It hurts Sup Forums. It could've been perfection

It hurts Sup Forums. It could've been perfection.

Gotta wait for the DLC goy ;^)



I have no idea what changed but I bet it's loss.

There were ruins though, like the one next to the Lanayru Mountain, the ruin in Farore forest, the one filled with the guardians in the canyon.


Nah, it was exactly this. And there were ruins. And the four titans were easily some of the best level design things eveirn a video game. Ever.

The thing is most people on Sup Forums are depressive as fuck, you would just disparage anything, doesn't matter how good or bad.

And whoever made this picture is a retard anyway, at least put a useless fucking Korok in the picture instead of a based shrine.

>this delusion



I have not played this game. What's the significance of the rock?

>the four titans were easily some of the best level design things eveirn a video game.
Are you a child? Each and every one of the divine beasts simple and uninspired beyond belief, probably the weakest aspect of the game.

He didn't actually play the game he's shit posting

>beast dungeons good
>most can be finished in less than 10 minutes even going into them blind
>only one enemy type and most of the time that enemy is completely passive

Nah, fuck you. The beast dungeons were just shrines with a different coat of paint and tilting.


Hidden little leaf critters are sometimes hidden under rocks and other various mini-puzzles in the middle of nowhere.
And there is 900 of the bastards if you want full 100% completion, which gives you the reward of LITERAL in-game shit

You found me!


epic loss meme xD

why would it lose? The picture?

I don't get it

They were pretty easy, but I wouldn't say uninspired.
I think they could've used more enemies and shit. The overworld is more threatening than anything in the dungeons.



Never thought I'd miss dungeons really. Especially if they were like Hyrule Castle and had tons of rooms and things to loot even after you beat the boss.

That said I don't like being negative on BotW. It's a really good game and a MASSIVE step in the right direction for the series. I never thought Aonuma would bring the series back to open-world.

>those textures
>that shitty fog
>those sharp edges

I used to rag on MM all the time for having four dungeons. I mean, OoT had like nine. Awakening had eight. LttP had ten or eleven? What's this four bullshit?

But I grew to appreciate them for what they were. I now have more appreciation for those four--all of them--than many other Zelda dungeons. Woodfall, being the first, is admittedly the most tame, but I do like the aesthetic of it.

I'm sure I'll come to appreciate BotW for its lack of dungeons--or rather, for its piecemeal inclusion of them. Because the way I see it, the game was one really long dungeon, with the shrines being its puzzles.

I fully hope that they include more Hyrule Castles in the future, however, and properly include puzzles within it. They have the makings for some incredible stuff, and with BotW's engine and all that properly established now, they can work on developing beyond the mechanics.