$40 for Street Fighter 2

>$40 for Street Fighter 2

Holy fuck Capcom.

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Being poor must suck

They gotta recoup the losses from SFV somehow

>final challengers

does this mean ryu finally becomes super sand?

>paying 40$ for a fucking rom
i think it has more to do with having more than 3 brain cells

>Hyper Street Fighter II was better than this shit


This is why you go for NeoGeo.

Typical drone reply.

>paying less than full price for a classic
You should be grateful

The Nintendo Cartridge Tax is back in full swing, I see.

>doing a quarter-circle on the joycon directional buttons
>even trying to do a quarter-circle on even the pro controller

No thanks.

Just how mad do you think David Sirlin is?

$40 is chump change. I wipe my ass with more.
Try getting a job you worthless NEETs

>10$ for sfv
holy fuck JUST

is that bengus art? holy shit what happened

>take old game
>slap ultra on the title
>new game

I drew the line at arcade edition after that i never bought a street fighter game.

Why doesn't capcom make a SF collection? Like 2, Alpha, and III. With online?

anything that isnt 3rd strike or alpha 3 is shit


Capcom is bad.

Ok I love Nintendo like the next guy, but $40 for a sprite-based fighting game? Not feeling it desu unless they add features other than "Lol arcade mode and 1v1 xD"

It got HD re-release a few years ago, it just sold like shit because 3rd strike is overrated.

The fuck do they expect people to play this on? Fucking JOYCONS?

probably because third strike is a broken mess Just like the alpha series.

I wouldn't mind a more balanced version of third strike with one or 2 more characters, maybe a playable version of Gill that is not complete bonkers but SF3 is broken as fuck and not many people would buy it.

It is a rebalanced port of a ps3/360 game with 2v1 and a first person mode that looks terrible

How is 3rd Strike broken?

Just pay $70 for the pro controller like a good goy

I would suck this game's dick. It already has my money.

Didn't they say the SF2 coming to eShop eventually will have online added to it?

motion controls

>He didn't buy a pro controller

they need to stop making remakes of this game

>Hired the same retarded and utterly shit artist who did the story mode art for SFV



>$40 for Street Fighter 2
B-B-But it has an all new first person mode!!!...

The question is will it sell more than SFV?

That's this version.

It also has Evil Ryu and Violent Ken.


I probably would have bought a Switch for Darkstalkers.
I bought a PSP for it.

>violent ken

hahahah wtf


Not even a training mode? Or some minigames? :(

He was already in Capcom vs Tatsunoko or whatever its called

good goy, keep spending and consuming trivial shit

never question business practices or whether you need something or not

hhahaha what a terrible idea

With more losses because no one will buy this one?

Will there be online? If so I will still buy it because I'm a fucking retard

Back in my day you could play Street Fighter 2 for a quarter

SvC Chaos, literally an SNK game

but why violent ken, did he earn that name by abusing eliza ?

It'll distract the normies.

>Bruh, watch me throw a HA-doo-kin! *burp* SAFETY!

This looks so ridiculous and not in a charming way.

Come on guys you should have learned after SFxT to not buy capcom fighting games anymore.

At least after SFXT AND SF5 people should have learned.

Chun and Yun are pretty much easy mode, balance is all over the place, some specials are fucking godlike while other are pretty much worthless, Parries hurt more the game than actually help it since some characters have so much recover/start up for their moves that parrying those move is usually easy as fuck so reach ends up being more of an risk than an actual advantage. Some characters do shitloads of damage and have lots of opportunities to get in while others don't and have to work 2 or 3 times more just to not get destroyed which just shows how huge is the gap between the character tiers in this game.

With another version they might actually fix that but we are talking about current capcom here, they are going to fix one thing and break other 2.

No Eliza abused him and that turned him violent. Like the proletariat he rose up to fight his oppressor

another great gimmick brought to you by nintendo

The problem isn't that it's in sprites, my dear, stupid, namefag. The problem is that it's a fucking rehash with two mugen characters added in

Why's everyone blaming Nintendo for capcoms choice to charge so much for this

Yup. And I will fuck you up boi.

being a capdrone actually sucks, but capdrones don't realize it because they suck ono's dick and drink his poo 24/7

Have a (You) on the house

/v wants any excuse to hate on Nintendo. I'm amazed this thread hasn't desolved into a BotW shitpost already


Street Fighter II is the greatest fighting game of all times. At launch it should be priced full, and eventually go to a sale price, like every new game release.

surely he's too busy laughing all the way to the bank with "chess 2"

and this is part of the reason kofxiv went 3d

the other part was just that it took forever

>Literally Wii 2.0


You do realize that in the unholy event USF2 sells well enough, Capcom said they'll port it to other systems, right?


ill just wait for the super ultra alpha fighters edition with all the characters and two new costume colors

>You do realize that in the unholy event USF2 sells well enough, Capcom said they'll port it to other systems, right?
who cares, why would people want this game, let alone buy it multiple times for other systems

FGC drones and nostalgiafag normies.

>whoa, this is just like when i played it on snes!

>guy bitch slaps that faggot
>"you better mean arcade you piece of shit casual"
>"h-hai sensei"
>"now scrub deez nuts nigga"

If it was a


What the fuck is up Sagat in that box art?


Is it true Infiltration got hair plugs?

Feel kind of bad for Capcom - I was kind of excited for this and wanted a street fighter game but... $40 is too much and I don't even buy capcom games right away since they'll go on sale eventually. $25 would have been an easier to swallow pill.

yes, now he wears hats and hoodies to hide his hair till it is finished.

So just buy literally any street fighter game already out. SF2 has been beaten to death.

Should've just shaved it and work out.

>not knowing snes faggots get their shit beat in for not playing arcade versions of sf2 and final fight
snesfags don't know about my 2 player 3 character final fight with no sid/billy and no missing stages


I think it is for his fiance and I believe being bald in Asia has gay connotations.

So is it true they fixed the shit from SSF2THD?

Yeah, it's based on ST, not HD Remix.


You mean like reverting them to super turbo status?

The HD art is still disgustingly fucking ugly. Why they think it looks appealing is beyond me. Would have bought it if it was just Turbo with online.

Sweet, only downside is the cover art now.
It lets you play with the original visuals

you knew to this bait thing boy?

I mean specifically for Switch. I just hope Capcom doesn't use this to gauge interest and go "oh no one wanted our overpriced port! Guess we're done with Switch"

>Like the proletariat he rose up to fight his oppressor

Now his outfit makes sense. Thanks, comrade Red Ken!

>being an snesfag

If it is 100% based on HDR then it will have the same problem of not being able to switch off the HD on the backgrounds

>It lets you play with the original visuals
Whoa wait, fuck didn't know that. Okay, that's better. Still seems like a complete rip off paying 40 for this when it was way less on the 360.

>what is the value of a dollar

What the fuck?

Here's what it looks like

Also custom color palets

is that so? no more honda stored butt slams and chunli stored supers? no more easy access spd's so people have to be more honest with them? cammy still dramatically outclassed by nearly every character?

>2 recolors totally makes it worth $40 guys!

>custom color palets


that's neat