ITT : games you waited so long for you lie, lied, or will lie to yourself about it being good
Confessional Time
Every damn movie
I watched every fucking thing
But mad max was a decent game
Speaking of which , as a tester for the new Friday the 13th game, I legitimately apologize to the user who said in a thread he watched every movie shortly after the announcement.
It will NOT be that good.
X: Rebirth
Sure it was decent but it was no where no ways a good game
Is Rain World even out for you to say that?
No Man's Sky
i blew $90 on the limited edition and deluded myself thinking it was good
instead, only spent 4 hours and a bottle of xanax
Comes out tomorrow but the reviews say its super shit
Followed the creator since day 1 on twitter. Felt pretty obliged to preorder it.
Too bad its so horribly designed savescum wise. Losing 20 minutes of progress would make me delete the game and people say it WILL happen on everyone's playthroughs, multiple times even
>X: Rebirth
Shit user, I'm pretty good at lying to myself that things are better than they are but that's beyond me.
>lying to yourself
That's just silly user
I've waited pretty fucking long for Rain World and Routine though, they better be decent
>tfw you had multiple friends trying their hardest to get you to pre-order it with them by hyping the shit out of it
>but you still didn't buy it
Honestly, the only reason I didn't was because $60 for an indie game sounded retarded. Glad my cheap-skate tendencies helped me dodged a bullet.
>Glad my cheap-skate tendencies helped me dodged a bullet.
i wish i had that sense. having a job makes you very loose on spending money. learned the lesson the hard way
>Losing 20 minutes of progress
I'm pretty sure I've lost more time from playing Megaman games
not clicking that. what does this picture have to do with it?
>rule 34
i swear i wasn't aware.
Rainworld comes out tonight
Should i get it or no?
bumping for a damn answer because it is literally out in a few damn hours with preorder bonus
a game being hard will make you delete it?
Having to repeat the same fucking level after close to half an hour suffering through it would
Jesus Christ is someone is going to die, just take away some bonus points used to unlock shit for next playthrough or something
ign gave it a 6/10 because
beautiful environments, incredible animations, and fantastic mechanics (those are the words they use) are outweighed because the difficulty is "cruel"
basically its a git gud game
Watch a trailer and decide for yourself.
>Vagrant Story II
the review i just watched gave it a 6 for being too hard. I fucking hate this industry
How about I consult the videogame board you fucking dumb ass nigger. Think before you write.
Do you honestly base all your purchases based on Sup Forums's opinion?
No wonder shilling happens so often around here.
A game can be hard for the wrong reasons dude, you know this.
so far ign is the only one giving it a shitty score, everyone else is giving it at least an 8 that I can see.
it's a bad game if you're casual
heres a snippit from a review
Rain World requires improvisation and smarts, and there’s no way to trick it into being easier. The early hours are taxing, and in all honesty, it continues to be taxing. It’s not relaxing. It’s not a game to wash away your daily worries with. But the variety of the world’s barren landscapes will keep the determined pushing on, and the seemingly insurmountable challenges are, well, surmountable, but not thanks to 'tricks' per se. You just have to be smart about it. You have to learn—and then very vaguely know—how to survive. You have to accept that sometimes you’ll be unlucky. Is that too demanding? For the vast majority of players, I expect it is. For those with the time and patience, Rain World will prove unforgettable.
I would rather base my purchases on the opinions of people who do nothing but circulate gaming mechanics, info on game devs, and other gaming shit that would help me better decide if I should buy a game instead of dishonest trailers that make games out to be masterpieces you fucking idiot.
this is some next level trolling
Thats not a bad review. The last word makes me think itll be worth it for the story so I might as well leave thread before spoilers.
>Tfw was following Starbound ever since it got revealed
Mistakes were made
Aren't there several reviews praising it?
And somehow I doubt these reviewers actually understood the entire point of the game, that being the AI.
Let me guess, they lament the lack of extra abilities and useless crap like that?
>"no way to trick it into being easier" 6/10
>games with brain dead AI like nuraider and uncharted get 9s and 10s
every day I find more and more reasons to just stop playing video games
the only thing people have been hammering it for is the difficulty, and some of them are mad because the game isn't hand holdy enough with how the mechanics work and you're left to just experiment and figure them out
Thought about that game daily until release, watched the trailers again and again.
why do reviews or what other people think harm your enjoyment of video games?
