PS2 era graphics in 2017

>PS2 era graphics in 2017

Why is this allowed?

Cuck Effect Andromeda is the game people like you deserve


Looks better than most AAA games.

if i see that fucking cat one more time

It looks great you double nigger.

The only thing I am disappointed is not having 4k support.


I think it's great that they let an autist that hates straight lines design their UI

Really says a lot about the world

Persona 4 was on PS2.

You'd have to be fucking blind if you think Persona 5 isn't a huge leap from Persona 4 graphics-wise.

Now I face out I hold out

It's true. That looks like a 6th gen game rendering at a higher resolution. Look how poor and low res most of the textures in that scene are.

Is this the biggest downgrade in game history?

i want to fuck that cat (male)

it was developed with 2006 hardware in mind, what do you expect?

The graphics are good but the fact that it has aliasing on PS4 is fucking ridiculous since it's literally a PS3 game.

Huge is an overstatement but there is a notable jump yes. The PS2 couldn't run this game but only because of the character models, really.

The artstyle is pretty good though

Actually I take this back, I remember someone ported P5 models into P4 already.

P5 could probably run on a PS2 if optimized properly.

Could it be more obvious that OP was like 7 when the PS3 came out and has never even played a PS2 game

It's not a bad thing to look like a PS2 game. It's just a fact that some modern titles are comparable to ancient games.

>back off

as opposed to figuratively back off?

>Hating on the best RPG UI in a decade
Off thyself

But it's okay when Zelda does it. Okay.

OP confirmed for never owning a PS2.

>I remember someone ported P5 models into P4 already.
Didn't happen.
>P5 could probably run on a PS2 if optimized properly.


>PS4 version doesn't run at 60 fps


You clearly don't remember PS2 graphics.

>Didn't happen.

Not PS2 graphics. Also this is a screenshot from the PS3 version, looking at the poor AA.

Pic related is how it looks on PS4. Try harder.

>the true ending is DLC
people will defend this

PS2 couldn't run that.

>She plays persona for the graphics

>samefagging this hard
Stop screeching.

If you put P5 at PS2 resolutions it would look worse than PS2 games.

Its a model viewer you dumb fucking nigger.

could be worse

Its okay kid, its not your fault you weren't born early enough to have a PS2.

You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

>the year is 2025
>PS5 pro era
>people will still claim a new game with a non-realistic art style could run on the PS2

PS2 simply didn't support pixel shaders so normal maps and all the complex shader operations P5 has could not be done. it could render the models themselves though, sure. probably not in every character/environment combination in the actual P5 though

>Claims it looks like a PS2 game.
>Never actually saw a PS2 game.
>You don't know what you're talking about.

You're trying too hard.

I will if the ending is fucking rad

Im not really sure the art style lends itself to anything close to good graphics.


>complexx shader operations
Loving every laugh.

Because the gameplay, story and slinks are why people play persona not MUH GRAPHIX

i can be yuor angle or you're devil

>PS2 couldnt use normal maps

I've been playing too much P3P lately so I'd almost forgotten what the original P3 looked like. I'd play FES instead, but I just find Portable to be just way too convenient.

You've never owned a PS2.

I feel yah. After going through P3P about 6 times I just got used to it.

Because weebs are autistic, making them insensitive to things that aren't directly related to mechanical algorithms.

Those are obviously N64 level graphics.
I am an expert on bad graphics and comparing them to older systems like for instance just look at these NEs graphics.

Is Igor fake?

Is that some PS1 game.

The difference is that Sega is trying to trigger some feeling of nostalgia and thus these graphics are intentional. Many weeb developers are lazy as shit. Look at Tales of Berseria. Good game. EARLY PS3 graphics.

art-style > graphics always

good art style can make up for shit graphics but good graphics cant make up for shit art style

He is obviously being silly on purpose.

This is a certified legit genesis game from the 90s, I know it.


>PS2 era graphics
Replay a ps2 game.

This looks better than anything in P5.

This would look just like P5 if you added contrast.

Oh wow a dating sim for weebs

lmao everything you have posted itt is stupid and wrong

Neck yourself

Probably because it was supposed to come out for the PS3 but then delayed the living fuck out of it to get it on ps4 to get more sales.

Isn't the entire point of this too look like an anime?

That doesnt excuse the ps2 tier grafix

P3 looks a fuck lot worse than that when it's in native resolution with no added features

Except its not PS2 tier graphics. You're really giving away your underage status.

>PS2 era graphics

Get those eyes checked pablo.

Looks good to me.

Better than the trash made with Blender that strives for hyperrealistic MSXX FXAA RSPA SJFFx16 supersampled god rays shining on all of the ambient occlusion in 4K.


I've seen ps2 graphics used as an insult so many times, but I'm starting to think that everyone forgot what games on the ps2 actually looked like.

it's an insult? mgs 2;3, kh2, okami and bunch of other games look efin good on ps2

Who gives a shit. It has the anime atheistic carrying it. Better hardware or graphics would hardly do anything for it outside of a more clearer picture and less jaggies.

It's very complex, most of the stuff they faked with textures back in the day is now being done completely in the shader. Model gradients, fake rim light, NPR rendering in general... The degree of complexity doesn't even matter though. PS2 couldn't do pixel shaders so it couldn't even do a lesser version of these things.

You can efin swear here

b-but wazup?

>>the true ending is DLC

Wait, what?

>look efin good
this is some low grade bait my man

It is literally a PS3 game. It got released in the PS3.

Asura's wrath was some shit

>PS2 era

Actually, it looks like a slight step up from Catherine.

Dumb console peasant, thanks for lowering the standards.

Why are graphics whores still a thing?
If it's not uncanny valley, counter-intuitive to the gameplay, or eye-bleedingly bad then there's nothing worth complaining about.

I agree.
I guess some people would actually consider this "eye-bleedingly bad" though...

>games that look like anime
Why is this allowed? Seriously.

>post 1
>post 2: reply to post 1
>post 3: reply to post 1: see post 2


You must have had the bestest PS2 in the entire world.

Then get a PC if you want superior graphics poorfag. It's what I did. Consoles aren't meant for high graphical fidelity and if you think they are, then you're a fucking moron.

So weebs eat that shit up no mattter how bad it is

>It took 5 years to develop this game

Which is worse, this or MEA?

So they can pump out PS3 looking games to cut development costs. Still, it's a turn based waifu game anyways. Who gives a shit about graphics with a game like this.

>rerelease with an epilogue is worse than DLC that gives the game a canon ending.

Wow, okay. So Persona 4 Golden also falls into that worse category? Most of the KH games that got final mix versions, Tales of Graces f, Tales of Hearts R and Innocence R, and several others enhanced rerelease do games would also fall into that category.

You're just mad you bought the original game Day 1 like a good fan goyim, instead of waiting, right?

You forgot the part where they hold exclusives hostage on their shitty hardwares

Start that petition

Shut up, you d-bag perverts

last two digits of my post are P5's metacritic score

i wasn't talking to you Seikamoutou

only cucks

S-shut up, TakeyMakey!

Isn't this game made using GameBryo? Just press the port to Steam button.
