PS4 and Xbox One versions will be available both digitally and physically...

>PS4 and Xbox One versions will be available both digitally and physically, while the Vita version will only be available as a download. It's priced at $40 (about £32/€37) on all platforms.

>$40 at launch

Just how bad was this game?

Other urls found in this thread:

it probaly sells more if it isnt 60$

>complaining about cheaper games

>Just how bad was this game?
It's one of the worst games I have ever played. Don't even buy it as a joke.

Can't wait for "wow sonybros only call it bad because it got ported to PC eventually".


I get really annoyed at people saying "you only think it's bad because it's playsta- I mean console exclusive" when I own a PS4 and played the demo.

The game is absolutely fucking awful.

JP demo try it for yourself.

It's so bad there's no point explaining why it's bad. There's no redeeming feature. Not one. This is coming from someone who doesn't even mind VC2 so you can gauge my tolerance.

I wont play a jp demo. Explain

Trash, almost feels like an insult compared to Valkyrie Chronicles.

fuk u

It's an insult to all Japanese games.

Its a generic action JRPG whit generic time stop wen you use abilities.
Basically the developer took everything that made Valkiria good ripped it out and replaced it whit the most generic JRPG you ca play today.

Guns are useless tactics are useless just jump in mash the attack button and spam abilities to win.
And if you don't win just grind a bit and win next time because your numbers are bigger.

Japans is basically hyper casual right now when it comes to games.
Even Miamoto is disgusted by how causal modern Japanese games are.

What exactly is so bad about it? Obviously it pisses all over the concept of the series, but that's been happening since the second game.

There's that teaser floating around for a mediavision battlefield RPG remake for the PS4.

If we're lucky it could be a remake of VC3 and the mainline series will be back on home consoles.
The best VC game would also get more attention.

>press attack button
>your character does an eleven hit combo that kills everything
>repeat forever

Cutscenes are long as FUCK and boring as hell, long ass loaading screens every minute, characters look terrible, animations look terrible, their faces don't even animate when they talk most of the time, the writing is abysmal(the kind literally nobody cares about yet is the main focus of the game), graphics suck, a nd even the music sucks.

Has Mediavision ever worked on anything else that can fit that criteria?

If it is VC3 then I hope it sells well since it's likely Sega's litmus test for if we want more VC games. If it does poorly or below expectations and it's goodbye forever.

Shining series?
There's really not much that fits the criteria

Perhaps they'll do VC2 instead, but I really hope that's not the case.

The first title seemed to imply a Shining game, the second VC3, and the third is the new Digimon game that was announced.
Pretty sure Mediavision didn't work on VC2 so it can't be that.
Though if it is VC3 then it'd be really weird for VC1 and VC3 to have a PS4 version so I would think a VC2 PS4 would follow.

VC3 getting remade sounds too good to be true. Since when does sega make good decisions that the fans like?

I really want to try it, but the gameplay looks pretty braindead and the japs hate it. $40 with Amazon discount may not be bad though.

There's a demo on the JP PSN.

It's fucking terrible, do not buy it.

>Valkyria Revolution
>Star Ocean 5
>Final Fantasy XV
>Tales of Zestiria
>Atelier Firis
Is this how JRPGs end

>Nier 2
>Persona 5
There's some hope left.

Add Ni No Kuni 2 to your list too though.

>main character looks, sounds, dresses, and acts like a girl
>it's a boy

>Valkyria Chronicles was genuienly one of the best games from last gen
>art style was beautiful and the combat was actually fun and engaging when you didn't scout rush
>expect the sequels to the game to build on the combat and make it even better
>buy the game for PSP, didn't think anything of it but was put off by the setting
>still excited by the next big installment of this series
>hear about this
>eventually read more about the game
>It's nothing like the original VC
>swords instead of cool tanks and WW2 setting

This series is honestly a tragic fall from original great idea, to absolute shit.

Nier Automata, DQ, SMT, and BOTW all exist.

The sequels did build on the gameplay. The first game is an unbalanced mess even without scout rushing.

