Who else downloaded the old doom and thought they were getting the new one...
>mixing up 50meg game with 40GB one
As if this generation wasn't stupid enough. At least you got the vastly superior game.
But yeah, it's just goddamn ridiculous how modern publishers literally embrace the "Game > Game 2 > Gam3 > GAME" naming scheme joke. You literally gotta type the year of release after every other release nowadays to find any info about the original.
For the record I was talking about the names. Upon realizing the game I bought was the wrong one I refunded it. I had also realized that there was a steam sale going on seeing as the prices could have been similar. Thanks for trying to make me sound stupid though
It's almost 80GB n...
>It's 81.8GB
What the fuck!?!
I have it installed because some day I'll probably finish it once the glorykill removal mod works again, but why the fuck didn't they separate the MP from the SP?
There's nothing worth a single MB added to the single player and the game keeps getting bigger and bigger.
You think that's bad?
Try finding information about the original Xbox online or try searching for torrents of original Xbox games.
Fucking Xbone man. Fuck Microsoft.
>trying to make me sound stupid though
You did that just fine on your own. Dumbass.
Why would you get a mod to remove glory kills? Just get some self control nigger.
All I did was simply press the buy button before looking at anything else on the page... I did not look at the pictures then go . OH HEY THIS LOOKS LIKE THE NEW ONE , buy it and then figure out its not
The mod removed the animation, preventing that behavior where they simply stand like retards replenishing health.
Disabling glory kill in the menus doesn't fix the game, the mod did.
Are there people really dis estranged to melee kills that they have a problem with enemies standing still for longer than three seconds? The stagger phase only lasts three or four glows until they go back to fighting you.
They shouldn't enter a stagger phase
They shouldn't replenish life
Biting off health while crowding up enemies and killing them off with splash damage is the DOOM way of killing lots of monsters.
Doom 2016 is the only game on Steam labeled as "DOOM". The original Doom is titled "Ultimate Doom". You're either an idiot, lying, or underage.
Then again, you're probably all three.
Who the hell puts a name on Sup Forums
Anyways, apparently they are people who enjoy the classic doom style you should not hate on people who enjoy that way
I did. Can't believe it's still selling for $60.
because the game is designed around glory kills replenishing your health and ammo
They don't replenish health, they have the exact same amount of hitpoints in and out of the stagger phase, they just leave themselves open for glory kills so you can get ammunition and health. If you let them wake up, you realize they die within a single melee or single shot from any of your guns, you're not killing them all over again.
except it isn't
This thread was meant to be taken as a joke , not seriously . But yes I did buy both Doom and "Ultimate" Doom and ended up refunding Ultimate doom for a different game that costs 5-6 dollars. Thank you very much
>They shouldn't enter a stagger phase
>They shouldn't replenish life
Why not? It's a new game, and before you start, I played DOOM when it was still new, and I only played vanilla, never bothered to install a mod or even a wad. Now, like I said, it's a NEW game, a different take on the formula.
>This thread was meant to be taken as a joke , not seriously .
Oh, so you're all three. Thanks for confirming.
>They don't replenish health
They most certainly do. in fact, they never die.
You can literally shoot a soldier endlessly if you shoot one shot every two seconds.
DOOM is a game meant for modding.
nuDOOM which shouldn't even ride on the fame DOOM have can't even be modded natively.
there is nothing wrong with glory kills
you want ammo or health you take the risk
other wise you just kill them normally
DOOM was never meant for modding
it was an unintentional side effect that they allowed
>DOOM is a game meant for modding.
No, it is a game meant to be played that could be modded.
>nuDOOM which shouldn't even ride on the fame DOOM have can't even be modded natively.
Again, why not?
>Merely pretending
What next? Gonna say the "chainsaw" is good as it is in nuDOOM?
It's useless and all it does is shaming the godly chainsaw from the real DOOM games.
Can you back up your false claims?
