Tfw kid on the way

>tfw kid on the way

Any dads here on Sup Forums? I'm still a kid at heart and I'm nervous as fuck. I'm excited but at the same time a bit scared.

My dad is a conservative fuck and says 100% of my time should be devoted to my kid and working.

That's a meme right? I can still have some me-time to play vidya right?

No. Enjoy your life long commitment, retard.

i played tons of vidya holding both my girls while they had a bottle

my 2.5 year old plays SMB3 on my old NES and loves watching me get the "yahahas" on Zelda

you'll be fine

>tfw kid on the way
Your wife's having a child ey.. Who's the father?

My Dad had me super early. Spent a lot of time working to make sure I didn't have a shit life, but some of my favorite memories were playing soccer and vidya w/ him.

You can do both user.

If you like Nintendo games you'll like kids I guess.

Enjoy never being able to play something like GTA again.



just setup a cage area and keep him there forever. He will go on autistic rampages until they're about 2-3

After witnessing my friend's kid break about $2000 of shit, he can stay on a leash

You can, but you got pace yourself. It's going to become a fall back activity or something you're going to make time for. I play after my wife and kid have gone to bed for an hour or two, which is actually kind of perfect. I'd expect maybe 10-12 hours of play time a week with a new baby, but you'll have to feel it out.

Good luck and congratulations, user! I hope it's a happy and healthy baby.

I'm sure you'll have a little time to play vidya every now and then.

Hope all goes well for you user.
I dodged my own bullet a few months ago, thank the gods.

It'll be fun. You can teach him or her how to play games and then play video games with them.

>That's a meme right? I can still have some me-time to play vidya right?

nope, good job falling for the meme
see you 21 years faggot

Your dad is wrong. You will have time to play. Not nearly as much as you do now though.

The best part is when the kids are old enough to play games too. Then game time doesn't feel so much like you're just wasting time, because now it's family time.

Also, you can get them to grind for you. They don't know that it's not fun. Awesome.

Don't listen to this user.

Don't be a pussy dad, and don't shelter your kids.

They wouldn't do that to you either.

>I hope that's not you in the OP image, OP. Having a child with a mongoloid woman isn't a good idea.

If it's a boy, don't circumcise him. Or else I'll backtrace your IP and abort your son before you can force lifelong sexual torture on him.

I'd kill myself if I had to work hard AND have a kid. Thankfully I make 50k part time.

my wife is a strict catholic filipina and we're gonna have to circumcise him if it's a boy sadly. At least he won't have phimosis...

I want kids kinda OP and I'm almost 30 but I still feel like a kid too.

Anyone know that feel?

Like it would feel weird as fuck having a kid when I still feel like a kid myself kinda.

You fucked up somewhat fierce.

Get a DNA test.
Tons of guys are raising a child that isnt theirs.

Guys I'm the father because I'M the one raising it.

Me and my wife now laugh at that idiot Tyrone who won't even get to experience the joys of raising a child.

That's bullshit and you know it. If I was in your position I would talk about it with her.

>and we're gonna have to circumcise him if it's a boy sadly

Why because you are a beata cuck?
You realize its mutilation right? I fucking hate you so much right now, your son will have a mutilated penis because his father is a spineless faggot.

Learn to balance dude. I spend most of the time I'm not working with my daughter, but I still set aside a few hours a week to play videogames. Obviously it won't be as much as before, but it's not like you'll have to give it up completely.

Remember Faggots Never have children

>a few hours a week

I get all my free-time at night once they're sleeping.

>Also, you can get them to grind for you. They don't know that it's not fun. Awesome.

Haha this, I get my wife to grind for me sometimes too.

Congratulations, OP. You doomed another soul into the land of pointless suffering, and all because you wanted a goddamn dicksleeve that you could use to ask for validation from others.



>That's a meme right? I can still have some me-time to play vidya right?
lol you are fucked, honestly, i am not memeing.
Kid means going full work slave and kid management.
I'm sorry for you

I feel like not having a kid is kinda selfish. My dad had me and I'm happy as ever and vidya is in a great place right now.

