So they started firing people?

So they started firing people?

>not looking for anything animaton related

>no animation positions

>firing people
more like everybody jumping out the sinking boat

they let go of the temporary interns

>none of them are animators

If so they're firing the wrong people.

What is a "gameplay designer"?

So time to make some fake resumes and start applying.

I doubt interns are lead level designer, leav gamplay programmer etc

Those positions have been open for a while now

There's typically lay offs whenever a game ships. Especially with EA's victims developers.

Ideas guy

Sign up today!

>must be a fucking leaf
>must be at least pansexual
>white males need not apply

probably this. thats why theyre not looking for animators, those fucks are sticking around because theyd never get hired elsewhere. the guys that did leave probably didnt do a terrible job and when they realized any work they did would be wasted when mixed in with rest of the shit game they got out as fast as they could

Wasn't that Pajeet Poo's title? You know, the guy who somehow cranked out a game while shitposting anti-white shit on Twitter all day?

>Gameplay Designer

thatd be a cool job, but what the hell kind of qualifications would you need?

They should start with Walters.


made up positions so they can hire clueless females to direct the code monkey men around

>sorry my face is tired

Manveer Heir

That guy got fired, yes.


How long are you comfortable on your knees?

>maga shit
Just as cancerous

> a game company firing people after a game is complete.

Get the fuck out of here that never happens!

source on this?

He unlisted Bioware from his Twitter about a month before the game launched.

big sucessful studios usually relocate their talent to other projects

>triggered by a red hat
You have to go back


People work at Bioware for their resume then leave for something better.

After a dev delivers a project you usually have people leaving because of contracts expiring or people retiring, this is normal for any company to be looking for new talent.

Think game balance and implementation of game mechanics into the engine. Give the player a jetpack, assign stats to it and fuck with it from there. Sort of a grunt work coder.

>lead and senior positions

where's did the job security go lol?

fucking lmao, noone wants him after his meltdown and he has to start his own "indie studio" where he's "ceo"
praised be kek

Andromeda Galaxy.

>moved his made up nickname "curry thunder" from his twitter bio to his display name

I'm gonna save this for future generations

Does curry thunder stand for bad breath, or horrible farts, though?

Diarrhea which is what you get from hindu food specifically their curry that's why curry thunder.

>engine progammer
>lead gameplay programmer

Yeah, I'm sure the type of genius capable of wrangling a mandatory Frostbite development path is ready to drop everything and apply for fucking BIOWARE, people qualified for these (pretty major) positions are gonna be hitting Valve or Zenimax up before they even consider a company getting trashed by former employees

>developing games

also valve are known to also be one of the worst places to work, look at glassdoor.

>engine and gameplay

So they're going to fix up the engine so it runs well and improve gameplay further? I'm ok with this.

I'm surprised EA isn't forcing DICE to act as their live-in tech support

It's like the second largest job after the programmers dumbass. They design every aspect of the gameplay and then tell the code monkies to make it. You think programmers decide anything? They just write code

How do we know they aren't? Since the trial the improvement in stability is night and day. MP was a stutter and lag fest that was a chore to play, now it runs flawlessly, SP had so many performance issues but now they're infrequent instead of dominating. Some major fixing is going on.

>left months ago
>started an indie studio


Not months. A month, after the game went gold.

>hiring lead and senior positions

Weeeeeeew lad. Seriously hope they pay enough money to attract competent people.

>How do we know they aren't?
While they generally need a fire under their asses to be made aware of MP balance issues, I like to imagine DICE would've been grafix-saavy enough to mention that their shading, lighting, and shadows look like ass. Battlefront 3 might as well exist as a playable argument for prebaked lighting. If they're only now starting to bail them out, it's too little, too late, although SOMEONE competent had to be calling the shots given the 2016 promo vids

The guy is a faggot

But putting "very experienced" would be a joke in any other industry, I have no doubt she also puts this on her CV, its ridiculous how bioware hired her

These positions have been there for the past few months. Probably one of the few times they've advertised it on their twitter.