Let's say I want to make my own game, I want to take up a programming language but not one too easy to master...

Let's say I want to make my own game, I want to take up a programming language but not one too easy to master, which would be the best and what else would I need? If you're curious, I want to make a JRPG

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Are you japanese? Are you from japan?

If you answered "No" to any of these, then you need to stop.

Change of heart, RPG

If the Japanese can make a WRPG series, what stops us from making JRPGs?

doesn't it come down to how the gameplay resembles a genre? Lisa has jrpg elements and dingaling is amerifat

Post your design docs with system flowcharts and scripting, concept art, mechanics et cetera and then someone might be able to pick out the easiest engine to build it in.

If at any point you consider using GameMaker or Unity, do onto yourself as your image suggests.

Go for C# or C++.

Ehhh.... shut up with your logic! im a contrarian you fucking cis male!

I'll just save time, basically I wanna do this but better
>inb4 not muh 3D RPG

Just learn unity. Don't start with the JRPG, do simple projects to get the hang of it first and COMPLETE them.

The Souls games are JRPGs.

>Japaneese role playing game
>By a white male from the western world
really makes you think

Those aren't your design docs. You have nothing and no knowledge of rpg systems. Make a tabletop first.

>implying I'm white
Raise your expectations just a little higher


I'd recommend you to either go the easy way and use JRPG maker or learn C# and make your game with Unity.

Programming an engine from scratch is a waste of time and effort unless you do it out of academic interest.

If your goal is to make a game you should go with what is already available.

start learning C/C++ it's one of the easiest languages while still being very robust, once you get the hang of it you can code in C or move to some other languages like python.

NEVER fall for the OOP meme, like java.

you could just write it in java

I wanted more options, but I just might do that


why do you think that user is a russian?


Looks highly accessible