Clunky controls and the RNG with predator/prey placement can place you in a no-win situation
>watched trailers again and again
Used to think I was autistic. I do this for movies
It's the first game I ever preordered because I'm short on cash and in a borderline third world country. But I know this game will be fun for me for the creature designs and AI moments alone. If that doesn't trigger your inner comfy and you didn't love creature puzzles/interactions like in the first two Oddworld games, I wouldn't recommend it.
When I found out the game is difficult, it only made my dick harder. You're supposed to repeat sections in this game - if not by dying, then by having to retreat to a shelter to avoid rain. Every time will be slightly different though because a killed creature means an empty den that another creature can set up in. The lure of this game is that every area is persistent and creatures go about their way and do their thing. You won't really catch them doing the same things over and over again. Even if you don't kill any, they can kill each other meaning different creatures can spawn in their place.
babbys first physics platformer
It's not actually RNG. It looks like RNG because creatures do things off-screen.
And somehow I think "no-win" is only "no-win" in the eyes of overworked reviewers who just want the review done with.
Keep in mind that only reviewers have access to this game until tomorrow. Not even kickstarter backers have access to it.
In any case, you only save about 4 bucks by preordering so you might as well wait and see what normal gamers think about it. It will also release on GOG meaning it will be easily torrentable within days so you can easily check if you like it. I only preordered it because I'm really impressed with it and want to support the dev.
But only the soundtrack is randomly generated.
Same to be quite honest. It looks right up my alley and I can afford to waste the extra bucks.
Snake Pass also comes out tomorrow and YL in a few weeks. Fug.
>not playing through the solo campaign
>not getting a gf in time for 2 player coop to come out
>not playing through it a second time with your gf while you have some experience
>not doing everything you can to protect her smile
>2 player coop
Oh shit, that's awesome.
Jesus fuck I dont even do multiplayer in games anymore. The only multiplayer that ever mattered was The Last of Us because of the trying to protect group till end dynamic
I just want a good story is that too much to ask
Yooka Laylee.
Not really the appeal to me since I don't think anyone I know will be buying this game.
Shit like picture related is what I'm in it for.
That's fucking cool
This game seems neat
>learning AI
>They didn't intend for the tongue to be a method of locomotion
While that's fucking cool, I find it hard to believe they didn't consider it when they made the tongue a limb.
Do it it's 16 bucks; game critics are massive fags
There's an entire forum devblog probably containing a few more stories like this, but I'm trying not to read it until after I finish the game.
That's pretty tasteless user.
The tongue is retractable, the lizards don't move around with it out. I think they only shoot it out during combat and then it sticks to shit.
I think this is an early gif judging by the graphics and color of the spear, I don't know if it still works like this:
I don't know, I kinda buy it that they were surprised. Only two guys working on this game.
this is a good tip, you can feed predators to other predators. I'm already learning
I feel so dirty reading that. Like i spoiled a bit of the game for myself. Like a cheater almost.
I think that's actually among the more basic things you have to learn in the game. I think most of it will be trying to pit creatures against each other, with the trick being to learn habits of various creatures and finding ways to make that happen.
I already just know there is going to be a creature with bait that looks like those berries, and I'm going to go to pluck one and get sucked up into its mouth
I haven't seen anything suggesting there is a creature that does this, but I know it will happen, and I'm already sad about it
you'll think at first, heh easy food, I can just pluck these suckers. Then SHLOOP chomp
from then on you can bet you're going to start knocking them down with rocks or something instead
I think you only eats bats in this game. I don't know for sure though.
In my opinion is an excellent game and personal 2017 GOTY so far. But it could be better.
Dark souls 2 at release.
I remember posting doing massive damage control. I replayed it recently and I'm not as mad as I once was
I watched the first 7 minutes, there are berries hanging from vines
Yeah, you can bet there will be berry traps then. I checked dev's steam profile, he's really into dark souls, so yeah.
>Dark Souls
What if one of the areas is just one big Mimic?
How can the entire area be a mimic?
Multiple arms acting as branches of a bountiful tree, with the fingers of the hands rounded to look like bannanas
Or the fingers have big red bulbous pimples on them that could look like bright red fruit. Pus oozing from the tree looks like sap.
actually sounds like a good boss fight.
Why was this even deleted?