Just got these bad boys for my Switch

Just got these bad boys for my Switch.
What am I in for bros?

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Some Beats by dad


this is bait, right?

paying for 10 year old technology just because you see other people (uninformed just like you) wearing them. HAHAHAHAHA everyone point and laugh at this dumbfuck

>le beats are bad meme
>be a good goyim like us and buy a shitheiser

Back to Sup Forumseddit with you faggots.
Friendly reminder that Beats have objectively have the best bass on the market.

HAHAHAHA NO THEY DO NOT LOLOLOL your stupidity fuels me.

you bought $16 worth headphones for $200+


no wonder that Apple bought them. the most cancerous company in existence


read consumer reports on them you dumbfuck. when will niggers learn?

Got a free pair of Beats from muh sugar daddy a few years back, I like them but they are not worth the price.

Your in for a ban for posting offtopic.

>apple customers in a nutshell


fuck off shills

Still better than being a pretentious audiophile

>trying to use jews as a ploy to cover for Beats
>the brand that controls 80% of the possible income in the entire headphone industry

fuck off

>this much hypocrisy

It's bait so blatant you can't help but biting it.

>Sup Forumseddit think they are better normies

What headphones do you use, Sup Forumsermins?

Objectively? That's factually incorrect. The "Beats are shit" meme IS overplayed, as they truly are good headphones, but the real issue is that you can get identically-performing ones from another manufacturer for half the price. There's no reason to pay that much for the exact same quality you can find in cheaper options

LOL hes already suffering from buyer's remorse and hes moving the goal post by calling us jews when HES THE ONE WHO GOT JEWED HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>you can get identically-performing ones from another manufacturer for half the price
Prove it.

>using headphones

Dumb frogposter.

>Buying beats
Haha, good goy.

I use Soundmagic ear buds, they just work.

Sound good as $50 ear buds for $15.

As for headphones, I don't fuck with those.

Beats not only are terrible price and sound quality-wise, but terrible all around. Even if you look at pure comfort and build quality alone, they're fucking terrible.

It's not being an audiophile if you want a brand that is much more ergonomic, sounds at least marginally better for 1/3rd the cost.

good thread

I really enjoy mine, though I have a cheaper corded version. To avoid the hassle you're receiving, I blacked out all the logos on the ears with black paint that matches the original finish then slapped some red and blue on it. Also live in NYC and work in Div 1 schools in rough neighborhoods as a young person, so don't want any extra attention bc some "expensive" headphone.

>Sound good as $50 ear buds for $15

How would you know that, poorfag?

Give me a moment to find one of literally hundreds of articles on Google comparing Beats to other cheaper options

>nigger garbage

How retarded are you?

Can't I fucking laugh at a joke?
You're worse than SJWs at this point

I own beats, they're nice, but they were a gift. There are definitely a huge array of options and if you don't think so you're uninformed or a brand cuck.

Not him but any half decent store has sample headphones to try.




Literaly no one you quoted shilled any product while making fun of your shity overpriced headphones.

Monster Inspirations that I was given for Christmas back in 2012

They're okay


At least OP didn't get these for the switch

At the university I work at, every African (literally) abroad student has those phones. They could sleep on a pile of cow dung every day, as long as they had an iPhone, Beats and white sneakers.
So yeah, headphones for niggers. That and no mids.

I got pic related for cheap and don't disaapoint.

athm-50s and koss prodj100
have heard koss porta pros are good like for on the go tho

This. Sony makes excellent headphones. I was surprised at the quality of their earpieces

Fuck what people say, these are actually legit. Made by apple and not the normal shitty beats. No over powering base and low mids. These sound good. Plus that W1 chip is nice.

i sincerely hope you are not serious.

I used to have S4s, my cat chewed them and I got these to replace them.



try them rather be a sheep.

MDR-7506 all you will ever need

I sincerely hope you have a sense of humor cuz that made me giggle


>look mom I said the n-word loooooool im so tuff >:((((

I have the same they are awesome

>Beats by gay
>Beats by niger

Instead of buying a pair of Bose, a company which has been making headphones since before you were born, you bought headphones b a company only around for a few years made popular by some rapper. Top kek

>he thinks Bose is good

It's truly like I'm on reddit.

What would you recommend then?

