What is Sup Forums's opinion on the Sly Cooper series?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on the Sly Cooper series?

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it's dead for good but it was alright

Why the fuck is Sly V not a thing yet?

I want to fuck that racoon (male)

2 > 3 > 1 > 4

The villain in 4's medieval chapter should have been Raleigh

>it's dead for good
Yeah, but what did Sup Forums thinks about the 4th game. I'm playing it right now and i like it but something feels off.

continuing dead series doesn't really work

basically a PS2 era platformer style does not stack up against modern standards, people don't care

and neither do I, nostalgia and finding the games excellent at the time is why I have fond memories of them

>basically a PS2 era platformer style does not stack up against modern standards

yeah millions of people got sly 4

people just don't care for this shit

the cutscenes are fucked in style

the special characters of the levels is worse than sly 3

bottles coming back is neat

no nostalgia for that so it's way worse than the rest though

penelope being evil was very lazily written, felt out of place the way they just had it randomly happen

Sly 4 was a shoddily put together pos. It's like writing off the Jak games with The Lost Frontier or Ratchet and Clank with A4O or Secret Agent Clank.

And even then, what does people not caring for something anymore have to do with a certain type of game not stacking up again modern standards? By that criteria, it should be "a PS2 era platformer style does not appeal to modern audiences", which has nothing to do with standards.

modern standards as in defined by what people expect from a game

sly 4 is not a spinoff while the examples you used are

also it's not even that bad

oh and it sucks it had nothing to do with sly's dad

I prefer 3 over 2 because I like the locations more in 3

except it sucks that you can't free roam in the last level


Sly 4 is just as much a continuation of the Sly series as The Lost Frontier is to the Jak series. I'll give it to you A40 and SAC are, but even for the R&C games, you don't throw those under the bus when Quest for Booty and Nexus turned out mediocre and underwhelming compared to the originals and then claim people have lost interest. If the surprisingly good sales of R&C for PS4 is anything to go by, there is still an audience for it.

You are confusing standards with preferences.

this. 3 is terrible

no you have some mental gymnastics interpretation about what I was referring to by saying it does not stack up against modern standards, this shit does not matter though because I'm not autistic and debating about what I mean is useless, so yeah, good for you

they fucking ruin these games with there shitty mini games. one of the main reasons why 2 is the best because theres barely any of them


>Sly 4 is just as much a continuation of the Sly series as The Lost Frontier is to the Jak series.

this is just retarded, lost frontier is a completely different type of game from rest of the series, fucking dishonest to use it as an equivalent to be honest

sly 4 is pretty well received though, it's just that people don't care about it

1 is good, 2 is the best, 3 is bad and 4 is mediocre.

>basically a PS2 era platformer style does not stack up against modern standards, people don't care
the Ratchet and Clank Remake would like a word with you


Thread should've ended here.

such shit taste it samefag


>lost frontier is a completely different type of game from rest of the series

Jak 2 is "completely different" than Jak and Daxter.
Jak 3 is "completely different" than Jak 2 and Jak and Daxter.

This series has reinvented itself with each entry. For Jak Frontier to do the same is only logical. Despite that, each entry has stuck to a few core ideas: vehicular gameplay with some combat ability and platforming mixed with combat (in the first it's melee combat, in 2, 3, and TLF, it's a mix between gunplay and melee.

seems like people just don't give a fuck about sly, it's certainly wasn't a literally who franchise

meanwhile sly 4 stays true to the gameplay so it's fucking dishonest to compare a game that's completely different from the rest of the series

>it's dishonest to compare games that stay true to their own series

what? If I wanted to bring in an entry that is really different, I could have done that with Jak X, which despite offereing vehicular gameplay with combat, it completely lacks platforming. Stop being this upset TLF can easily be considered a follow up to the other Jak ps2 games, no matter its dubious quality.

Jak 3 isn't much different than Jak 2 though


saying that sly 4 is equivalent with lost frontier as a next installment is absolute bullshit

sly 4 does what the previous games did, if people don't give a shit about it, it's because they don't care about this sort of gameplay anymore, the niche audience that did get this game however regard it highly

lost frontier does not, if people didn't care for lost frontier you can't extrapolate that it has to do with the entire franchise because this installment is unique

Imagine a Sly Cooper/Ape Escape crossover

>no art about him having thick thighs, wide hips and big ass


Haven't played much of 4 yet so the jury is out.