Hey Sup Forums are the QUAKE games any good?

Hey Sup Forums are the QUAKE games any good?

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quake 4 is the best of the series

Never played Q1
Q2 is alright
Q3 is god tier
Q4 is shit

I really wish a proper sequel to Quake 1 would be good. Quakes with single player are good and I wish they'd make them more often.

QUAKE is kino

QUAKE 2 is shit

QUAKE 3 is kino but dead (No SP)

QUAKE 4 sucked

who no viewroll and bobbing here

Quake 2 is kino, although Turok 2 I'd have to say surpasses it now thanks to the remake.

Quake 1 is GOAT


Dont listen to them. the whole trilogy is good even some of the expansions. 4 isnt real. quake live is a salt mine of a community which will take over champoins after a few months. use a sourceport for 1 and 2