To all of the Spaniards and Mexicans (and all of the other irrelevant countries in South America)what was it like for...

To all of the Spaniards and Mexicans (and all of the other irrelevant countries in South America)what was it like for you to play this game? For everyone else it was extra creepy that all of the enemies were yelling at you in some gibberish language where you can't understand anything they are saying which makes it extra scary. But was this effect lost on you guys or did you still find the enemies scary when they were yelling at you in Spanish? Were you able to understand what they were saying? I only realized they were even speaking Spanish not to long ago. I knew it was in Spain but I was like 10 when I first played it so I assumed they were speaking some zombie language, I mean it's not like zombies in America yell at you in English. I even had the zombified translations of what they were trying to say in English.


Also, I heard there was some conflict with the language in that the Spaniard enemies were voiced by Mexicans. Was this noticeable to you guys? Did they sound a little off besides the fact they were zombies?

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Not a native speaker but understand the language. Funny how they give gameplay hints like warning you when they're behind you.

>But was this effect lost on you guys or did you still find the enemies scary when they were yelling at you in Spanish?

I found it less scary for that fact, and funny. Love when the Ganados say "detras de tí (behind you), imbecil!", to warn you that they are about to backstab you.

I don't remember this one

>Also, I heard there was some conflict with the language in that the Spaniard enemies were voiced by Mexicans. Was this noticeable to you guys? Did they sound a little off besides the fact they were zombies?

Eurospics always say this shit, but to me, they sound more like native english speakers talking in spanish. My evidence is when they say "puedes corer, pero no puedes esconder", as if they just translated "you can run, but you can't hide".

>I don't remember this one

something about piccadillo.

Resident Evil never was scary to be honest unless you were like 10 years old

As a Spanish person I though it was pretty funny.
In before mexican vs castillian spanish wars

RE4, it felt like the spanish version of Star Fox 64 for voice clips. I still creepily say MORIR ES VIVIR near dark and creepy places.

Oh yeah, "te voy a hacer picadillo!". I would translate it as "i'm going to tear you into pieces".

"Im gonna make mincemeat out of you"

Mexican here, it sucked off all the horror from the game, my friends and I couldn´t stop laughing.

I'm going to make you minced meat!

What was funny? Just the accents?

The funniest part, was, the los iluminados (the "the illuminated ones")

Yeah, "te voy hacer picadillo" I'm a make you into mince meat or ground beef

The only Spanish thing they said that isn't in mex Spanish is "tenemos que irnos" just some other Spanish only verb conjunction

That works too, and it's more literal.

The game takes place in Spain but the people speak mexican.
Was this a mistake or were the devs trying to say something?

This is what RE4 looked like in South America user, nothing like we got on PS2..

>Those N64 graphics

ehhhhh acá!

The same could be said about Max Payne 3. Except there is no subtitled version of the game so unless you were raised in Portugal or that hell hole Brazil you won't know anything enemies are saying. I'd just want a translation of when he first shows up to Brazil and gets robbed.

Good one

>What was funny

The fact that everybody sounds as if they are drunk.

Also hearing swearings in spanish was a novelty back then, then the latin american Gears Of War dub came and blew it out the water.

Taco user here
>Detrás de ti imbecil
>Te voy a hacer picadillo
>Morir es vivir
those made me kek all the time




Im serious Im curious why this happened.
Im going to guess mexicans voice actors were cheaper to hire

Mexicunts haven't gotten this game yet, please use spoilers

As a lifelong spanish speaker in the states, I found it hilarious that so-called spaniards sounded like fucking mexicans. It's easy to tell, too. Latin American spanish is extremely distinct from Castilan. It's mostly due to spaniards sounding like fucking Sylvester at all times.

Bullshit. I haven't seen that meme console in my mexican life.

I don't remember the granados swearing.

Difference between Spain and Mexico.

They speak Spain Spanish cuz there are lines that use the vosotros conjunction. Mex don't use it. The only argument I see you making is that they didn't really have that stupid s lisp that Spaniards have

God, normally I ignore what Eurofriends say about Amerifats being uneducated and ignorant, but not understanding basic Spanish lines while being neighbors to a Spanish speaking country is way too much for me to look away. Don't you lards have Spanish at school or something? It isn't even that difficult, OP, you should be ashamed of yourself.

avisad a los demas! alert everyone
ehhh aca! over here
de que carajos estás hablando? what the fuck are you talking about?

>mi flipante vital

Oh you are one of those retards that want to shitpost about which spanish sounds better.
No thanks.


More like this is how RE4 looked in Brazil, faggot


I speak some italian (italian-american family) so I can understand spanish to some extent

I just started playing RE4 and found it funny that it's supposed to be a village in spain but they spoke with a mexican accent with no ceceo

I took French.



> they spoke with a mexican accent with no ceceo

is because a sideeffect of las plagas

Mexican here: It was awesome for the time. It sounded a lot like Mexican spanish but really forced, like gringos trying.

It was really fun and still scary. We never cared for the accent because it was weird anyway.

