50% of the fans are talking shit, while the other 50% are praising it. I need an objective opinion.
50% of the fans are talking shit, while the other 50% are praising it. I need an objective opinion
Other urls found in this thread:
It's complete and utter shit in my honest opinion
Probably the best game of the last 5 years in my honest opinion
>I need someone to give me opinions.
Play it, Or if you don't just watch videos off it online.
It's not really a hard question. Based on what has been put out on the game, look at videos, and make your own decision.
If you can't decide now just wait for a price drop. No real point buying it now.
Gameplay's great, environments are good, voice acting is decent, writing sucks, animation sucks, incredibly buggy and broken.
I have the game and just about every multiplayer match I play I'm constantly rubber banding next to terrain when I sprint/dodge/jump, and frequently crash to desktop 1 or 2 times per match.
The game has potential but it's absurd how shitty Bioware/EA's game testers are, and until they roll out MULTIPLE bug fixes I'd avoid the game.
Apparently the demo only covers the part of the game where the "training wheels" are on, and it isn't a good representation of anything but the combat.
In short: 55/100, it's an average forgettable game.
Don't buy it because you want a great rpg, buy it because you are starving for a decent game fast paced story driven game and anything would satisfy you at the moment.
> buy it because you are starving for a decent fast paced story driven game
>I have the game and just about every multiplayer match I play I'm constantly rubber banding next to terrain when I sprint/dodge/jump, and frequently crash to desktop 1 or 2 times per match.
i was thinking about the game only for the online but it sounds lame?
Care to prove you actually played it?
Because I have pit 42 hours into. OP will give you my honest opinion.
The story to be honest, is completely forgettable. It basically feels like a cheesy summer blockbuster movie. Bad one liners, quips and some cringe worthy dialogue. The voice acting also for the most part isn't very good and no one really stands out.
Best of the series and it's not even close. There are some cool locals and the world's can be pretty.....at times. The Nomad also handles well enough, and isn't shit like the Mako.
What little there is can be okay. A lot of remixes and nods to ME1 tracks. The game just doesn't have a bunch of music.
Best of the series.
Shooting and movement feels fluid and responsive. And with no set classes you can basically create whatever class and play style you want.
Most are just boring and lack imagination. Not as bad as Inquisition, but the game does have a lot of fetch quests that will seem like busy work just sending you all over the fucking map.
Outside of a few decent characters (Vetra, Drack, Jaal and your father) everyone is forgettable or just plain shit.
As bad as advertised. Tons of glitches, slow texture loading, pop in. So glitches can be game breaking. I used my jet pack on the first planet, and literally shot through the ground off the map and got stuck.
>would I recommend it
I would say wait until it is one sale, or pirate it when it gets crack. Overall it is like many reviewers said a 6-7 /10 game. Has its moments when it is fun. And other times you just find yourself trying to slog through the shitty quests and conversations.
>Pulling percentages out of your ass
>Objective opinion
Nice b8 thread
Honestly OP I think the best description of the game is that's HUGELY varied. Some parts of the game are beautiful e.g. the worlds. Whereas other parts are absolute shite that are obviously laziness by the devs. Again, the gameplay is hugely varied. Personally I feel like they've gone backwards since mass effect 1 and 2 in terms of exploring, resource gathering etc. But making a planet "viable" is a pretty cool idea.
Overall it's definitely not worth £40 ($60), I'd wait until its $40 dollars or less. Prett shoddy for a $40 triple A game, but if you''ve enjoyed the other mass effect games, you'll enjoy this one too but not as much as the others.
Also, I haven't play ME3 so I can't compare it to that.
same basic plot as the original me series plot just different location and characters.
>ancient tech
>evil that wants to kill all life in galaxy
>ancient tech makers turned to work for evil
>"chosen one" mc exists solely for the role of "chosen one"
that's all i got from watching some youtube players.
This except I wouldn't call the gameplay great.
i only have 13 hours or so into it, but im enjoying it so far
*$40 million
>Feels like a cheesy summer blockbuster movie
If it wasn't for the fact that the studio clearly thinks otherwise, I'd say that's what they were going for. Remember the trailer? Thing was shot and sounded like a blockbuster movie. Was uncanny.
A shame the father wasn't in it more, he was pretty much the only cool character.
>objective opinion.
An objective opinion would be that it's meh.
Why is literally no one talking about the story of the this game? Who's the big bad? What's the big twist?