Would suck to not bring a kid into this world to experience it himself.

On a good week I can maybe get 10 hours, which is fine because games actually last me now. Enjoying the ever living shit out of Automata right now.

So when did Catholics start practicing circumcision you worthless cuck

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My wife's son shitposting-aside, do you ever actually see yourself having kids at one point, Sup Forums?

Like I can trust my kids to not fuck up my stats

OP here, that's exactly what I'm playing now.

I'd like to be a father one day, but I'm not really seeing women who I think would be good mothers.

>playing vidya as an adult with kids

Your life SHOULD be dedicated to working and your kids you manchild retard. Also what kind of woman would actually put up with you playing with kids toys unironically? Maybe a really ugly one with no social status.

This is not gonna end well.

Quite the opposite. Having a kid is selfish as fuck. You aren't bringing that kid into the world because you want them to experience all the joys of life, you're bringing them in because you want to feel good about bringing someone into the world. And chances are, if your kid isn't born deformed or retarded somehow, that kid will grow to be a depressed bitter fuck who hates their existence because life isn't all that great and the world isn't all that nice of a place.

Normalfaggotry is not videogames

>vidya and art available allowing us to escape into amazing worlds
>not literal paradise

Any other century I'd agree but this is literally the best time to be alive.

>Maybe a really ugly one with no social status.
Lol who cares about social status? How old are you?

>strict catholic filipina
Shit excuse, in 90% of catholic countries they don't practice circumcision. You absolute spineless fuck.

This. How can you say its selfish to spare a life of suffering? You idiots fail to see that unless you are rich as shit and can create an artificial environment for your kid to live in for 80 years, the kid will realize at some point the lies youll be feeding him. Middle class kids are specially prone to depression in this rotten society where the only ones who can survive are worthless poorshit dogs who have nothing in mind but to eat, shit and fuck.

>a world so shit that the only redeeming factor is escapism
Yes, let's bring more people here. The more the merrier

She doesn't have a fucking say in your boy's dick.

Are you a fucking jew? No? Then don't mutilate your son genitals.

>Live a lie to have the harsh reality of having to work to stay alive hit your fucking face every day until you kill yourself.

>sexually mutilating your baby boy

Don't do this OP. Circumcision is bullshit.

Let's be honest here. As you get older, games don't hold you as long anymore. You start to spend more and more of the time idling in the main menu with the game alt-tabbed while you do other shit. Is it really any worse to spend that time with your kid instead of being bored doing nothing on the internet?

The beauty of life is theres free will and independent choice and all that

If you arent happy, change.
If you still aint happy change again

Too many people get themselves trapped in the mentality that they have no choice

You always got a choice nigga, even if that choice is steal a bunch of shit sell it and move to another country

Nope. 28 and still loving vodya. NOTE and NieR have held my interest big time.

The older you get, the more you realize video games are a waste of time.

If they're art, they're bad art.

when you get old you stop caring about vidya anyway

Yes, yes, goyim, great choice

I have all the time in the world and I still play videogames a few hours a week.

Any form of escapism including art, film, vidya, and literature are wastes of time. But I give zero fucks because it makes me happy.

I'm not saying that you can't play vidya at all, just that as you age it stops holding you as much as it used to. I can't spend all day and night playing the same game anymore; I gotta do other shit.

I can relate to this, that's why I stopped buying videogames, I just pirate them and play them a little.

I only buy some multiplayer games to play with friends, never to play with strangers.

>That's a meme right? I can still have some me-time to play vidya right?
If you can't handle a kid, career, social life, and relationships along with your hobbies, you're probably a manchild anyways. Yes, you should have plenty of time for vidya, your kid shouldn't need constant attention for 18 years. You'll have a lot less time right off the bat, but if you still want to play vidya you'll find time.

cut off your own dick
and when that has worked out, then you can cut off other people's dicks when they are adults, I dare you to try it

>having kids when the economy is fragile as fuck
>having kids when immigration and crime is going up
>having kids when Islam is spreading across the World
>having kids when foreign relations with just about every country is in the shitter

You are an idiot.
A race mixing idiot.

