There's no way she didn't fuck Ryder's dad.
There's no way she didn't fuck Ryder's dad
All of Alec's duties are now Scott's.
>In tight-knit group of pansexual, open-minded warrior babes that are DTF
>Refuses to touch any of them
The wettest blanket to ever live.
>tfw instead of playing as a grizzled N7 operative banging his devoted protegee every night we get a twentysomething numale
>During her sex scene when you grab her ass her butt cheeks slightly spread apart
Well we now know where the entirety of Bioware's animation budget went
>2015, you can't judge a person's sexuality by what they look like
>2016, you can't judge a persons gender by what they look like
>2017, do both for a fictional character
so she is the illusive man's daughter right?
>Mud colored eyes
>Illusive Man's daughter
>He thinks Blue eyes are a sole European trait
I have bad news for you, Sup Forumsack.
>still no model to shove dicks in to
It's not fair, toobie's model took 3 days :(
If it does it's very slight, more a hip movement than anything
I'm pretty sure his point was that the Illusive Man had really bizarre eyes
He got that during the war between the Turians. Found some Reaper tech and got infected with that. I doubt it's inheritable.
Illusive man's eyes were funky because of augs.
Regardless, no, as far as I know from what I can stand of watching this game, he isn't her father.
>Posts all previous dominions, colonies and outposts of a European Empire.
Implants and shit, i doubt he was naturally blue
It's way more likely Bioware writers simply didn't realize that they've given the same surname to two major characters rather than there being a connection.
So she's worried about getting Super Gonorrhea?
I can understand that.
>can add shitty neck tattoos to your Ryder
>people actually do this
>people around this Ryder call him a pathfinder and trust his judgment on where to call home
I'm not saying they were his natural color, I'm saying that's probably what that other user was saying, even if it was stupid.
I haven't played the game, but from I've heard Cora is this badass who rolled with asari commandos and was actually trained by Daddy Ryder to be the Pathfinder, and then got passed over for some 22 year old rookie because nepotism? That's retarded.
desu I would have like playing Blue Shrek more
It's not nepotism, it's Papa Ryder deciding to fuse you with his AI, which is invaluable and irreplacable to a Pathfinder, saving your life over his in a hostile environment. You become Pathfinder by default because removing the AI from your nervous system would kill you.
Cora would have been a really shitty Pathfinder anyway. She's a hero-worshipper who can't perceive faults in her idols and uses her perception and experience of them to guide all of her actions. She can't make a choice on her own, she just does what she thinks one of her heroes would do.
Mentor-protégée relationships are the best.
Should have let you pick the race of your character but nah....fuck it. Let's marketing it with a female human league who has autism. Look how inclusive they are!
Why the fuck can't I be a Krogan? Why? Because it would involve effort.
>multiple races
>each has two fully voiced genders
It's too much to expect from any company, let alone Bioware.
Not to mention you can't really have a set story when your character doesn't have a set race. A krogan would be way different than a human.