So I've been checking a lot of gameplay of Nier Automata and it definitely seems like the type of game I would quite enjoy. However, the PC version uses Denuvo and to me that is a major turn-off. It's my personal policy to not buy games that include intrusive DRM: I have never bought a game on steam with third party DRM and I never will.
Is there any precedent of the publisher or developer getting rid of Denuvo after a crack is made widely available? Or am I forced to skip this forever
>I have never bought a game on steam with third party DRM and I never will every game you buy on Steam has third party DRM
Blake Evans
There is precedent but it's not always because there is a crack. But something tells me a company like square-enix will never remove Denuvo.
Connor Martin
How about you not be a whiny pissbaby and buy a good game.
Elijah Bennett
just wait for the crack you tard
Xavier Harris
All you poorfags crying about denuvo need better jobs, or just jobs in general.
Ethan Torres
Then dont buy it.
Either pirate it or never play it
Ryan Cook
What does intrusive in this context even mean? That word has lost all its meaning.
Zachary Murphy
it means "I fell for the memes"
Isaac Morgan
>I have never bought a game on steam with third party DRM and I never will So your Steam library is empty?
William Peterson
>It's my personal policy to not buy games that include intrusive DRM How is this intrusive? Go ahead, explain your bullshit.
>I have never bought a game on steam with third party DRM and I never will. Bullshit.
Screenshot your Steam library you lying faggot.
Jack Rodriguez
DOOM got rid of it I don't know of any others
Mason Adams
Nope, it's square enix, they don't give a shit about their customers. >only Bethesda had the courtesy to remove it from D44M >suddenly performance was better than before
Really activated my almonds.
Angel Wood
You see, there are so many games nowadays that you don't NEED to buy any single game when there are so many alternatives. When there are so many horror stories about games that used Securom or GFWL having issues or being unplayable after their DRM solution went out of business it is perfectly valid to have concerns about Denuvo and its rumored adverse effect on SSDs. It the publisher pulls out an anti-consumer stunt I don't see how it is justified to support them.
Steam itself is really quite transparent and verstatile, you can make copies of your games and save them on your hard drive, play games offline if you wish, share them with family, anything really. I've never had a problem with steam and I doubt it is going away anytime soon.
Jose Jones
>intrusive DRM Is not much more intrusive than the steamwork DRM If you are willing to buy a game in steam then I do see why you wouldn't buy a denuvo game
Liam Hernandez
> It's my personal policy to not buy games that include intrusive DRM: I have never bought a game on steam with third party DRM and I never will.
Cooper Hall
Always online, if not after a week the game locks itself until you reconnect to the Internet.
Also previous iterations were tied to your rig, maybe they got rid of this "feature"
Michael Cooper
Tyler Bell
>Always online, if not after a week the game locks itself until you reconnect to the Internet. Doesn't steamwork work the exact same way?
David Gomez
Off Topic but I just purchased the game. Should I use my 360 controller or is KB+Mouse sufficient?
Carter Gray
That is not what the word "intrusive" means, and it's not always online either. I mean yes, Nier is always online because it has features tied to network, but it works fine offline.
That's correct. You can enter offline mode on steam, but you can't stay offline forever. And since the game uses steam DRM, you're fucked. if you have no Internet.
Leo Turner
the KB+Mouse controls are a bit shit
Parker Cooper
Understatement. They are actually very shit.
Chase Jackson
Heard bad thinks about KB+Mouse, a shame because being able to aim with the mouse would be great you can't pat the pod with a 360 controller tho'
Jaxson Rivera
You can stay offline ad eternam with the Steam DRM user
Austin Johnson
You sound like a massive fucking tool
Luke Mitchell
wait how do you pat the pod
Logan Collins
I can do all those things with my Denuvo games on Steam... ? What's your point?
Jonathan Bennett
>buy the game >play and enjoy it >get crack if/when it comes out >supported the devs and can play the DRM free version if I want
Eli Bennett
Pretty sure you can't, because I have to authenticate every time I boot up my laptop.
Juan Walker
Thanks, I'll use the 360 controller. Any fixes I need to download either? I heard there's performance issues. I'm using a 6350 cpu and an RX 480 btw.
Connor Johnson
What's the hurry? Wait a few weeks/months. CPY will crack it.
Grayson Sanders
Supporting good games. If it sells well enough, we might get a NieR remaster.
Logan Sullivan
Denuvo can't be that intrusive, since at least I haven't seen any sign of its existance while playing the game. I'm also using a screen scaling mod, a tool to add more post-processing effects and I replaced all the cutscenes with new files that (should) run better, and Denuvo hasn't been against any of this
Hunter Baker
>denuvo >intrusive you barely even know it's there, in fact i didn't even know the game had denuvo until i saw you complain about it
Ryder Kelly
Are you sure? for being so "transparent" description of steamwork limitations are very inconsistent Do small circles with the mouse, the 360/bone controller stick doesn't have enough inputs
Ryan James
Don't compare things you know nothing about.
