leader's security clearance is higher than yours, so he knows more than you
>he could be sacrificing you to the SCP
it could work.

>Get out fast
>Does not stay dead

I always wanted an scpish game which would revolve around trying to bring potentially hazardous creatures of objects in. I don't know of any games which have you try to fight, capture, or survive an enemy which could have a variety of weird abilities which you only have vague information about

>swat-like team sent to figure out what happened in this weird facility
>have to learn how to deal with the scp and what they are

>souls-esque sci-fi game where the whole foundation goes to shit and ripples between many dimensions and across spacetime

The whole point behind SCP is they either don't understand how they work or they need to contain them to protect everything.
Having some dude just "using them" to solve puzzles and mysteries wouldn't work.

The only type of game that hasn't already been done is an MTF pickup squad that goes to secure SCPs out in the real world and figuring out how to do it on the fly.
Or being a test subject/cannon fodder for SCPs. Like D-9031's point of view or D-14134. Maybe even a random civilian that encounters what the SCP foundation does first hand. like a kid that see 096 in the middle of the road or a hiker encountering 1529
It would be hard as fuck to do.

>bipolar junction transistor

souls-esque how?
Stop trying to make everything dark souls.

it would be fun af


>one man mtf squad
>fantasy setting
>walking into a scp scenario blindly with a sword

how's that going to work

>safe place to rest
>go into the room
>see a ear-piece with blood stains on the floor with it
>Symbols Have Been Compromised written in blood on the floor


this is hell

i always felt this kind of "leave messages for other players" multiplayer mechanic has never been used properly
even in the souls series it's mostly just handy advice, total bullshit, or stupid memery

I'd say add more bureaucratic problems beside being sacrificed, like working with insufficient intel or not being properly equipped. Other than that, grande.

>The only type of game that hasn't already been done is an MTF pickup squad that goes to secure SCPs out in the real world and figuring out how to do it on the fly.
That sounds like a fantastic concept, actually.

>don't be taken alive
>symbols have been compromised

>No horror games were you're armed to the teeth but your guns do nothing

how is that going to work though? is it going to be a strict, linear fps where you have call of duty QTE events?

is a visual novel, which is probably the only reason they can get away with 'puzzle solving'

i mean if the scp is afraid of light, how is the mtf squad supposed to figure this out unless it's a corridor shooter with a cutscene showing it refuse to enter a lit room

>European Counterstrike player in a BR server

scp is the gayest shit since naruto

>Symbols Have Been Compromised
This one is so fucking broken.

That's a pretty inappropriate image

not that user, but could be a coverup operation or something of the sort where you have to rescue/kill the survivors of a previous MTF squad in an AO with rogue SCP(s), with only the marks left by the last MTF squad to help you survive.


>Symbols Have Been Compromised

>Room has two Symbols Have bBeen Compromised signs

>how is that going to work though? is it going to be a strict, linear fps where you have call of duty QTE events?
Two teams.
First team comes in, gathers intel, marks locations, scouts the area, etc. Plays almost like a stealth game. Orders are to not engage under any circumstances.
Second team's job is to actually pack the thing up. They try to do it by the books but it never works and they always end up having to do some crazy shit. Bad Company style.

So each stage is played in two ways: the careful, methodical, spooky-game way where all you've got is a sidearm and some flash grenades, and the second one where you go in armed to the teeth and your guns do jack shit and you end up having to drop 20 tons of concrete with a crane on the fucking thing. The first go-through is linear, while the second round has a few different routes you can take.

>you are being watched
yell, FUCK OFF !


There's actually one game being made that looks kinda promising
it's a mix between X-COM and a bunch of other resource managing and strategy games
looks breddy gud

>How's that going to work
By being creative.

You've defaulted to QTE's to do everything, why can't you come up with something else? Each SCP is different so by default the concept requires variation. Some missions would require serious firepower to contain the SCP like 682, some would require a different approach like 096 getting a bag on his head without looking at him, some could be missions about silencing witnesses (which they also do) to contain an SCP, some can literally be killing a bunch of creatures like 939 or an outbreak of 008.
Could also be in control of a the whole squad and set up traps or coordinate traps properly.

It's only limited to the writers creativity. Something you seem to lack

Bumping this thread with some SCP's

Good one

Another one

I don't get these classes. What the heck is an euclid

>X-Com styled game where you are head of a task force charged with responding to SCP related disturbances
>On top of training your recruits, you also need to take note of when they appear to be infected, mind controlled or possessed. These states can also be used for your benefit.
>SCP objects you recover can be used in the field, but may be used against you if you haven't learned how to properly contain it
>Same goes for SCP creatures who you can domesticate/reason with to help your cause
>Your job also entails hiding the evidence from the public: setting up detours, wiping memories and abducting people who see too much.

Yes or no?

Kick-start it


>An SCP object is classified as Euclid when its behavior cannot be unerringly predicted, either because the item is sentient, it behaves outside of current scientific knowledge, or its nature is simply poorly understood at present. Euclid-class objects do not pose the same existential threat to humanity due to containment breach that Keter-class objects do, but they still generally require more diligence to keep contained than Safe-class objects.

how so?


Oh I was thinking of Euclidean geometry so that didn't make much sense for me

IE they have the posibility of fucking shit up, but arent actively going to.

nothing wrong with armpits

>Do not give up hope
>Signs have been compromised


>safe place to rest

There's no way this is real

It's self evident.
>fellow soldier leaves one, you know shit is fucked
>SCP leaves one, you know shit is fucked
>dumb fucking D-class leaves one, you gun everyone down

>Not Hostile if Left Alone
>Next room is "Symbols Have Been Compromised"
You're already dead.

Because when you're going against creatures bigger than the world and you have lost hope, you just want to shitpost and get others morale down.

>Danger on the other side symbols on wall.
>Heed it and turn around with partner, walking away, opening door from SCP room back to the main hallways.
>Lights flash off, screaming ensures.
>Turn back to check on partner, turning on emergency flashlight.
>He's dead, leaning against a wall dripping with blood.
>It's a breach symbol.

>hostile environment

>Following signs left and right
>Nothing out of the ordinary, things seem alright
>Eventually get to a dead end
>See something in the darkness
>Shine your light on it
>It's a dead body
>Move light up
>See something on the wall
>Symbols have been compromised written in blood

best SCP member coming through
>I fucking hate chechens