Dark Souls 3 is the easiest Souls ga-
Dark Souls 3 is the easiest Souls ga-
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Dark Souls 3 is the best Souls ga-
R1, r1, r1,r1, r1,r1
*he goes into phase 2*
What a joke of a boss
gundyr without parrying is harder
ancient wyvern without plunging attacking, armor, weapons, rolling, magic, spells, pyromancy, miracles, summons, and leveling up is harder
Strange. Oneshotted this guy as his phase 2 basically telegraphed all he was doing like a second in advance. Dont know why do people call him difficult. Got my ass handed to me by the Nameless King (20+ deaths), Champ Gundyr (10 or so) and Dancer (5).
Ludwig and Orphan are both harder
so just punching and firebombing it do death? Still ezpz
>still allowed to use estus
this, really stupid choice to add parrying to this boss
If you're a drooling retard who doesn't have the ability to you his hands, sure.
Not one not two but THREE niggers sitting right outside you can summon
Easy af boss tbhfam
What was Pontiff's 「STAND」 name anyway?
Hdjakad euqfqfwv fudismw rbs didisnbd fdjns sdj
Faggot Purple
For some reason this was one of the easiest bosses for me (soloed on first try) and I had a shit ton of trouble with Vordt (like 20 tries).
Alright, do it then. Upload a video using these exact tactics.
*at a reasonable soul level
It's no surprise that DaS3 is harder than DaS1.
And it's only because "muh bloodborne" and hamfisting it's taxing rollfest chore of a combat style into what was once a decent game.
>factoring in developer-mandated cheats intended solely for the mentally impaired to gauge a bosses' difficulty
while summoning players is ezmode, I honestly doubt summoning all three of those at once would make it easier
NPCs are so braindead retarded, and Pontiff's HP would be so inflated, I imagine you'd be fucked hard
>Summoning for a boss
>Gauging boss difficulty with summons
I sure hope you guys don't do this.
Summoned Anri and Gottard, it was easy.
Same with sumoning Sword Master for Champion Gundyr.
Phantoms' worth is not in the damage they do, but in distracting bosses so that you can go full dps/heal.
Although Sirris was actually a good phantom, using miracles to heal.
>mfw when Sup Forums says pontiff is hard
Unrelated, but...
I really wish you could just level up at bonfires and allot estus at them too.
Disgusting. Don't talk to me or my firekeeper ever again.
I actually had the hardest time with Pontiff. Worse than the Nameless King
I'm even worse because I had a harder time with muther fucking Dancer. Yes dancer took me more than NK.
They shouldn't have lowered his aggression in phase 2
the camera is the worst enemy most of the time
>From his chamber in Shit City
>Pontiff Sulyvahn: MMMM YEAH OOOH BABBY *masturbates to invisible hitboxes and untelegraphed moves* GOD I'M SO FUCKING HARD RIGHT NOW *reaches into asshole like he reaches across the room* MMM YEAH LET ME MASTURBATE WITH THIS SHIT AND EAT IT MMM YEAH TASTY CHOCOLATE
>Ashen one enters
Beat him on my first try with a fedora build at launch. Git gud.
>Dark Souls 3 is the easiest Souls ga-
Is that what people really think? If a noob played any of the Souls games, Demons, or Bloodborne, would they really find DaS3 to be the easiest?
Don't you have to summon Anri to progress the marriage questline, or am I mistaken? I'd like to know for subsequent playthroughs
>survive first phase
>second phase considerably easier
The game rewards you for gitting gud.
Is 3 better than 2?
I enjoyed 2 more than 3.
Three just feels, more of the same for lack of better description.
>implying the devs don't want you to complete quests in an RPG just because they are tied to summoning
>He had trouble with the Pontiff
I was pretty scared going in because of the stuff I heard about him. Plus, the lore stuff Id heard about him seemed to indicate he was a stone cold fucker who would date your mom and never call her again.
I was pleasantly surprised when he was merely of a fair difficulty. Took me 3 tries.
If I were to only play one Souls game and Bloodborne, which would it be, assuming I don't give a shit about the lore. I've heard that Dark Souls 3 is very derivative, but sort of like the "best of" version of the series, meaning it should be the most polished, so if I was looking for pure quality, I should play that one.
Miles better
Those who say otherwise ARE the vocal minority, a poll proved it.
I don't get why people say DaS3 is the easiest one, the bosses are way faster and more aggressive than DeS, DaS1 or DaS2.
nah you don't have to summon her. I actually think she won't show up as a phantom for that fight if you're following the marriage questline correctly.