Something no one say: A lot of new games are being made in Mexican spanish, like BotW and Bloodborne and they sound really good; not like this.
Oh and I just remembered: in God Hand there was a character who spoke some words in spanish too but sounded just like this game. I think Mikami and other Platinum guys find it really funny to hear

I remember laughing my ass off.

Until I ran into Salvador.

I wasn't really trying to sound superior cuz I don't like any Spanish at all being a filthy weeb I would prefer to know moonspeak but I'm a spic


Depends on where you live. Border states, yeah, you tend to get Spanish in high school, but not everywhere. If you live in Washington state or any other Northern state, not as much.

Keep in mind, Washington state to tacoland is a 27 hour drive. That'd be like learning Polish while living in Portugal.

I just loved that they would yell "Detrás de ti imbecil" when an enemy was behind you and "Míralo, está herido" when you were low on health.

>To all of the Spaniards and Mexicans (and all of the other irrelevant countries in South America)

>(and all of the other irrelevant countries in South America)

>other irrelevant countries in South America


None of those two are in South American, OP. Please phrase your bullshit correctly.

I'm Mexican and it was scary to hear someone tell you that they're going to kill you in Spanish (in English it just sounds like some Hollywood stock phrase to me) since things sound more "serious" than in English
I would say it's extra scary knowing Spanish


Is that video supposed to be Castillian Spanish? Because it sounds too latino.

Do you have any idea how fucking huge the US is? Yeah, all most of the border states and the few around them have a lot of spanish speakers and classes but good luck getting people from Oregon or North Dakota to learn it.

>South America
Yes user, the Latin American country of Spain. Right next to Portugal and Brazil

>like BotW and Bloodborne and they sound really good; not like this

Don´t forget about the peak of mexican vidya dubbing


I don't even speak Spanish but I found the accents funny as hell
They sounded like Mexican gremlins

Best one.

Never thought about it this way. Must have been comforting for a game to yell at you in spanish for a change.


Bloodborne was dubbed in Argentina. Nice dub, imo.

"Ah Kos, o como le dicen algunos Kosm".

>found some southamerican yt channel with like 3 videos about spanish weird translations/adaptations
>always complained about this so why not
>kek all the way through the first video
>then the faggot starts making shit up after he ran out of material in the second video
so this is like a popular meme over there, isn't it

ahhh que madre


they're fucking retarded everytime they try to do something spanish related
like this, using mexican voice actors for someplace that is supposed to be in spain
it's so fucking different there are times we don't understand what the fuck are mexicans/south-americans trying to say

I told a friend of mine that she would need to make me a mexican dictionary because there are a lot of words and expressions that I don't know what the fuck they mean. Also pronunciation, it's like day and night

What is it?

Huh, really? The last time I bothered listening to a spanish dub in a game was Uncharted. Lisps up the ass with that one.

Pensaba que eran gallegos.

I found it hilarious as fuck

It really was
In bloodborne, many enemies say: Este pueblo está acabado (this town is doomed) and it sounds excelent. Its some of the best translated games I've played

Get out of here you bastard!

Go away bastard / get out bastard

"Go away fucker/bastard !"

Telling you to get lost, mostly.

Fuck off, asshole. Not you user, that's a possible translation.

Go away, motherfucker

Lol me and my friends always talked about this

The enemies would often telegraph where they were or what they were about to do

translates to "behind you idiot"

So it definitely made the game easier at times

It would be the Mexican equivalent of
"Fuck of faggot"

Asshole is better translated as "capullo".






Y como olvidar: "Bienvenido a casa, buen cazador. ¿Que se te ofrece?".

>it's so fucking different there are times we don't understand

I learned Mexican Spanish and the only fucking accent i can never understand is Argentinian

I was sleepy and I laughed real hard when I heard "te voy hacer picadillo" as "I'll make you some picadillo"
Delicious. Wish more games took place in Spanish speaking countries.

Although capullo is used mostly on Spain

It was te voy hacer picadillo

Translates to im gonna turn you into mince meat

Mipha voice acting in Mexican Spanish is God tier

Why did they offer to make you some mince meat?

Agree, since it's supposed to be in not-Spain.

Adios, querido cazador. Encuentra tu valía en el mundo de la vigilia.



The parentheses is just to include those countries in the conversation. Not to literally say Spain is South American. (although Americans generally put Mexico into the category of South America because it is south of Best America)


Wow, really makes me wish Demon's Souls had a dub. I would've loved to hear shit like TOUCH THE DEMON INSIDE ME.

>You have a heart of gold. Don't let them take it from you.

>I learned Mexican Spanish
I'm sorry user

>tfw been a zeldafag all my life
>my country gets the best dub

The entire time I thought I was in Nacholand killing Mexicans.Wtf it was in Europe? I thought they only spoke White over there.

stockpile thomas gave me big fucking feels
poor man

>mfw he cries

>all of the other irrelevant countries in South America

I agree with this, all South American countries (except Brazil) are irrelevant as fuck.

Nice meme, but he learned the most badass one.

t. mexican