What the fuck is this

what the fuck is this

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That's not real, is it?

Honest question, what is that facial expression trying to convey?


it's real


not even memeing but this looks like something from garrys mod

The tard charge


What the fuck is this half-assed animation? It's like they didn't even bother trying.

Anyone got a webm of the gay krogan fight scene


someone at bioware looked at this and went "yup, this looks good".

>Her face when shooting someone in the back
That's one cold-blooded autistic killer


This...actually makes me kind of hard? Like, her lack of emotion makes her look super submissive...





The Krogan's voice there is the icing on the cake though.

The last thing you're ever gonna see, pal.

50 million dollars

quality game right there

*40 million dollars

the guy playing who is laughing out of control is the cherry on top

I can hear the screeching.


What did Bioware mean by this?

Someone put her lego set away.

He should have spat in her face.


49 of them spent on marketing

A real (videogame) woman

Okay, that's it.

I'm buying this game

She's autistic. Autistic sprint


>mfw it's time to fap

>MFW someone touches my legos


There you go.

About 11 minutes 30 seconds in.

I still don't get why Bioware didn't even try to mask the shitty fighting animations with screen shaking or blurring or something. That means they really thought this looked okay.


Oh fucking kek. What a fantastic exploitable reaction image

So much emotion


You're mentally ill, go back to transsexual threads

anyone have the full webm of this? or the edit?

An angry autistic woman.

that is a gay ass fucking krogan

also do they explain the genophage?

How did they get that scene so wrong when they did a Krogan fighting so much better in ME3


>nobody mentioning how her hand clips through the middle of the gun

The actual explanation given is that they developed their immunity further while in cryosleep due to genetic therapy

Please tell me that's supposed to be a female Krogan. Why the fuck does it sound like a drag queen with a lisp?

the ultimate in storing humans


There is no way they wouldve allowed the Krogan to even come with them, they were like the niggers of the galaxy

It is female, but that doesn't make the voice less hysterical. Eve sounded exactly like you'd expect a female to sound without it being comical.

this shit is ridiculous, like you are going to make me use Mass Effect 3 as a better example

for fucks sake EA

is the hilarious screen tearing from the video or game itself?

>Reactor Online.
>Sensors Online.
>Weapons Online.
>All Systems Nominal.
>Ready For Combat.

It looks like she pulled the trigger accidentally while still raising the gun. That's what happens when you give a gun to a clumsy autist.

damn i didn't even notice I was too focused on her face

Say what you want about the game, but this mission was great.



I constantly berated and insulted Liam that entire loyalty mission. What a fucking dog shit character.


They don't even tell you it's a female right away either IIRC. When I was playing the Access trial, I called her Homo Krogan until they said it was a "woman". I was sure Bioware went full SJW and had a flaming homosexual Krogan. I got much more enjoyment out of the character when I thought it was a faggot with a speech impediment and gender identity problems.

He showed promise on Habitat 7, but from then on he was just a really bland character.

The premise of his loyalty mission is shit, though. "Hey Ryder, nobody would trust us so I gave up a bunch of Nexus information AND NOW MY INFORMANT HAS BEEN CAPTURED."

It was a 40 million dollar ploy to make us retroactively change our opinions on ME3.

>mfw I see a dindu

They hired female VAs with normal voices and then tweaned them, so every female Krogan sounds like shit.

At least he didn't post the part where she says she'll "smash your face". You can kill Sloane but not this retarded Krogan?

>He showed promise on Habitat 7

That's where I decided I would never use him ever. "Oh he is angry. PROBABLY CAUSE I SHOT HIM IN THE FACE"

Plus his scene where he is shooting a dead bounty like a fucking 7 year old. It felt good ripping into Liam after that Loyalty mission. Worst ME character in the series.


at this point that's just par for the course.

I dunno, PeeBee is pretty bad; but Liam is utterly forgettable and I find myself practically nodding off whenever I'm locked into a conversation with him.

>Anthony Burch was a ghost writer for MEA


genuine comedy

>replayed ME1 for a bit
>animations are far superior to Andromeda
>characters are far superior, even Kaidan
>plot flows nicely
>combat is meh, but playable

not to mention that the non-white character don't feel forced as fuck to meet diversity quota, Anderson and Udina are fucking great

Is this game SUPPOSED to be comedic?

There are such things as so bad its good in film
Is this a case of it for video games?

>her face
>sudden being propelled backwards



>that absolute lack of human reaction when facing a giant canon

Mass Effect? More like
Pass Effect


my fucking sides

Jacob was forgettable.

Liam was like if a pre-teen was allowed to write a character. He was a cop and a crisis first responder but has the personality of a child. It felt good to shun him like a child after his mission.

i've seen better faces from 5 year old garry's mod videos



>youtubed the fight
>those fucking animations
>the goddamn terrible voice and acting of the yellow Krogan


Video games were a mistake

Jesus, it's you're beautiful from QC but fucking animated

The Cora sex scene is probably the most detailed animation in the game.

You forgot the Black box

I am never planning to buy Andromeda and have no interest in playing it, however I am curious about exactly what the story is. I have heard it is mediocre but can anyone give me a detailed summary of Andromeda's plotline, start to finish?

Honestly, the worst thing about this game is not the horrible animations. That, I can sort of forgive. What I can't forgive is the absolute destruction of the lore built up in the Mass Effect universe. This game is nothing more than the video game equivalent of a "soft reboot" in which everything is just done wrong.

Shit story, all the characters are awful and worse yet they all LOOK awful.