Denuvo is not a DRM itself (as stated by the creators and by how it works). Steam is a platform which make games you bought via steam store and can easily block any game on your account or even ban you whenever they want. Denuvo is a software embedded in the game itself and performs tasks while your game is running thus impacting performance,how much, it's disputable yet impacts it nevertheless.
It has been shown many times that DRMs are just there to slow the cracking process nothing else, since all DRMs are bound to get cracked. CDPR is the best example why DRM is a waste of time :
Companies use DRMs to secure early sales and make it for other people to be unable to "test" the game (and thus indispensably find out it's shit most of the time) since they do not provide demos anymore which would result in people trashing weak games (read as most all of modern AAA titels) .
Denuvo and all other types of DRMs are anti-consumer, the only ones who suffer are buyers not pirates and companies who implement such means in their games should be put in their places.
John Richardson
>" there are so many games nowadays that you don't NEED to buy any single game when there are so many alternatives"
Okay, go "buy" one of those alternatives then.
Ryan Morales
Alexander Walker
Nier Automata uses the Denuvo V4.960 version of the Denuvo DRM protection, this build of Denuvo is completely uncrackable and will likely never be cracked until quantum computing is available for the average citizen.
Jaxson Smith
>Screenshot your Steam library you lying faggot.
Ok, pretty sure it is DRM free. In think Max Payne 3 required a one time login and one of the Final Fantasies did too, I'm not really sure, but nothing major.
John Perez
>Willing to pass up a game forever over DRM >Concerned that at some point the DRM might make your game unplayable at some indiscernible point in time
It's a $60 video game. If you're panicking that much over the future you'll never make anything of the present.
Nicholas Allen
buy it because it's definitely deserved
Alexander Harris
I'm convinced that complaining about Denuvo is only a thing people use as an excuse to pirate shit. The only reason I even know Denuvo is a thing is because poorfags come here to complain about it, because I never even noticed anything different on any of the games I bought that uses Denuvo as a DRM.
Stop being poor.
Lucas Brown
Jaxon Price
>bought Witcher series on Steam and not GOG >DRM free also I'm pretty sure the first two Arkham games had GFWL
Eli Bell
>Steam is a platform which make games you bought via steam store and can easily block any game on your account or even ban you whenever they want.
I don't see how this had anything to do with my post, I wrote steamwork, no steam, maybe you are the one who needs to do some research before talking
Robert Martinez
>intrusive DRM
1. Denuvo is not DRM. It's an anti tamper solution. All it does is hide the executable file. 2. there is no more intrusive DRM than consoles. They are literally DRM machines. 3. Steam itself is the DRM. 4. You are a blithering imbecile if you think "double click the icon and play your game" is in any way intrusive.
Justin Nguyen
the first 3 arkham games all had gfwl
Nolan Ward
>I made decision that makes my life worse who gives a fuck, this is your problem
David Ortiz
You've bought a game with Denuvo before. What's stopping you now? Or is shitposting your favorite game?
Isaac Mitchell
Steam is the DRM, genius. That entire list of games is manages in a Managed Digital Rights via Steamworks.
Ayden Myers
all you're doing by waiting for a crack is encouraging japanese developers to localize their games and never release them in the west
Nolan Martin
The last game I pirated was the first mass effect when I was young and had no money, try again.
You people sound like the very SJWs you claim to despise with your witch hunts everytime drm or pirating comes up.
Christian Mitchell
A bit late this hour my bad then but what is steamwork exactly then?
Robert Robinson
Tell me your problem with Denuvo and why it's so intrusive OP. Please back up your claims with sourced material
Julian Price
There sure are a lot of kids and poorfags bitching about DRM these days.
Colton Lopez
Jesus pirates are pathetic. You guys bitch and moan about not getting console exclusives and when you finally get one (an amazing game btw) you hide behind some moral high ground and refuse to buy it. Fuck off.
NEWS FLASH: Playing a crack wont show companies DRM is wrong, its gonna show them that porting to PC is a waste of time, money, and resources. If you wanted to support PC gaming you'd BUY the fucking game.
Taro put LOVE into this game, how about you support him and pay the $60 so his studio can keep making better and better games?