Also playing right now and a local monster is stuck inside of a boulder......literally just happened. Fucker can't do shit and is just stuck.
Im enjoying the game and combat is fun as fuck but the animations are bad and I get massive frame drops.
I can't in good conscious pay for a game with this in it. They didn't even fucking try.
There is no twist and the big bad is not particularly noteworthy. The story pacing odd and it wastes so much potential it almost hurt me to play through the game. When will I learn that a scifi setting for a game does not translate into good scifi writing.
Still, it is enjoyable in a mindless sort of way. Rolling around shooting stuff, gathering materials to craft better gear and filling out a completion list. That's the only part of the game that is engaging to me.
Incredibly mediocre game and a step backwards in every regard compared to original games.
Only buy it if you love collecting shit for crafting on giant maps and shooting at generic enemy groups again and again. Everything else is just boring filler.
What the fuck is up with that one Krogan's voice? Also, that fight was just pathetic. They might as well have just tickled each other.
>I need an objective opinion.
It's shit.
>objective opinion.
Alright. I am a little under halfway into the game, so here's my opinion:
It feels like Mass Effect 1, in all of the ways that mass effect 1 was good and bad.
We have open spaces and exploration again, but this time without the janky physics engine making your car bobbled around and get stuck in places. The landscapes feel more varied and look better/less repetitive. That's good.
On the other hand, I am juggling 25 different kinds of resources for researching and crafting shit, that I have to scan for and find in the wild. So I am compulsively scanning and searching places for that extra 5 iron I need for the new chest armor that will probably become obsolete soon anyway. That's clunky and bad.
I'm enjoying the characters. I can't think of a single person on my ship I just flat-out don't like or find boring. Which is actually a first for me, I'm used to putting most of my companions in a bucket and forgetting about them while I hang out with the 3-4 people I actually enjoy the company of. Thats good.
On the other hand, the actual animation of those characters is frequently unflattering. The designs themselves are not, as it happens, as bad as certain shots make them look. 80% of the time they look fine. But that 20% makes them look slightly off in a way that is noticeable, or is downright goofy. So thats bad.
What confuses me is that I could have sworn that Mass Effect 3 looked better than this, character animation wise. Maybe its rose tinted glasses. The actual textures look great, but its like they had to totally rebuild the engine and skeletons and since this is version 1 they haven't really worked out the kinks yet.
I obviously can't judge the story beyond its opening acts right now, but I'm enjoying what I have of it. Comfy feel, nice setup.
I'd say that its worth playing if you want a space RPG or liked the previous mass effect games flaws an all. Its not dogshit, but there are legitimate problems in it.
Here's a summary:
How can we take the worst parts of the previous mass effect games and add stupid No Man's Sky shit to the mix?
Scan that shit.
>The voice acting also for the most part isn't very good and no one really stands out.
That's disappointing. The guy who voices Scott Ryder is actually a total bro and a big fan of the series.
It's just shit.
The only cool thing about this game are the skyboxes.
Voiced by a fag.
Its kind of like Fallout 4. Bethesda tried to be Bioware when making Fallout 4. Andromeda is kind of like Bioware tried to make a Bethesda game.
Its big, open, NPC's are a little weird, there's a shit load of weapons, the RPG stuff is extremely open to doing whatever you want with your character's skills and load out.
Confirmed for not knowing anything about either game and just regurgitating half remembered memes.
For it to be No Mans Sky shit, you would need procedurally generated space and planets. That's was literally all No Mans Sky was, it had nothing else to offer or do.
If anything got added to Mass Effect, it was a flavor of Star Trek style exploration. Mass effect has always had some exploration elements, but the game that focused on that the most (ME1) usually had you going to places people had already been. Andromeda is much more 'where no man has gone before' stuff.
It's okay but not worth 60 dolla, most of the stuff said about it here I'd agree with. The interactions between the party members on your ship are nice, they can actually be found outside of their rooms and have conversations with each other. I actually ended up liking the party members aside from peebee, although I could have done without drack making so many comments about how great krogan are.
The game actually feels more similar to ME1 than 2 or 3 surprisingly, you are back to exploring planets on the surface and you have an inventory with a large list of weapons/armor/mods to research and build. Unfortunately they removed the ability to customize your crew members and you can't tell them when to use their abilities either so you are relying on their awful AI.