The third game is still the best in the series.



The fact kusoge like DrakeNier and Neptune are becoming legitimate games is the silver lining.

>one of the best visual engines for anime games
>Sega never uses it again

How come only the shitty jrpgs make it to xbone? Fuck

This was NEVER a good series

Sega should stick to miku, yakuza and sonic

the art style made it feel like you were really looking at a picture book 100 years in the future, going through key events of the war,

Why the fuck didn't they keep this for their games, what the fuck man.

Don't mean to shill, but this guy shits all over the game.

It's mainly just a simple animated crosshatch cel-shader you could slap on any artsy game to good effect yet here we are stuck with zero innovation.

Sega isn't even publishing it themselves in Europe.

does anyone know when valkyria chronicles 2 and 3 are getting ported to the ps4?


That pin is alright

Maybe never. Maybe one of them will get remade for ps4 since that's currently being teased.

I'd gladly throw money at a Western release of VC3. I have well over a hundred hours in that game and I still haven't finished all the side and extra content. They got the gameplay just right imo, and the whole cast is much stronger in writing compared to the four-paragraph biography soldiers you get in VC1

thanks for the info, will not get my hopes up then. might pre-order azure just for the pin since 40 bucks is nothing to me. or i might wait until it gets downed to about 15, lot of stores will probably have the limited edition still laying around a few months after the release

>when you port a six year old PS3 game to PC and then comment on how profitable the platform/port was and then make a new game in the series that's on two dead consoles

Only Sega would do such a thing. I'm starting to think they're less retarded and more brilliant trolls.

>might pre-order azure j
Fucking don't. This is sending nothing but a bad message.

>Sega: M-Maybe the westerners will like it...

Really bad.

I never finished all the dlc in VC3 either. There's just so much of it and I got burned out.
Some of those missions are real difficult too.

Fuck this shit. This is not Valkyria

>this is what weebs actually think war is like

>bait image

No one likes VC genwunners.

This is what Japs think the war is

>Ozawa: When it comes to VAR, it's very much a story with humans as a base, infused with military elements carried over from Chronicles and incorporated with magic elements which should be familiar to any Japanese RPG player.

>Incidentally, we promoted Chronicles using a theme of a “realistic military”, but when mentioning its strong points we avoided relying on keywords like "guns" and "tanks". While military themes are accepted abroad, we did our best not to frame military terminology in a sense of good versus evil domestically.

>Back during the domestic release of VC1, Alicia and Isara along with other cute girls were used as visuals during marketing, but the moment people noticed a tank, they'd comment "Isn't this a Western game? Won't there be clashing iron and bloodletting?" There were quite a few cases of this interpretation so in order to ease those concerns we placed VC2 in a school setting to redirect those notions.

Even the nips know what's up.

>it's a boy

Time to save jrpg

>the only ones carrying lances are big buff chads with the muscles to swing them and all the weapons look the same because military standards
last one
>everyone gets unique looking weapons and is le kooky anime girl with a double sided dragon-bone katana and a short skirt xD

It's painful to read this. How the fuck can someone miss the point so badly?

>Let's take everything that made our game popular and remove it

>"Isn't this a Western game?
I wish they trolled them by saying yes.

this is funny especially when the West seems to have its own idea about Japanese games i.e. people on Sup Forums saying they hate weebshit
but then this is coming from a weeb who doesn't mind school settings

VC was always a broken boring game. I don't know why it gets so much praise.

>HURR let me just scout rush the entire game otherwise I have no hope of getting max rank in missions.

Nostalgia googles are on tight. People like to pretend the first game was this well made, serious war story and not anime as fuck.

I played the original VC on both PS3 and PC and also VC2 on PSP and I liked them both. The game doesn't look interesting to me either, granted I haven't played the demo or anything.. but it just looks lame.

>make another Selvaria in this game
>kill her off again
What were they thinking?

Selvaria sucks anyways. Just no personality waifu bait.


>Sega: If we kill off Selvaria 2.0 surly she will be also as popular!