>crime is going up
Retarded Trumple detected. The world has literally never been safer, stop letting Fox News work their scare tactics on you.

remember that you will love your kid so goddamn much you will genuinely enjoy spending time with them
you can also play games with them when they're old enough

I don't know of a single Catholic country in Europe that does circumcision. Sounds like a barbaric SEAnigger custom if anything.

Someone told me you've been a tripfag here for a decade. Has anything changed?

Shut the fuck up dumbshit. You will never understand a thing, and i certainly envy idiots like you who have no will of their own but move through mere instinct. I wish i got to be another blissful ignorant shithead, but alas, i am an actual person.

>lol i'm just going to mutilate my son at birth because I'm just such a fucking beta bitch boy lol oh well
You suck.

I'd have plenty of kids if they started at 5.

When I have to babysit my nephew, I set him up with Lego games, or he watches me play stuff that is child-friendly enough. Kids like watching big people play, because they suck at everything.

Might actually get Lego City again because of the Co op. Will make my job 10x more easier.

Dad of 4 year old and 1.5 year old here.

Yes, still time to play games. Less at first, plenty of time at night once they settle into a regular sleep schedule. If you're good about enforcing bed time rituals, your kids will be asleep by 7:00-8:00 every night.

You'll definitely have less time, but I find that I actually enjoy games a lot more now because I don't get to do it as much.

With the right partner, children are the single greatest joy in life. If I spent 100 hours a week shoveling shit against a tide, I would not regret having them for a second.

That would require a gf at the very least.

its not a meme you have to grow up and raise yer kid or risk becoming a dead beat dad

you lose either way the choice is yers

A whooole lot has changed, and yes I have.

You underestimate the evil that my fellow latin americans carry. They're an infection.

What exactly do you want out of life?

I live in a 1st world country, have a comfy condo, plenty of vidya, and go out on the weekends to eat and I'm happy as hell.

Why are you so miserable user?

>My dad
who fucking cares, its your own life, you fucking piece of shit, get fucked and die

Look at it this way: you'll be saving all the best games for enjoyment 18 years from now

>Anything besides going hiking in the mountains, backpacking through Europe, or slaving away at a fucking office job are wastes of time
Normies Get OUT.

>But I give zero fucks because it makes me happy.

How does it feel to raise another mans spawn?

Have a fiance of six years and I can barely manage on my own, there's no way I'm bringing someone into this world without being prepared.

>Why are you so miserable user?
He's one of the many NEETs these threads attract, there is no reasoning with somebody so pathetic.

inb4 wageslave

You are lucky.

According to my parents I NEVER got a consistent sleep schedule. I would wake up at 3am banging things, toss and turn all night making noise, etc.

Be thankful you don't have a hyperactive kid with a million mental disorders.

If you think the life is so terrible then just fucking kill yourself already. Do everyone a favour. Good riddance you miserable piece of shit.

That was me two years ago, and now we are married.

Still don't know if we want kids tbqfh.

>2000$ worth of shit

You aren't just going to post this and leave us hanging are you user?

Please, I need to know what happened.

For the coming years the kid will suck up all your time.


Have 2 kids, 4yo and 1yo. Still play vidya every day.
They really aren't that hard to deal with honestly.

Well, I've blown my load in my wife thousands of times, and my kids look exactly like me, so...pretty good I guess?

I am a third worlder whi was raised with a code of honor, and nothing would make me happier than seeing a society that helps each other, treats each other with courtesy, always thinks of the best for others and has respect for nature and order. Too bad all of you fuckers ruin it all with your ape shit. Don't tell me i am the problem, you know you're egotistical shits who are unable to think any better.

How the fuck do people fall for this bait

>I'm still a kid at heart
OP, how much do you make a year?

>being such a degenerate you let internet memes from a Mongolian throat singing forum alter your view of the real world and family

He's mostly right. Your free time until your kid is at least 8 is going to go fucking bye bye.