>hyper cloudx
I bought them because I needed a headset microphone as a table mic picks up too much of my keyboard/mouse

The ferrero rocher of the audio world.

ok then who makes better products for the money

or is all you guys know how to do is shitpost?

is that a complement because ferrero rocher are fucking delicious

wtf is wrong with ferrero rocher those chocolates kick ass

And what's wrong with ferrero rocher? Poorfag detected


You are in for a general personalized audio experience on par with cheap $15 headphones you can buy at Walmart.

They taste ok tho they're literally the chav's to go to mothers day / gift chocolate. The hight of the pikey chocolate selection. Its like royalty to them. High class as it gets.

Spend a few bob more and buy some good fucking chocolates.

>Poorfag detected
pikey detected.

Beyerdynamic, brainwavz, soundmagic and jbl comes to mind.
Also house of marley, is a fairly new brand but the earbuds I tried sounded pretty good.

>Spend a few bob more and buy some good fucking chocolates.

Oh please, enlighten us oh self proclaimed chocolate connoisseur

I found a pair of Bose earbuds outside of my local pool.

I cleaned them up and googled them and at the time they were worth 160 bucks (canadian funbucks, to be fair) and I used them for almost 4 years

my sister's dog chewed them to shit almost two years ago, and I went out a bought a pair and the price was only 80 bucks.

Been using them ever since for damn near everything, they're higher quality than any of the headphones I've owned, in both sound and mic quality.

Even Marks and Spencer chocolate selection is better. Tho thats running at £20 so probably a no for you. Stick to your pikey gold balls. Your mother will love em.

oh, the answer I was hoping for was that it was just branding and you can the same for cheaper

absolutely garbage headphones

>ill bite brah
lmao u got cucked by jayz and apple and stuff


beats are trash in every fucking way

Sennheiser HD 800

Why are you pretending that you can read those graphs?

You can, the graphs have to have a certain ideal shape which is iconic of their performance. The fucking beats are garbage in every field.

they have awful frequency response, they have awful impedance and even their bass is shit for headphones that are supposedly good at base.


A thread had to die for this bait

Now you just need a headphone amp to make up for the shitty low max volume the Switch has due to having to comply to EU regulations.

>the graphs have to have a certain ideal shape which is iconic of their performance
You have no idea what you're talking about.

Post good hip hop albums that had a song play in a game, you honkey nerds.

who /philips/ here?

>implying you DONT want frequency response to be as flat as possible

>implying you don't want as little impedance as possible

Not him but I'd prefer shit to sound fun with more treble and bass boosted a little bit. Dunno what the obsession is with flat sound if you're not making music yourself.

Not him but did you even look at the picture fuckwad it says it right there

Why would you want that if you're using them for video games or are not using them to listen to classical music?

>sound fun
use an equalizer dude

Are there any variants of the Beats brand that are actually worth the money? Like some sort of special edition? Also for those that have used them, how do they sound compared to other headphones?

the flatter the frequency response, the more accurately the sound coming from the headphone is to the sound coming from the game

flatter line, more accurate, better sound, objectively

None of them are, they're all trash

If you're seriously looking for good headphones, look for audio technica, seinheisser, sony, etc

Having a flat response means you'll hear the sounds as the sound designer of the game intended it to sound.
If you are listening music and you want an extra boost on certain frequencies than use a fucking equializer.

Or I can skip the middle man and get headphones that do it for me.
Beats Solo 2/3 is technically the best since it's more balanced but you're still paying mostly for the brand. Solo 3 is also all wireless/iPhone 7 designed and significantly more expensive.

beats are only worth your money if you invest into the more expensive ones, the ones above 200$
all the others are rip offs, you're retarded if you think otherwise, good day

>Or I can skip the middle man and get headphones that do it for me.
or set an equalizer profile once. Better to get higher quality headphones and fill in your preference with an equalizer than to buy a shittier pair of headphones and not have to make 2 simple clicks

I don't need an accurate/balanced sound when I'm playing a shooter. I need a bassy headphones so that explosions and gunshots are more pronounced.

I already got m50s but I'm just interested. I do want a recommendation though for a nice pair of open backs or just some cheap headphones that sound good.

>I need a bassy headphones for shooters
use an equalizer