>When Doom was released by id Software in 1993, the landscape of game modification was greatly impacted and was the entry point for one of the first artistic interventions in video games. id Software was aware of an enthusiastic modding culture that grew from their previous game, Wolfentstein 3D. Though the process in creating and loading the mods for that game were more difficult. With the community in mind, lead programmer John Carmack, a known advocate for copyleft and John Romero, who had hacked games in his youth, had the idea to simply give players the tools required to mod via WAD files.
>Again, why not?
Take a fucking guess, because you seem to have trouble getting the purpose of DOOM games, so think up some retarded opinion and believe in that while ignoring facts like you've been doing up till now.
You can't say why not?
>why is the sky blue?
Shit man, an elitist and a retard.
changing the subject i see
the chainsaw suck in DOOM 2016 and what ?
whenever you glory kill and enemy he drops health and ammo that he wouldnt drop if you shot him, also it saves you ammo
yeah i dont want to spend half the game watching finisher cutscenes no matter how cool they are
Epic thread OP, nailed it
>Two dense retards
If you try to think together you might be able to be smart enough to understand 1+1.
nuDOOM is a downgrade gameplay-wise to a game that is over twenty years old, how fucking hard is it to get that?
Chainsaw is shit because it's useless outside of yet another glorykill'ish animation.
No, I'm gonna call it QTE.
Also the dub shitstep music is trash, no it's not industrial whatever the fuck you call it.
there's medkits and ammo on the ground everywhere already
its literally a nonissue just like the soul cube
Can every map be done as a pistol run on UV without doing a single glory kill that explodes powerups and ammo?
Just gonna walk out the door I came from.
Oh no... door is *gasp* locked, again.
Who would've known~
But there's no monsters in this roo.. oh here's one spawning, and another one, and another one, and another one and ano...
Again with the guessing game
>nuDOOM is a downgrade gameplay-wise to a game that is over twenty years old, how fucking hard is it to get that?
What makes it a downgrade?
Having trouble reading?
It's been said over and over again.
You can thank consoles for that. The level designers originally went for a more classic Doom approach, but the large amounts of AI needing to be processed due swarms of enemies chasing you throughout a level caused the game to chug on consoles. They instead settled for the Painkiller approach, as it allowed the developers to have easier control on how many enemies were running around at once.
You think that's bad.
Try finding a screencap from a retro game that hasn't got some bullshit filter on it.
I like Doom.
>there's medkits and ammo on the ground everywhere already
whats your point? they're a mechanic in the game that benefits the player. the game is balanced around them and you're at a disadvantage if you don't use them
So it is a shit game and a downgrade because you don't like it and you are awful at the game, also glory kills, which are not necessary to progress.
Calm the fuck down... Jfc I didnt mean to cause a nuclear holocaust over this shit
>but the large amounts of AI needing to be processed
yeah im sure dumb fps enemy AI that isn't much different than it was 20 years ago is really taxing on the CPU
It's not the first time consoles shit up games.
DOOM (Ultimate DOOM) on PS1 had to be geometrically downgraded and they also had to limit color palettes for it to run at a reasonable framerate. They also downgraded the sound.
>So it is a shit game and a downgrade
>because you don't like it and you are awful at the game
No, try again.
>also glory kills, which are not necessary to progress.
How do I kill Cyberdemon and Spidermastermind without gaykills QTE then?
If 2xASScreed managed to have AI it really is a shitty reason to claim nuDOOM couldn't handle having more AIs running around.
So yep, it's bull.
>No, try again.
Nah, you are shit at the game, no need to keep going.
>I'm going to continue shitposting even though it's clear I have no idea what I'm talking about
id Software explained it in more detail in that Doom 2016 development documentary that was released recently.
>babbys first COWADOODYHALODOOM FPS retard thinks he has a say.
>Thinks nuDOOM is "hard" when it's just tedious trash
This is a 18+ site you neo-Sup Forums shitter.
>the risk
How is activating the autokill cutscene for free health risky?
I'm a game developer
if your basic FPS enemy AI is using alot of processing time you're doing something very wrong