
>Phantom Leviathan is in the process of being rigged and animated, it's happening.
>Cyclops submarine will be damageable and destroyable, but will have a health bar, a protective energy shield, and several speed modes including Stealth Mode as well as sonar.
>Hostile creatures will soon be able to react to nearby noise, growing angrier and attacking things that are louder than a certain volume. This includes the Leviathans.
>Story content being added at a brisk clip every few days

Hype levels increasing.

Other urls found in this thread:

>>Cyclops being destroyable

Oh dear sweet baby Jesus, I knew this was coming but I don't want reaper
Leviathans to rip through the hull like some sort of elderitch flesh missile.l

So does this mean my base is gunna get rekt once they hear me running around inside it?

Maybe not, but once you install that fancy new bioreactor... Oh boy. Ooooooh boy.

I'm sure it won't be THAT fragile.

I think the sounds they'll react to are things like Water Filtration Machines, Bioreactors, and Nuclear Reactors. Don't know if having a large number of them running will trigger the fauna, or how far away it will affect them from.

like MAN i just cant get over how stupid those designs are. at least the new big guy has a design thats not gooftarded

Well fuck. All the time and effort I spent into making my little base way deeper than I should of.

Is the Phantom Leviathan the new biggest guy or is the Sea Emperor still biggest?

At least the Dragon makes sense storywise.
IIRC, once the Precursors found the Emperor, they started pumping native life forms full of gene grafts.
My guess is that the Dragons are actually hybrids of Emperor and Lava Lizard

Ghost is about as big as the Reaper.


Nah, you're right plenty of time to panic as the dunpster of the sea fills up with sea water and drags us down to a watery Leviathan poop death

>co-op multiplayer canned

who gives a shit

My only solace was being safe in a Cyclops and Sea Dragons being relatively passive.

Are Ghost Leviathans more dangerous than normal ones?

Subnautica is better off alone in my opinion.
Survival horror is best when the player is totally alone.

Isn't Phantom Leviathan still planned for post release or do they have the time to put it in for launch?

Also, the devs confirmed an expansion I believe. What would you like to see in it?

Since the H2O update most machines can't run it at 30fps.
Multiplayer would be way too much.


Why is there no indication in-game that waterproof lockers are broken?

No griefing people with torpedos. This upsets me.

i find nothing about the game horrifying. Its a crafting and theme park game with very little reason to explore beyond a certain depth because theres nothing to do once youve gotten there.

have they fixed that yet? I remember last time I played there was like all of 15 minutes of storyline

So, what did the ocean do to you, really?

I only ever hear about this game on Sup Forums, and every time I do it's just this image. Someone give me some info on it, what's it coming to, genre, etc. etc.

Nigga, the scary part is the ocean its self.
Shit is terrifying.

nothing, it was empty and pointless, just like this game after getting to the crash site for the first time

Where does Sup Forums consider the best places for bases? So far I have one:
>in the kelp forest just before the grand reef entrance
>in the koosh zone above and next to one of the thermal vents
>on the smoker plateau in the Lost River before the tree

Anybody else take a deep breath every time they surface

They put a giant skull on the plateau.

What kind of underwater game doesn't have a fucking speargun.

A shit one

This game does have a speargun, right?


>like clockwork

This isn't Resident Evil, people, and you already have plenty of tools for dealing with aggressive beasts.

When was the last time you played it?

>sand on the ocean bottom
>there are hills


>defending the non-inclusion of a speargun in a diving game

Fug. I should check out what's changed. Haven't played in a few weeks.

I decided to start a new game, and found out about the skull in the new game.
It was probably a good idea I wiped my old save, otherwise my old base would have been wrecked by the skull.

Nigger I'm not talking about regular guns, I get that the dev is a giant pussy. Spearguns shouldn't trigger his gungrabbing hatred and the game is practically begging for it

after they added the diving suit into the game

>You can lose your Cyclops
Oh god, why.
I use that thing as a mobile base. That means everything inside gets deleted on it breaking, yeah?

Nah it'll probably just exploded and send all your stuff to the sea floor.

>Subnautica deepest depth is around 1500m
>yfw you realize the AVERAGE depth of our ocean is 2.5 times that

I shit my pants everytime I look down into the deep depths in-game.
And real life is so much worse.

Why do you need a speargun when you have a propulsion cannon that grabs thing and fires exploding fish?

It'll be in large chunks, and you can salvage things from it.

Because they don't want it nigger.
You can't feel afraid of something if you can just beat the shit out of it.
And you can already do that with a drill and hook so who even cares at this point.

Oh my

>Only frog posters want guns.

Okay, that's infinitely less terrifying.

The deepest depth to the seabed is around 500-600m. Beyond that is underground.

Kinda disappointing actually. I find caves less scary than open ocean.

For the aesthetic, man. I don't want some damn cannon I want a fucking SPEARGUN.


I am no frogposting plebeian.