Brody Harris
It was removed quite a while ago, that's why I bought them, Dark Souls and Street Fighter had GFWL too
Gabriel Phillips
>witch hunts everytime drm or pirating comes up quite ironic coming from a retard doing the same shit about a non intrusive DRM Steam is a DRM too if you don't know, but I guess you don't care because tasting Valve's dick for so long made you numb
Cooper Ramirez
denuvo can be defined as intrusive because it's running when you're not playing, and have uninstalled the game
it is not obtrusive, because it's doing so silently, but it is intrusive, as it is running without the user prompting it to
Kevin Price
Buying a great game to get more Japanese developers to release PC versions is a much better cause than fighting against Denuvo
David Walker
doesn't MGSV have Denuvo
Juan King
>all those uninstalled games post screen of hours played last 2 weeks.
Thomas Flores
No it's not you dumb fuck.
Camden Perez
There's a mod that let's you adjust a practically unnoticeable lighting effect and it can increase you're performance by a lot.
Angel Hughes
i'm convinced
Jace Jones
Wow. You must be really dumb.
Levi Morgan
Yes, that's why I haven't bought it, I only have ground zeros. That doesn't have denuvo.
Gabriel Jackson
you've convinced me too
now i'm double convinced
Leo Bell
oh right duh
Elijah Edwards
The normie of normies holy shit
Xavier Stewart
>game looks great >fairly certain my computer can't play it at an acceptable framerate >no pc demo to test Guess I'm waiting for a crack
Daniel Morgan
Basically the framework integration of achievement, cards and all that stupid shit you get on most steam games, it also has a Anti-Piracy option (DRM)
So any game with steam achievement probably has the steamwork DRM This is not necessarily always the case like in the case of the witcher 2
Nolan Martinez
You literally pulled that out of your ass. You have no proof to show for it. Not to mention there is literally no benefit for it to be running at all times.
Carter Barnes
>Lightning returns holy shit man you payed money for that.
Easton Hall
It will come out when it will come out.
Why have there been so many Denuvo/piracy threads lately?
If you wanna play right NOW, the ONLY option is to buy the game, simple as that.
Brayden Johnson
Not that user but both steam and consoles are Platforms on which you may or may not choose to play while Denuvo itself is not a DRM it is intrusive since you have no other option to acquire the game without it unless devs decide to do so like in case of DOOM. As you can see it is not optional and that makes it intrusive.
Juan Barnes
Denuvo protects the game during it's most valuable period, the first two weeks of release. If pirates had a gentlemens agreement to not crack games until the most profitable period has passed then it would be a different story. However, if a game is leaked they will even try beat the official release date (some ubisoft titles). One thing I can not defend is asking the consumer to preorder with no demo available and you cannot pirate the game to try it out (Neir had a ps4 demo at least).
Gabriel Sanchez
I have a sort of small SSD until I upgrade and have a lot of blizzard games installed right now so I don't have much space for steam stuff at the moment and the only thing I've been playing is dark souls to try and get all the achievements
Sebastian Cook
>Why have there been so many Denuvo/piracy threads lately? people really want to play Near A Tomato but they don't want to pay for it and this frustrates them
Christopher Jones
OP, without resorting to proven lies and misinformation, what do you have against Denuvo in practice.
Nathaniel Bell
But if what you type is correct then it's optional, or am I wrong? Going to read that now.
>It's my personal policy to not buy games that include intrusive DRM: I have never bought a game on steam with third party DRM and I never will. Thanks for sharing it with us! I quite enjoy your blogging!
Anthony Campbell
Nope faggot I love Taro and Nier so very fucking much, but I do not forgive for stupid fucking denuvo bait and switch. If they were honest from the start and didnt lie about bullshit delays yeah i would have bought it on the day fucking 1. I think you are confusing the difference between respect and morals. I have too much respect for myself to just bend over and take it from a company who lies to my face about this shit.
tilldur ur gay and u suck corporate dick senpai
Adrian Lewis
install one of your denuvo games in a sandbox and then uninstall it
Carson Collins
Why would something like that run when the game is NOT running, idiot?
Jeremiah Jones
How about using your own words on how Denuvo personally affects you?
Robert Young
Then buy it on PS4
Jayden Wood
it runs fine and denuvo isn't causing any issues for me
just buy the damn game, it's good
Jack Baker
Not him, but mine is. Well, besides TF2, which I don't play.
Julian Powell
Nicholas Fisher
Digital Style!
Blake Murphy
And what's supposed to happen? It'll leave behind a file I can just delete without any effects?
Elijah Turner
I'm the same as Op here. Would've bought it day1 if not for Denuvo.
Justin Thomas
Why would I waste my time typing out the same shit?
Julian Clark
>Finaldn is 25% I find it hard to believe
Jason Martinez
that bit about Steam games not really being yours is true regardless of whether they have Denuvo or not
Jonathan Gutierrez
because why would it not be open? it's not like your computer is lacking in thread cycles or ram, it can take it
almost every anti-tamper and anti-cheat continues to run in this fashion it installs, it hooks, it runs, when you uninstall it remains