There are also a lot of missed opportunities considering the budget, terraforming should actually change the world visually but as far as I've seen it does nothing but clear up the sky and environmental hazards.
you're wrong, both percentages are talking shit and i fucking love it
Best summary of the game I've seen yet, DESU. The combat is definitely fun and I'll get my money's worth from the multiplayer, but the campaign is extremely lackluster. Not straight up bad per se, but just... ok.
Yeah, it's worth playing if you have played Zelda, Nier, and Horizon already.
7/10 GAME
+Combat has never been better.
+Loyalty is more fluid.
+Story ends up being better (even though Kett are basically Reapers).
+Adventurous Pussyryder is more fun and likable than +Shepard ever was.
+Plenty of guns and armor/weapon customization.
+Multi-classing makes building much more fun.
+Flying/hovering is lots of fun.
+Jaal and Drack - I've liked these two over any companion from 1-3.
-Models when they're good they're great. When they're bad they're real bad. Not nearly as bad a situation as Sup Forums has make it out to be. (My Ryder looks fuck'n great)
-Some of the animations are rather bad and rigid.
-The crew is pretty forgettable ouside Drack and Jaal especially.
-Forgettable tunes.
-Scanning is slow, tedious, and wihout much reward. (Travel between is horrible).
-Crafting in risky and difficult until the end of the game (even then).
Overall, I wanted more ME combat with a passable story (after all Bioware's trademark story is unit against da big bad than can only lose to teamwork!). I was pleasantly surprised.
50% of FANS hate it, its shit user go replay 2
That's what I thought was going on. I don't know why they couldn't at least attempt to tone down the "He~y big boy, I'm a flaming faggot" accent.
I was expecting to hate Peebee after all the memes, but she's not that bad honestly from what I've seen so far. Liam is alright too. Better than Jacob. I don't think the new cast has had the time to mature like the old favorites have so people are still iffy on them. They're growing on me though.
My biggest complaints so far are the bugs and animations. This game needed a solid month or two of polish.
But Sup Forums said 3 was shit too, but it was great other than Kai and the end.
I have zero reason to get it other than them slapping the name on it and saying "oh it's mass effect, fucking buy it!"
Like, why should I buy this and not literally anything else?
The answer is probably because there is no reason. It's just some space shit doing space shit with people in space. There's also space.
>Replay the worst game of the trilogy
>an objective opinion
Why the fuck would you come to Sup Forums?
I just finished the game and I'm only 47 hours in, what the fuck?
I have 14 hours in multiplayer, I've experienced none of these issues, but I did crash to desktop twice.
It's a good game, the writing isn't that bad, it's nothing that will stand out in 10 years, but there are enjoyable moments.
It's above average in my opinion, I think that if you really like the setting and the characters you'll enjoy it.
A lot of people try to make it a bust, it's not, it's not the game of the year either, it's a good game that has flaws, but does what it does really well.
they gutted features of the multiplayer
jetpacks are unnecessary but i'm not mad they put it in
why did they fucking gut melee? why are biotics useless? why remove warp?
why lock class points behind cards you have to unpack from crates? it just means ultra-rare people won't be gold ready for the first 200 hours cause you need at least 5 of their cards to get enough skill points to be good.
>So I am compulsively scanning and searching places for that extra 5 iron I need for the new chest armor that will probably become obsolete soon anyway. That's clunky and bad.
I wouldn't fret over resources - especially nothing other than platinum, uranium, and I forget the other.
Dismantle guns/armor you won't use. This will give you more than you'll need more than likely. Your main issue will be uranium probably.
That said by selling junk and just playing game you'll have an excess of credits which you can use to:
Just buy armor/weapons. Everything you can buy is plenty serviceable, in fact you can buy some of the craftable armor.
You find a lot of good armor too.
If you're hellbent on upgrades/researching then you can buy resources via console with credits.
Nothing is going to become obsolete. The numbers between a r1 and at5 (and so on) is pretty insignificant. That said researching weapons is very cheap (as is creating them).
Armor is in the same boat but better off. Each rank is like 1% to the core stats at best. This is extremely insignificant.
Unless you want to min-max researching and having the up-to-snuff ranked gear is entirely pointless. The benefit of crafting (mods, and modding in extra slots) is also very minor of a buff.
Yeah no way have they gone backwards with exploring if you're talking about mass effect one. Mass effect one, much like dragon age one had 3 maps that were reused over and over.
This is probably most objective review you're going to get.
It's pretty honest and you can tell the person actually played the game.
More shekels, goyim.