>the stuff I heard about him
My first experience with Dancer was pretty much the same. It seemed like weeks of people talking about how she was nothing but bullshit and damn near impossible, and to my surprise she was incredibly straightforward & telegraphed the shit out of all her attacks.
the only boss I've ever had any trouble with was the nameless king, and I think that's mostly down to visibility.
Naw. I've done that questline and never once summoned a phantom.
because you are also faster, fast rolling in particular can be done 10 times with heavy armor on even.
also because healing mid-fight has never been more convenient. it slightly slows you down and the healing is instant.
a lot of the reason is though because people have already played bloodborne/ds so they never hit that "wait, I have to try?" wall in this game.
>dark souls 3
pick one and only one
People say Dark 3 is the easiest one because they've played the other games before and got used to the gameplay. Whichever Souls game you start on will be the most difficult for you since you're not accustomed to how the game plays.
If you start out on Demon's Souls, it'll provide the most challenge for you since the series is new to you and you don't know what to expect. If you work all the way to 3, it'll provide less of a challenge because you'll eventually realize that it's all the same shit with a fresh coat of paint. It's just pattern recognition and reaction.
>get Dark Souls 3 a few months after release
>hear from Sup Forums that Sulyvahn is actually a push over
>get my shit pushed in for over a week
You can boost their health all you want, NPC summons have tons of HP AND since it's an extra target you can heal yourself or attack without putting any risk on yourself
You don't really get fucked, summons do trivialize the game solely by having a second target. Fights aren't really designed for that, all enemies only do attacks that is designed for one player
Ludwig is really easy though.
Lawrence is a cock sucker.
personally I prefer 2 since it's a bit more replayable and I have some fond coop and pvp memories of it, but 3 provides a much stronger experience for one playthrough
3's main problem is that it's a bit linear, so replaying it gets a bit boring, and also the NG+ doesn't really change much but adding in new rings and loot souls. It's a bit of a shame really since 2 had the neat idea of throwing in some enemy red phantoms throughout a lot of the levels to add a bit more challenge; also bosses dropped some different souls in addition to their originals that you could transpose into other items; and 3 bosses themselves changed things up a bit (lost sinner has two pyromancer buddies, flexile sentry has some nimble shadows, and the duke's dear freja has that quick early encounter that you can get some extra damage in on)
it's a shame that 3 dropped a lot of the decent/interesting changes that dark souls 2 provided
Literally any amount of summoning and you're effectively cheesing the game. The enemies, situations, and bosses just aren't built for more than one person, but I guess something had to get the casuls through it.
Will there ever be a DS4 or are the devs sick of it? Did DS3 even sell well?
Because it's not the enemies that were buffed as well, but the player.
Rolling got a massive buff since it wastes like no stamina, add to that the STUPID good mid-rolling is, now you have the retard panic strategy (aka, panic roll away) is a viable strategy as you can roll 10 times or more easily, compare to the previous titles, where you get half or less rolls with the same ammount of stamina.
Attacking also costs less stamina, making the retard casual player strategy (aka, just mash r1) a viable strategy, add to that the OP cost effectiveness of the straight sword, the most common weapon in the game, you got yourself an easy ticket to beat the game.
Estus shards make you have permanent 15 flasks by end game, where in 1 you had to admit you were a bitch and burn humanity, otherwise it was always 5 estus, sometimes 10.
Bosses are for the most part made of paper.
It's the most casualised game because Bamco wants to fool casuals into thinking they are good, but also hide it most things are made simpler so normal fans dont feel betrayed, so they made everything move faster fo the illusion of raising the difficulty. Add BB influence and constant past games refs you got yourself the most "soulless" game of the franchise, which has no identity of its own as well as that streamlined, corporate packaged feeling to it.
bandai namco will probably get another dev to make souls games
Cant speak for BB but DS3 is way harder than 1 or 2.
I recently went back to ds1 and facerolled that shit didnt even find manus particularly challenging.
Except humanities in 1 were fucking abundance, and there were no reasons why you couldn't get 10 estus charges at most, if not every bonfire you find.
After you get the lordvessel, things only get easier, because now you can exploit the fast travel to get 20 estus at any portable bonfire by simply max kindling the firelink bonfire, sitting down at it, the porting to the bonfire of your desire. And in case the bonfire isn't portable, you still have like a fuckload of humanities to spared.
Honestly the estus system in 1 is like by far the most forgiving of any of the Souls games. I honestly can't think of any situation where 20 charges of estus is required.
I agree on roll being broken in DS3 though.
nameless king and friede are the hardest bosses in the game everything else was a fucking cake walk