What are some games who do timeskip right...

What are some games who do timeskip right? I don't mean simply picking up the actions some years later with almost no change of gameplay (like Asura's Wrath, for example), but really making use of this chance to change things up, gameplay-wise.

I remember some flash game about a Moai statue having 500 years to stop a volcano, so you'd need to like, plant a seed and wait 50 years for a tree to grow and reach the next area, that kinda stuff.

Obviously I mean it in the same game.

Samurai "Slaughter the Daughter" Jack

Assassins Creed Revelations

Old Man Altair

what games let me let me kill teenage girls with no mercy?

>it's another "not a samurai jack thread"

Hotline Miami 2, kinda? You're always jumping around in the timeline, and you get to see the cause and effect of events from multiple perspectives.

ocarina of time


Infinite space.
>Start the game with a teenage twig
>After time skip he is a fucking giant of a man with the muscles the size of a barn door

Yuri the man indeed!

The only game i remember doing something this specific is the first NieR, and even then the timeskip is barely justified due to how big the areas to explore of that game are (basically, the game states the protagonist has roamed around the same 4-5 areas around his village for 5 years without gaining any new information of any sorts and just being able to master combat capabilities for 2 new weapon types).

Genealogy of the Holy War.

DQV? Forgot if there's timeskip but I remember it was extremely neat playing as different generations

Chrono Trigger

HM2 was awful.

so where's the link senpai?

kiss cartoon

You're wrong
Way better than the first in every way, sorry you can't equip the rabbit mask and play the game on easy mode anymore shitter

why is a samurai called jack and why is he wearing a jesus hairstyle and a mudslime beard?

>Moistens with wolves

>using that virus riddled piece if shit

>everything happens for a reason
not the big bang buddy

works fine on my pc, use toonova then

Because watch the show, both are completely explained

>why is a samurai called jack
A bunch of future people started calling him Jack for no reason and he decided to roll with it.
>why is he wearing a jesus hairstyle and a mudslime beard?
He stopped aging and hasn't been able to complete his quest of returning to the past for fifty years so he just stopped giving a shit.


but how will i find the time to shitpost on Sup Forums if I watch tv shows?


This. Absolutely this.

Eternal Darkness takes you on a journey through several time periods as you live out moments from previous holders of the tome of eternal darkness. You end up revisiting most areas twice, each from the perspective of someone different, from a different time.

For example, you play as some messenger from the 800s and die in church catacombs. Then you play as a friar or some shit from the 1400s and find him deep in the cathedral, which is still standing 600 years later, as an undead monster that you defeat.

There's other examples, like playing as an arab dude from the 500s in a desert palace, then running into his ghost in the 1400s as some surveyor, then running into that surveyors ghost in the 1990s as a firefighter by accident.

Details are really hazy i looked up the years on the wiki, but theres a lot of stuff to revisit as it plays into the story.

that frog has the same VA as Jack