It's because there is less scary shit in caves.
Fucking crab snakes, bone sharks and the occasional biter.
They need to add those giant cave smasher crabs they have concept art of.

They're removing Terraforming, so I doubt the Rock Puncher is getting in either.

Weren't they going to add that back in once the game was more stable?

Rock punchers can still smash the shit out of the boulders you find around the place.

Terraforming is already removed and they said they weren't going to add it back in.

This guy swims up and slaps your Seamoth's ass.
>wat do

Sorry. It didn't actually terraform if i remember it's description correctly.
more like it was a territorial creature that attacked anything that got near it by lifting up its hammer like claws and smashing them into the ground
Mix that with the confined spaces of the tunnels would be pretty scary.

>really enjoy the game at the beginning
>this shit is actually pretty fun and cool
>kind of comfy too
>then I get deep
>start to figure out my previous life of having no fears or phobias is coming to a halt
>realize I'm afraid of the deep sea
>don't know why but I can't look down into the sudden drop when I'm going to the front of the Aurora
>The Reaper Leviathan scares the shit out of me and there is apparently worse out there
>have issues going anywhere at dark
>Absolutely love the exploration and everything but don't know if I can make it in the cave systems

>Now my only solace and safe haven in the game is being taken away

They removed the Terraformer, but some artifacts of it (destructible terrain) are still lying around. Once the terrain becomes a static mesh, it'll be gone for real.

Oh. Well that makes more sense then.

You'll feel much better once you get the PRAWN

Holy shit this so much

The caverns get really claustrophobic, but open up into a fiery hell eventually.

And they ain't adding it back?
Gay. I loved my terraformer.

So....... No Man's Sky but... underwater and only for XBone and Steam? ...meh.

>No Man's Sky

Except didn't promise way too much shit and actually adds things.

>So....... No Man's Sky but...

No, nothing like No Mans Sky.

That fear goes away the moment you take a look at its smiling cartoon face.

Then comes right back once he starts roasting your PRAWN.
>tfw fireballs have no hit registry
>tfw you just hear a roar and the suit's hull integrity drops by 30

Why make real guns when it's already more fun having the gravity gun.

its actually strikingly similar in its gameplay elements.

harvest shit, craft shit, move to another area, harvest some other shit

there's really no purpose to any of it other than theme parking ocean autists

A very simple and easy way for the Rock Puncher to do his intended thing using the Large Resource Desposits.

-Take one of the Metal deposits and retexture it to a rock look
-Scale it up 2x-3x its normal size
-Instead of small metal chucks, have it release Rockgrubs when fractured
-Have the Rock Puncher approach it and give it two or three solid whacks to fracture it and release Rockgrubs which it then eats and then move away
-Rock Deposit remains at current broken state until completely smashed apart, respawns after a couple of days

And booya, Rocky makes it in and has things to punch and affect. It can also be a hazard to bases, if they're too large and/or noisy. The Crag Field, Dunes, and Mountains would be good places for the Rock Puncher to live.

The difference is that there's a proper story.

The difference is it's not randomly generated trash. The world isn't barren of anything interesting because the environment is hand crafted

10 minutes of exposition on where your ship is and that there was another crash is not a proper story

Sure, they're exactly alike, if you ignore everything that's different and ignore that there's a story with an ending to Subnautica.

Ever seen a crocodile? They have that same smile, and like the Sea Dragon they're far from silly.

Alligators look like they are smiling. Does that mean you lose all sense of fear when next to one?

I wish I wasn't too much of a pussy to play this game, I've barely left the shallow end

Nigger did you even play the game?

>I'm going to keep saying retarded shit because I want to win this argument, damn it!

Your end goal is to cure yourself of the Carar by helping the Sea Empress hatch her eggs, then shut off the Enforcement Platform, then build a rocket and escape.

are those elements in the game yet?

They just added the Primary Facility, so it's almost there.
In other words, no, but it will be soon.

Now I want some base defense modules. Electric fields, mines, HARPOON TURRETS

They'll add ways to defend your base as well.

Would an ultrasonic "dog whistle" be enough to deter hostile creatures?

>what you said was retarded!
>but also, you are right

get back to work, devs

Will there be mod tools

Just because it's not fully implemented doesn't mean it doesn't exist, retard.

>them working on it as we speak is exactly like it's not ever going to be in!


I really hope the devs do put him in. He already has some animations when they put him on hold, and the game needs more crustacean-type creatures.


Needs more creatures form concept art

Those coral grabbers look fucking cool

They give me naughty vore fantasies.

>tfw can't run the game on my shitty laptop without the ocean surface going all rainbow colored
I just want to immerse myself in the game, is that too much to ask?

wow, so, a survival game?


There needs to be more passive megafauna


>only for Steam?

You what? ONLY for Steam? Nigga you retarded.

games needs a ship between the Seamoth and Cyclops

>Start a new game

I want a submarine that can hold both the Seamoth and the PRAWN at the same time.